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Making friends

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Is there a system to meet guys as platonic friends in the same way that I do pickup, approaching them?

When I leave this lockdown I want to go out and increase my social circle of guys and girls that are platonic and are useful for opportunites/business etc. 

And do pickup at the same time to rapidly improve my dating life.

Could I do the same thing for meeting guys as well for long term friendships and useful acquaintances or is it weird to get approached.

BTW: Im not gay if this sounded gay.

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To be completely honest I would be let’s call it “weirded out” if a stranger on from street came up and started talking to me in the hopes of becoming friends.

However if a some dude were being friendly at a bar or other social gathering I wouldn’t mind. Most likely scenario would be if I met someone regularly and kinda got to know the by “mistake”. Like at work or uni etc. 

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I think you can use the same structure as you use in pick up. I've heard it said ''go out and flirt with everybody, man, woman, old, young, whoever'' I have done this myself, playful teasing, push-pull, flip the script, being unpredictable. Say hello ask a question and hold your value like a rock star.

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@ravlondon Friendships grow organically. If you have purpose during the interaction to become friends it is weird. If he is weird and wants friends too it might work out.

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Well I came across a random guy trying to get my number and chat to me. We were meant to be challenging each other with the online scrabble game. I was taken aback to think he was honestly thinking I would pass over my number to a guy I don’t even know. Where are people coming from are they that shallow minded and desperate..



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