
Questioning My Reality

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I started watching Leo's  videos about a week ago and have seen about 15 of them. I now find myself questioning everything that i have ever known. My perception of reality is changing so rapidly. Prepared or not, this has happened and I find myself a little apprehensive and lost on this journey to finding myself. Has anyone else experienced this?

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It's good, the more something disturbs you in personal development work, the more benefit it provides in the long term.

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1 hour ago, Katiee said:

Has anyone else experienced this?

Yes. But for me it has only ever been an exciting change in perspective, not an unsettling or aprehensive one. I think it's fairly normal for people to feel the way that you are though. It's a huge paradigm shift in world view. And yes, if you take on board the concepts that Leo teaches you will start to see reality for what it is and all your previous 'beliefs' for the illusions that they were. But herein is the exact point - that we all grow up with an illusory veiw of the world that leads to so much of our constant suffering. The very fact that you are starting to identify the difference in perspective is a positive first step.

It seems unsettling because you start to question everything you thought you knew or believed. But with the new knowledge and awareness that Leo can bring you, you can start to reap the benefits of healthier mindsets and a greater awareness of 'what is really going on'. Don't be afraid to question your core assumptions, or to admit the unhealthy or dysfunctional aspects of your psyche. It's all positive growth. One thing for sure is that as you grow and gain awareness you will never look back, only forward to what more is possible.

I like getting in to the nitty gritty of how the mind works and the dynamics of human psychology. I like finding the inner 'problems'. That way I can only make things better. I would rather have the awareness of this new paradigm than carry on in ignorance and suffering the consequences as a result. It's all good.

Don't worry about the aprehension. That's to be expected. It's a whole new world you are stepping in to and and old, dysfunctional, world that you are stepping out of. This will be unfamiliar territory for a while but as you gain understanding and awareness the aprehension will give way to curiosity and anticipation of the inner growth and peace of mind that will be possible.

Just to add, I've had people ask me "so why do believe what this Leo guy tells you?". My answer being that I don't need to believe him. The concetps he discusses are self evident. And the more I become aware of them, the more I can see them playing out in reality. This isn't a belief system he is teaching, he is merely rasining awareness after which the concepts become self-evident and rather obvious. You don't need to believe anything he says, just take it on board, and watch and observe yourself, people, society and reality. Then you will see it all for yourself.


Edited by FindingPeace

“If you correct your mind, the rest of your life will fall into place.”  - Lao Tzu

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That's some deep insight right there @FindingPeace. Thank you for taking the time. You are right. There's no turning back. Awareness is the only way forward.

I especially  like what you said about Leo's concepts being self evident. I was watching a lot of self help videos on youtube and only gleaning small amounts of useful info but with Leo it's different.... he speaks of many things that I have learned over the years by experience and he fills in more pieces of the puzzle than the other self help guru's I've come across. The responsibility to first investigate, test, then discern what we choose to integrate is ultimately ours alone. We all have a unique journey.

Many of my old beliefs are vanishing before my eyes as a new world opens up to me. Beliefs that caused nothing but pain but that consumed my every thought and dictated every action for as long as I can remember.  The driving force within me is changing. Like I was speeding at over 100 mph to my destruction and now I've come to a stand still and am fully aware of not being fully aware, hence i am as yet unequipped to map my journey forward. I'll  just get out of my car for a while, maybe have a picnic and take in the views. Enjoy the slower pace and hopefully the future will become clear.

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@Katiee Word of warning though, personal development gets more and more challenging the further you progress. But that isn't much of an issue because you become more and more tolerant to the costs, I guess.

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It's worth it though right? @Extreme Z7 I mean... the benefits grow exponentially?

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@Katiee I'm not in a position to know that for sure yet. I'm pretty early in my personal development journey. I would really like to see how it would be like in my life, though. That's why I keep my. . . dare I say "faith".

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9 hours ago, Katiee said:

That's some deep insight right there @FindingPeace. Thank you for taking the time. You are right. There's no turning back. Awareness is the only way forward.

