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Self love project 1

3 posts in this topic

I created a post on self love and little exercises that you can do everyday to feel the power of self love. This is not exactly spiritual. But it's a way of feeling self love on a daily basis to have more positivity in your life. 

I couldn't tag my post on here because it was long and difficult to edit fully.. So I have it below. 

Let me know if it helped you. 

Have a wonderful time. 

All love. 




Edited by Preety_India
Added more stuff

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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So this is the post. I was unable to tag it into the opening post. So tagged it after creating the thread. Have a great day. 



  On 4/16/2020 at 4:48 AM, Preety_India said:


Self-love project continued. 

Last weekend I was thinking about some exercises for practicing self - love in little but powerful ways. 

I kept thinking of little things I could do to love and appreciate myself. 

These are little steps to feel a sense of joy in the middle of disappointment or depression. 

This is especially important if you are having a hard time and feeling alone during the coronavirus lockdown. It can instantly brighten up your day and make you feel happy and excited in the moment. 

These little dance steps and exercises look silly at first but they boost positive feelings and uplift the spirit especially when you are feeling down under. 


The best way to describe the movements was through gifs. So here it goes. Each one of them is accompanied with a little explanation of how it works on the mind and emotions and it's suitability at home. 




You can either install a slide at your home or make a  make-shift slide out of your couch or get one that's convertible. 


I have a slide in my garden so that helps a lot. It's fun. 




 These are little arm and leg movements you can do at the comfort of your home. These are not strict or strenuous exercises but little body movements that boost feelings of joy and make you feel less lonely especially when you feel you are locked at home. Fun ways to feel good. 





Try a bit of stretching the legs. Take care not to stress too much. The idea is not burning fat but feeling happy while engaged in body movements. In other words enjoying the flow of the body in different directions. 




Put on some music. Start dancing like no one is watching. Move that body to the rhythm.. Feel the joy and love of being alive and grateful. 

You can try this little movement every morning and see how it gets you started for the day beating those morning blues away. 




This little dance step is funny to watch but it sends your body into a spin. Don't underestimate its power. It can get you warmed up instantly.. 

You would feel like a butterfly. 



This is my favorite. I call it the chill dance. Carry a glass of wine or juice in your hand and tap the feet on the floor. Add a grass skirt for extra effect. Wear flowers in your hair. See how awesome you feel about you. Ain't you having a good time in a grass skirt? If you don't want that you can try any of those flare skirts with ruffles and layers to get that hippie vibe going. 

You're in Hawaii.. 


If you have pets, then you can try something with your pets. Play with them, dance with them, try poses with them. Invent your own little dance trick with your pets. They would love it for sure. 



This is a nice movement that you could start before any other movement to get groovy. Ask your aerobics cat. She will show you how. 

 Don't forget that headband for that extra touch. 



You can make little paper hearts or get them in your craft store. Fill a small bucket with them. Or you get party poppers or confetti poppers. Maybe try this once in a while on weekends for extra fun. Celebrate who you are. Throw those hearts in the hair. 

Pop that party popper and celebrate with your friends or pets. Nevermind if you are in a lockdown, you celebrate yourself. The goal is to keep your heart happy at all times. That's why the paper hearts. 




Get that yoga mat lying behind your couch or guitar out and roll it on the floor. Time for the aerobic stretching class. Find your headband to match your outfit. This movement causes a tickle reflex in your tummy, get those digestive muscles working. Your neck will thank you later. 




This is like a short exercise movement that also looks like a dance. You're kicking away the negativity and calling in positivity. It's a way of charming the birds to your window. Soon they will begin to copy your style. 



Start some rhythmic music and let the body swing like a pendulum. Sing while you dance. Imagine you are on a stage. Get the microphone. Time to jam. 





This is just a silly movement I discovered and I found the perfect gif to match it. It's about sprinkling love. Sprinkle some love around you with this movement. You want to create a love aura around you. You're living in a loving space. The space around you appreciates your presence. This is your way of acknowledging it. 




Bend your hips and make those moves. You might feel silly in that position but after a while you would laugh at yourself and feel the joy flowing in. 




This movement is funny. It's like you are picking stuff and handing it over to someone or keeping it away. It's tough at first because you can't get your feet to coordinate with your hand movements. But with music it gets easier. 

Imagine that you are throwing negative energy out with this movement. All your bad emotions are out the window. Good job. 



