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Spirit Possession

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A very interesting view of spirit animals from a Qi Gong Masters perspective:

"So animals figure there is nothing wrong with giving the person what he wants, and they do just that. At first an animal won’t have the nerve to latch on. What it does instead is to give the person some energy as a test-run. So one day, unexpectedly, the person really does get energy like he’d hoped for and can even use it for healing. But that was just the opening act, so to speak. The animal will see that it’s going over well and that the person is receptive, and decide to get on his body under the guise of providing more energy, more directly. It will see that this person wants to have his inner eye opened, and it’s happy to give him everything. And so it affixes itself to his body.

So the person’s inner eye gets opened, just as he longed for, and what’s more, he gains the ability to project energy, along with other, lesser powers. He’s delighted by all of this and thinks that he has finally achieved what he has been practicing for. But the truth is, none of it has resulted from his efforts practicing. And nor has his inner eye actually been opened, even if it seems that he can see into people’s bodies and discover what ails them. Rather, it’s that the animal is manipulating his brain.

What the animal does is to convey what it sees with its own eyes to the person’s brain, which leads him to believe that his inner eye has opened. And he’s sure to try to project energy. But what happens is that when he extends his hand to send out energy, the animal extends a paw out from behind his body; or perhaps, in some cases, it’s a snake that has attached to the person, which sticks out its forked tongue from its little reptilian head toward the person’s ailment or tumor, and licks at it. Many cases of entity attachment fall into this category, where it’s something the person brings upon himself."


"But I can tell you that the animal has its own agenda, and it won’t give you something for nothing. The way the universe works is that everything comes at a cost. Something is in it for the animal, as I just touched on, which is a chance to obtain the limited bit of essence that your body has. This can then be used to develop a human form; they seek to take the essence of people’s bodies. But your body has just that limited bit of essence, and your spiritual progress is dependent upon it.

If you let an animal take it away you might as well forget about practicing, for you wouldn’t have what it takes; the material needed simply wouldn’t be there. Progress just wouldn’t be possible. Now, some people might dismiss this concern since they’re not interested in spiritual practice to begin with and just have their sights set on money. But I think you’ll want to reconsider it after I explain a few things. Here’s why.

Your limbs might be lame after the animal leaves your body, even if it doesn’t stay on you long. And that could be a lifelong condition, since it might have taken too much of your essence. Worse yet, if it leaves your body later than this, you could become a vegetable and be bedridden for the rest of your life, hanging by a thread. So even if you did get rich or famous, could you enjoy it? It’s a frightening prospect.

What I described is a significant problem among people who do energy practices today, and there are many cases of this. Those entities not only attach to the body but kill off the person’s soul; they burrow into the Niwan Palace and stay there. So while the person might seem to be human, he is not. It’s a telling reflection of the state of the world."


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