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New 'Devs' TV Series

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Has anyone seen this new series called 'Devs'? I just finished watching the final episode and its by far one the best series i've seen in a long time. 

The basic premise: After a series of traumatic events, the main the character Lily becomes suspicious of Devs - a secret division of a tech company (set in current time) which has built a quantum computer that can supposedly simulate reality and go back and forwards in time.

I wanted to mention it here because it deals with big themes and ideas like the nature of reality and existence, infinity, determinism and free will. In the last two episodes I was almost having strange flashbacks to my recent LSD trip. Its really trippy stuff and very entertaining! There are a few questionable editing and script choices, but the cinematography is absolutely outstanding and the music is awesome! The series raises really interesting questions like if you could see the future could you change it? and, if we simulated a complete reality would it actually be any different to the 'base' reality? 

I'm not saying any of the ideas in the series are true or even accurate but it gets you thinking and contemplating about stuff which most series don't even get close to.

Edited by Space

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