If you have a home workout machine this exercise is great for your thighs and legs. Just don't overdo it. 



I call this the power dance move. Get that power. Feel your energy. You are number one. You are awesome. You are loved. Pull those arms, bend your knees and get that swag. You are celebrated. 





Skateboarding is awesome. You could have anything that you used as a kid and try it again. Bring out that inner child. Don't feel odd about doing childish things. Your heart is always young. 




Get a massage from your loved ones. Back massage activates the nerves for relaxation and euphoria. Nothing beats a good massage. 



Jump on your fluffy bed instead of simply laying on it. Treat it like a trampoline. The world is yours. When you jump that way, it activates a response of happiness in the body. You get your body in the groove. You feel the unwind actually happening. It's a way of signaling the body to forget all the daily grind and slump into restful cheer. 



Show some love to your pillow buddy. It's been working hard all night every night. Hug your pillow. This is one of the most powerful exercises to feel loved and hugged. To feel that affection. Granted it's a pillow but it can easily replace your teddy bear. 




Be the cheerleader of your home.. Get those cheerleading poms poms. Break out into cheerleading dance while you do the laundry. Your pets will follow you. You are the leader after all! 




This is like saying hello. Do this to your pets. Wear a winsome smile. Fill your home with your positivity. 




You can create these at home using a table tennis ping pong paddle. Wear a hat that has love written on it. Sing while you dance. 




This is to say "yay" to yourself. You made it so far. So far so good. You rock. Your journey has been awesome. You have mountains to climb. And be confident that you will get there. 




Are you wearing a mask? No worries. All you need is your arms and legs to get into the groove. 





Hug your loved ones. Your friends, families, pets. Tell them once in a while how much they mean to you. They were with you through the good times and the bad times. A hug is a big way of showing them your love. Let the lovin begin. 

If you don't have anyone to hug because of self isolation then hug their gifts or photos. They are in your hearts. You are in theirs. 




It's summer time!!!! Feeling too hot. 

Switch on the air conditioning. Get that fan to blow some air into your body. This exercise is very very relaxing. Maybe you don't have the comfort of a beach but bring the beach home. Decorate your interiors to get the beach vibe. Put on some ocean waves music. Open the windows and let the curtains flutter. Get the beach ambience. Wear loose clothes to get the ventilation. Spray some mist on the curtains. Drink iced tea or cold smoothie.




If it's winter time, and you feeling too cold to move around, wrap yourself in your favorite towel and get some warm water in a bucket. Soak your feet. Feel the circulation in your body. Your body will thank you later. 


Bath Mania 


Shower time!!! 

Make sure you make the most of it. Sing and dance in the shower like it's no tomorrow. Scrub scrub scrub.. Scrub that back with your brush. The rubbing and scrubbing works like acupuncture to your back. It activates nerves to relax and make you feel fuzzy and cozy. 




Nothing better than trying some spa while you take your bath. 




Try bubbles. Bubbles are pure magic. 



This exercise is very  energizing and relaxing. I've tried this plenty of times and it's like magic. You put your feet up on a raised surface and keep twerking them rhythmically. The back side of the ankle has a strange reflex that stimulates instant euphoria and release. You can try this even in your bedroom on a raised pillow. Do this in fast motion on a soft surface and you'll instantly start giggling. 




Swing your body in the shower. 


Call in the power from the skies. Feel the power coming into you. This might sound silly but it still works. Raise your hands. There's a certain positive energy effect involved in raising your hands. This movement indicates positivity entering your body and mind. However this requires visualization skills for it to be really effective. Use positive visualization. 




Laughter is the best tonic for self love. Sit in your chair and turn on your favorite show and laugh the heartiest laugh. Laugh till your tummy hurts. Fall off  the chair. Laugh at yourself and laugh at everything. Laugh the blues away. 




Peppa Peppa. Time for a picnic. 

Get the teapot, cookies and a picnic mat. Keep the tackle box by the side. Serve your family some goodies with your favorite tea or coffee. 





Relax in a hammock or on your couch and take a sip of your favorite refreshing drink. 

At the end of the day, nothing beats self love and you need a huge dose of it daily.. 





Edited by Preety_India

INFJ-T,ptsd,BPD, autism, anger issues

Cleared out ignore list today. 


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Bath mania FTW. 

Great thread thanks. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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