I especially  like what you said about Leo's concepts being self evident. I was watching a lot of self help videos on youtube and only gleaning small amounts of useful info but with Leo it's different.... he speaks of many things that I have learned over the years by experience and he fills in more pieces of the puzzle than the other self help guru's I've come across. The responsibility to first investigate, test, then discern what we choose to integrate is ultimately ours alone. We all have a unique journey.

Many of my old beliefs are vanishing before my eyes as a new world opens up to me. Beliefs that caused nothing but pain but that consumed my every thought and dictated every action for as long as I can remember.  The driving force within me is changing. Like I was speeding at over 100 mph to my destruction and now I've come to a stand still and am fully aware of not being fully aware, hence i am as yet unequipped to map my journey forward. I'll  just get out of my car for a while, maybe have a picnic and take in the views. Enjoy the slower pace and hopefully the future will become clear.

it is good that your old beliefs are vanishing, wait till they are all gone,  and they will,  there is no place in an awakened beings life for beliefs., give some thought to the programing that you received during your life that helped  to create those beliefs,  i would give you one word of advice,  if you dont know say i dont know and leave it along, it will visit you again, but if you make an assumption and it ends up being a belief then you are trapped.   keep up the good work, all the answers you need are within your consciousness that is awakening from the dream.

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@Katiee see one video a day and try to implement that in the week; if you are seeing many videos a day write down important points and review them every day till you grasp it. 

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On 7/1/2016 at 2:49 AM, Katiee said:

I started watching Leo's  videos about a week ago and have seen about 15 of them. I now find myself questioning everything that i have ever known. My perception of reality is changing so rapidly. Prepared or not, this has happened and I find myself a little apprehensive and lost on this journey to finding myself. Has anyone else experienced this?

Yes, everyone experience that. The "thing" you believe you are gets shocked, but it's not you. Just let it be, don't get attached to thoughts, they are not yours and they never were. There's a "being-ness" behind all the crazy thoughts that transcends all our imaginary problems created by believing we are an imaginary being, the false idea of a separated "self".

It's a secret that's it's in the open. Every real teacher has spoken about it, but the majority (including me :-) are still trapped in the self centered idea. Nietzsche wrote about it, Jean Paul Sartre, Buddha, Jesus, Mohammad, philosophers, etc... but the world can't listen because the illusion is strong.

I didn't read this book yet, but I think it has a lot of truth in it. I just read some parts, it's from an english philosopher called Wei Wu Wei




As long as subject is centred in a phenomenal object, and thinks and speaks therefrom,  subject is  identified with  that  object  and  is  bound. As long as such condition obtains, the identified subject can never be free—for freedom is  liberation  from  that  identification. 

Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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I have experienced this too. It can be a rough transition because it's sort of like learning that Santa Claus doesn't exist to the power of ten. :D But it's good, because it will yield you more sobriety and happiness in life to live in a state of open-ness. Best of luck on your journey! 

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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@Katiee Aha yes! Welcome! I'm pretty sure everyone on this forum has experienced this to a degree, it is a part of personal growth, development, and actualization work. It's actually my most favorite part as I find it ever so exciting, fun, and quite psychedelic to the average. It is kind of like being Neo from Matrix, literally. Just remember that you are never alone and that you have a community here that will support you along your journey. :) 


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2 hours ago, JustinS said:

@Katiee Just remember that you are never alone and that you have a community here that will support you along your journey. :) 


Hi Katie.  This statement is true, to a point.  You will be supported to the moral centre of gravity here.  Which in Spiral Dynamics terms is green.  Pluralistic, ego.  After that, you will be pulled down by crabs in the bucket.  

Stay here to get your awakening and then leave, because this forum will not support you when  you become liberated. 99% of the people here do not understand what enlightenment is. 

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Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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this is entertainment, something to do with your time. thats all searching for a goal is, is something to do with your time, :) maybe you'll get to a point where you'll see all the concept in this, probably not, but maybe. 

dont take too much so seriously, and if you feel the need to question your own thoughts and feelings go right ahead and do that. in fact i recommend it

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Thank you all for taking the time to share your thoughts 

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