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This ordinariness is just as unknown as psychedelic "states"

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You're accustomed to this, so you think another this is more true. This room, this chair, this computer, it is all "known," therefore this can't be it. I know what this is, it's therefore wrong and not what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a deeper this, a more exciting all knowing totally different this, then and only then will this be it. What if this ordinariness is just as unknown as a trip on 5-meo dmt, lsd or mushrooms? This is only dead and real because you think you know it, you have absolutely no fucking clue wtf this is, This is total unknowingness appearing as something known. <3 

Edited by traveler

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How do I find out exactly what "this" is, I am aware that these are not physical objects, just merely shapes and colors on a multi dimensional field of consciousness.

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40 minutes ago, WhatAWondefulWorld said:

How do I find out exactly what "this" is, I am aware that these are not physical objects, just merely shapes and colors on a multi dimensional field of consciousness.

It's just this. There is no it to be this, a more accurate pointing would be "this". 

There can be an experience of a person separate from everything, limited to the body. An experience of an outside and an inside. Of something else. An illusion, because it's not actually happening. You want a this that you can understand and know, you want separate this. If this is all there is, how can you know it? Knowing can only appear IN this, this is totally unknown. There is literally no way to express this through words, words are dualistic in nature, they are this.

This can't be found. 

Edited by traveler

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@traveler so basically I just have to sit in direct experience and be "this" to know what "this" is. No words can explain "this", it can only be known through direct experience of "this".

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5 minutes ago, WhatAWondefulWorld said:

@traveler so basically I just have to sit in direct experience and be "this" to know what "this" is. No words can explain "this", it can only be known through direct experience of "this".

Stop searching, you won't find it. "this" is not a concept, it is not pointing to anything. The individual wants an ending and final destination, full knowing. If the need for knowing falls away, what is left? 

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@traveler I am aware that "this" isn't a concept. its is right here right now, These experiences that are happening right this moment. That is what "this" is right?

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1 minute ago, WhatAWondefulWorld said:

@traveler I am aware that "this" isn't a concept. its is right here right now, These experiences that are happening right this moment. That is what "this" is right?

There is nothing outside or inside of this. You wanna know that you have arrived, but you are in your own way. You wanna transcend yourself and know that you have done it. It's the end of the seeker. The energy is looking for something else. It's experience is that this is real, and that this has to be overcome. It can't be overcome, because there is nothing to overcome, trying to overcome it makes it even more real. There is literally nothing to do, this is what is. 

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Yes, it is unknown. But this ordinariness state is not infinite omniscience.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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It is just as deeply mysterious as any psychedelic state... yes such an important insight. Lately Ive been feeling like Im tripping just being dead sober because this insight has been becoming increasingly obvious. Absolute truth is true no matter what the state. The key is having the consciousness, the awareness, the meta view of the contents of all states to see this. There is still immense value with entering into radically altered states of consciousness as these states throw all of your fears up, and show you the many ways you’re bullshitting yourself but eventually, one needs to come down off the mountain and embody the wisdom. 

The distinction between content vs. structure is very important here. Watch Leo’s video. Basically though, all states are content but what is the structure of all, and I mean ALL (psychedelic, extra-dimensional, being bored out of your mind, sleepy, suffering, etc.) states of consciousness? Leveraging one’s self into this type of understanding allows one to see the lack of change between a psychedelic high and a sober state of reality. This is the gateway into true, embodied wisdom in my experience. 

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48 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Yes, it is unknown. But this ordinariness state is not infinite omniscience.

Infinite omniscience would be this appearing as infinite omniscience.

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@traveler You are either infinitely conscious or you are not.

And I gauarantee you are not. Otherwise you could not be here talking to me.

It's important to realize that you are not infinitely conscious right now. But you could be.

Infinite consciousness is highly extraordinary.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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20 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

@traveler You are either infinitely conscious or you are not.

And I gauarantee you are not. Otherwise you could not be here talking to me.

It's important to realize that you are not infinitely conscious right now. But you could be.


I'd have to imagine a different this, I'd have to imagine what infinite consciousness looks like for that to be a reality to strive for. That imagination would appear in this and would probably create unsatisfactoriness as I'm then imaging that there IS a different this. This is all there is, either appearing infinitely conscious or not. It doesn't matter. Who is the one that needs to know? 

And who is here, talking to you?

@Consilience I bet theres a quote out there encompassing the idea of going on a journey, reaching the furthest outreaches of reality and ending up right where you started.

"Before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water" close enough

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@WhatAWondefulWorld Yep. Everything you become aware of is you. When you perceive an object the object is becoming aware of itself. You do not have awareness, awareness has you.

In order for creation to be limitless and infinite its substance must also be limitless and infinite, that is why it is ultimately made of absolutely nothing. Nothingness is infinite and it has no limiting characteristics. It's like when you imagine something in a dream, it's made of nothing but you can still perceive it.



Describe a thought.

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27 minutes ago, traveler said:

I'd have to imagine a different this, I'd have to imagine what infinite consciousness looks like for that to be a reality to strive for.


And to go to Australia you'd have to imagine it first.

But notice, you are NOT in Australia. Unless you are ;)


That imagination would appear in this and would probably create unsatisfactoriness as I'm then imaging that there IS a different this.

Yes! It would create suffering as you would know you are disconnected from God's highest form.

But that's preciaely what would then drive you to higher God-realization.

As some Buddhist master once said, "Yes, end your seeking. But not too soon!"


This is all there is, either appearing infinitely conscious or not. It doesn't matter. Who is the one that needs to know? 

You imagine this ;)

And so it is.

Unfortunately sticking your head in the sand about infinite consciousness does not make you infinitely conscious. You are settling for something less.

Nothing wrong with that. You can also settle for being an egomanic. That too is fine. Who wants to stop being an egomanic?

Raising consciousness necessarily creates its own suffering. And yet we do it.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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14 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:


And to go to Australia you'd have to imagine it first.

But notice, you are NOT in Australia. Unless you are ;)


14 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Yes! It would create suffering as you would know you are disconnected from God's highest form.

Yes, believing that this isn't it would create the experience that I'm disconnected from all that is. 

14 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

But that's preciaely what would then drive you to higher God-realization.

As some Buddhist master once said, "Yes, end your seeking. But not too soon!"

Yes and that is where the seeking loop of not just there yet begins.

14 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

You imagine this ;)

And so it is.


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@traveler But notice, it is possible to go to Australia and pet some kangaroos ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Just now, Leo Gura said:

@traveler But notice, it is possible to go to Australia and pet some kangaroos ;)

I notice that possibility, it's a lovely idea. The thought of going to Australia and petting some kangaroos is not going to Australia and petting some kangaroos though. 

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