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taking Life Purpose course while studying?

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HI everyone 

I'm in my final year at the university and I have a huge resistance to do my final assignments which are due in 3 months. I have this huge resistance to just sit and study. I've noticed that fitting my degree into the bigger vision of my life kinda helps to release the resistance but I still struggle enormously as I don't have a very clear vision of my life and also no discipline. I feel like I sabotage myself...

I've thought that maybe starting Leo's LP course along the studying could help me? I believe he has some inspiring content there, ect that could motivate me? I also concerned whether the course might be too intensive and time-consuming to take along my university's assignments?

Your thoughts are very appreciated x

softly into the Abyss...

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procrastination trap! clearly ur mind is tricking u to avoid doing the work. u shouldnt be thinking let alone asking questions about what u should do its obvious that u should just suck it up and get ur assignments done. i mean for gods sake its just 3 months and u will be done with university forever. watch some motivational videos exercise for some time each day do cold showers breathe deeper and slower every time u feel resistance and just do what u gotta do. doing the lp course is irrelevant to this not to say its not for u just sayin the timing is bad. keep in mind that if u dont make use of these 3 months ur gonna need another year so ur just gonna be wasting time if u avoid the work. try to not think about it just do it cuz it always sounds a lot worse in ur head than in reality 

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Use the life purpose course as an incentive to finish your final assignments. Then when you're done you can buy the course as a reward.

It might be the motivation you need to finish all your work in 1 month instead of 3. From when I was in university, everyone seemed to procrastinate and do 90% in the final week anyway. Just get it out of the way and you'll be done.

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@Intraplanetary Oef, I know what that feels like. This sense of really not wanting to do the final school assignments. As if I would burn when I had to do them towards the end.

Anyways, lets think in solutions. The life purpose course is great. Would highly recommend doing it.

However, it’s an intensive course that takes months to fully complete. Once you have that, it gives you an overall direction that takes years, decades, to actualize.

So, I wonder whether you have the mental space and clarity to do it at this moment.

Maybe you could share a bit more about your bigger picture.

What are your plans after university?

Is there pressure for financial independence right after?

How clear is your vision for the future already?

How satisfied are you with the path you are walking?

Do you have momentum build up to start doing something after collage that you are excited for?


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It's something that you can do at your own pace. I have taken over an extra month just to nail down one piece of it heavily. I have been really putting in a ton of work into my businesses on top of that. I would not worry yourself with that. I plan to redo it at some point probably anyway. It has been well worth the money to me. Not to mention if you have got value already from the stuff he has given. 

Also, building a powerful vision is really going to make a huge difference. That should be a high focus. Easy read on the topic is Steve Jobs Innovation Secrets. I am reading that right now and it is an easy read and has a few good insights on the topic. 

Edited by Average Investor

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