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Is emotional release necessary on this path?

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Some models of enlightenment such as Buddhism train you how not to be affected by your emotions, karma, sensations, etc..., in a very thorough way. However, is there drawbacks to doing this? Other models, such as trauma work, emotional release, etc..., emphasize release of these emotions. These two methods seem to be antagonistic in my view and perhaps from a Buddhist perspective emotional release may even be a waste of time and effort. I'm just trying to reconcile how the two fit next to each other since historically they don't seem to go together at all, yet in modern times we seem mention them as if they go together in this path. 

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have you seen my topic on Buddhism? .. go check it out..

about the subject you can do both,since in buddhism what you do is( you are affected by these that you mention and just let go after that)

i pratice buddhism and also the elliot hulse technique


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Very necessary if you want to be fully whole and not dysfunctional.

Don't forget that many of those Buddhist monks are dysfunctional people regardless of how enlightened they are.

Awakening requires a lot of processing of your internal emotional baggage. The more baggage you have, the more you'll have to process to reach ultimate peace.

Working out your emotional baggage is one of the most useful things you can do in life.

It is a mistake to suppress emotional and psychological stuff by deciding to just bull your way through to enlightenment. You can bull your way through to enlightenment (maybe), but you will have a lot of inner work to do afterwards. The macho Zen approach is not that effective for most people. Most people need a softer, more emotional, more holistic approach.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Yes of course. 

Bottled up emotions lead to a ticking time bomb. 

No spiritual growth if the emotional biosphere is stunted. 



INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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Dualistic thinking, tension & contraction, and love derived of relationships, or infinite intelligence and unconditional love flowing through your body & mind. Tough call.

One would know for oneself by the discord between thought & feeling. 

Buddhism also teaches how not to have desire. There’s often understanding in practice that isn’t known in just the consideration of it. 



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@Leo Gura in case you ever leave. thanks for everything! :)


edit: update to thread


That holotropic breathing stuff works. I started crying (also intense dreams). Real crying and my facial muscles contorted in ways that my stoic face could previously not accomplish even if I teared up my facial muscles were quite still in the past.

Am going to keep at it and also do some of Jack Willis' Neo-Reichian stuff for emotional release. 


He gives away the book for free actually and is more gentle and thorough than other approaches: in pdf/Reich home Book.pdf

Edited by PenguinPablo

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