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What do you do when you think your top strengths are useless

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Really? This is the second time in 5 years I'm doing the strength assessment... and 2nd time I get such strengths..Would you even consider these as your strengths? This is not making me successful!!!  how are they even strengths ?!?

First time too I had:-

Hope optimism and future mindedness

Appreciation of beauty and excellent

Curiosity and Interest in the world.


I feel these strengths are not even strengths... it's annoying to have such strengths, I feel that people with other sets of strengths can be more successful in life like leadership, humour or such strengths..


I know it's not good being critical about it but honestly I don't know what else to do I feel good bitching about this ..

Yaa I can hear myself !!


Edited by Elton

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we each are born with our own strengths, own it son. Nothing else you can do. Mine is courageousness, so i can use that for action-taking in other avenues of my life. So for you it's honesty..try being a salesman. Honest salesmen tend to do very well in the field because most salespeople come off like they are trying to make money off of them, but if your'e honest then they will sense you are a genuine salesmen trying to help the both of you. Honesty takes you very far. Honesty is also a form of Integrity so that scales as well. 

Your intuition is your own personal genie.  Learn to trust that infinite intelligence.


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@SageModeAustin two months ago I was scolded by my boss for being honest .. he said are you a saint ?! Can't you lie and manage such small things ! I was so sad and angry after that conversation.. :-(

I am a service guy ... I don't want to be a sales guy...

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@Elton Who cares what some arbitrary test says abut your strengths? That test doesn't;t encapsulate your desires, interests, passions, skills and abilities, or much else really. Don't base your life and your sense of self around that bullshit

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I would retry the test a few times and use a few different ones. You will know when they click well with you though. But it might be worth a shot to analyze them and see if they are your top strength and how you can best utilize them if they are. 

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11 hours ago, Elton said:

two months ago I was scolded by my boss for being honest .. he said are you a saint ?! Can't you lie and manage such small things ! I was so sad and angry after that conversation.. :-(

I am a service guy ... I don't want to be a sales guy...

You are in the wrong career my friend! You better start finding your life purpose before that ship sails or you'll end up on antidepressants like half of the US

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@Michael569 i have already found it ... The journey towards that seems to be  very long at the moment...

Like I'm thinking of getting in another profession itself to use it as a stepping stone..

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@Average Investor thanks for the advise but I think it's pretty accurate cause of the types of answers I gave I would love being a leader or full of energy but that just not the way it is...

@Wyatt ill take your advice for the development of strengths I would like to have :-) 


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@Elton Those are some beautiful strengths. However, don’t let the outcome of an online test limit you.
you say you have already found your life purpose.

What is it?

Is it building on those strengths?

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Honesty is like one of the most important strenghts, without it, you wouldn't even realize this and write about it.

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