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Thanks you for reading this, I want to start by telling you that what I am about to bring you is only my perspective. If this doesn't resonate with you, please just ignore it then. My heart is telling me what I must do... Please allow me to do what it says. 

Why can't we talk about these so call conspiracy theories? When we have actually proof that there is some kind of agenda going on? 

Why is it so bad to just sit down and talk about it like normal people? Have a cup of jasmine tee under the cherry blossom tree and talk about the darkness that has consumed our beloved world? 

I do understand that there is the chance to go way to deep into the toxic darkness, where it will consume you. But if we just focus on the light, it will keep us blind. We can bury our heads in the sand and focus on enlightment and that ok but it will not help the world to change. We have to act consciously towards better world. 

We must have balance. 

We need to understand both of them. Darkness and Light. Jing and Jang. 

Not to be consumed by fear in the darkness and not be ignorant in the light. We must understand the wholeness of it all. 

I don't usually talk about Conspiracy theories... But this situation is forcing us to see the corruption behind the scenes. Now it's affecting us all in real time. 

The truth is what you see, not what you hear. 

Please before you judge, watch the videos. Thank you. 

If there is a "war zone" in these hospitals... Then where did they put all the patients? Did they hid them in their lockers? 

Why are doctors saying that the numbers are not matching with the media's death rate? 

I don't know if this is true or not because I don't have evidence on it, so take it with pinch of salt. 

- Doctors are telling that the hospital funds are blumeting down. Why? You would think if hordes of people are going there for a treatment, then they should have more money than before. 

- Doctors have told that Hydroxy chloroquine, zink, C - Vitamin and healthy immune system are more than capable of defending us from this danger... Then why the fuck do we need MANDATORY VACCINATION? 

WHY? why can't we choose if we want it or not? Oh BTW the vaccine master Bill Gates have demanded this. Bill Gates who works with computers has decided that everyone must have this vaccine. Bill Gates is now the biggest investors in WHO at this time, now that Trump has taken away the funds. Why does Bill have the right to say what's good for us and whats not?! 

The Vaccine man himself went to Africa and India to do his vaccination there. Now people in African and Indian people can't have children, have paralyzed and even died from HIS vaccines. 



Oh no! People died because of my sweet little vaccine, which totally is not meant to depopulate the earth! Noo no noo! Of course not! 

Now he is planing to bring mandatory vaccination to all the people in the earth. 

Bill Gates 


World Health Organization 


Nations Health Care System

This vaccine is brand new, vaccine which has never seen before, they have rushed its development, skipping crucial testing and just went through because we have to have this vaccine to stop this horrible pandemic. (side note, WHO has the right to declare pandemic whenever they want, doesn't need to be a deadly virus, it can just be mild flu and BAM! Pandemic.) 

If that is true that 80% of the test are false and the hospitals are empty, can you seriously say that the media is telling you the truth? I don't personally see it. 

Then if they are lying, then why are we pushed into quorentine and fed spoonfuls of fear through media. 

Why does media feed us with fear? Why don't we see hopeful articles? Fear reduces immune system then why the fuck dies the media usher nothing but fear on us? Just thinking... 


I just don't understand why it so hard for people to even open up to the fact that 5G radiation could be a dangerous thing?! I've seen people comparing this with the flat earth theory?! What? Those are totally different fucking things. We have mountains of evidence that the earth is a globe, no doubt about it there but 5G is fairly new thing which we have not tested enough. We have some evidence that it could be lethal to humans. Then why in the fucks sakes don't we just test it?! Three independent companies should run deep analysis and test on it and then we could have real answers! There is no point debating about it until we have clear evidence about it. Why not? 

Let's put it to the test. If it turns out it's harmless, good! If it turns out to be harmful, good now we know! It's a win win situation! But no we don't see that happening because of the fact that too few people even consider it to be dangerous. We need more people to demand it to be tested! 

And let's assume that it's not harmful.. Then why the fuck are they banning people for talking critically about it! Huh? To me that seems more and more suspicious. What we cant go outside and now we can't even talk about things that we want to talk about? What next? they ban us even thinking about it?! 

I heard that people have been harrasing the workers and burning the towers... That's not okay, in my opinion. We cannot fight this with swords and fire but with understanding and love. 

Why are doctors urgin old people to sign a contract which says that they don't need to be revived? 

Well because the hospitals are full and they can't handel all the patients... But the hospitals are fucking empty! And we were supposed to be in quorentine to protect old people but now they are just going to kill them like that. That's not okay, I'm my opinion. 

In the end, we don't know that going on until we ourselves stand up and go find out the truth ourselves. We have created this world, then we also must be able to change it for the better. 

No government or aliens are not gonna save us, only we can saves ourselves. 

This is my solution suggestion:

We must transmutate darkness into light and shine the light of truth into the darkness. 

By this I mean we don't seek to physically fight the Dark Brothers but fight them from inside out. We take this huge fear that is spreading like a virus among us and turn it into love by understanding it and sharing that truth with all the people we can (Not forcing the truth! But trusting that the light of truth will show the world what's really going on.)

Tell me. 

When you find out that your car is broken, do you... 

A) ignore it and pretend it its not there and go on your merry way. 

B) You notice the damage and then take it to a mechanic, who fixes the problem? 

We have now an opportunity to fix what is wrong by understanding what is wrong and change it! Only then can we move on and grow into even greater heights that we can possibly imagen.

The Madness of the Cabal

At first when I found out more about the Dark Brothers I was angry, afraid, confused and depressed but then I realized something... We should not be damning and judging them, even though they have done most horrible thing in this world. If we lower ourselves into their level and fight with anger and hatred, then we are just doing what they want... More darkness to keep themselves hidden. We must fight them by understanding them. Understand that they play a part of human evolution. They are the antagonist of our story. Without them we could not grow because we wouldn't have nothing to compare ourselves with. They are playing that horrible part so you don't have to! Do not hate them, love them. Love, understand and have compassion on them. The more love and light we bring on the table the more our reality will shift towards it. They are only 1% that's not very much. 

Imagine If you had a surgery that has 1% chance to survive from it. That's not very much. Let them be the 1% but we are the freaking  99% we can overwhelm them with our love but only if more people choose to follow the path of serving other, rather than path of serving self or taking the middle ground and putting your head in the sand. Why don't we look straight at the darkness and love it to death? 

This is The Great Awakening which many people had said... The more we bring ourself into light, love and understanding, the more our collective consciousness will shift into light, love and understanding. 

This is the time of choosing. 

A) Path of Service to other 

B) Path of Service to self 

C) Path of ignorance which will be dictated by others. 

Which one will you choose? 

I puored my heart into this.. Thank you for read it all. Please think critically about this. 

I'll leave you in the light and love of the infinite creator! 

*disappears into a butthole like portal with a disgusting slurping sound. 

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Stop with this nonsense.

I expect better of you guys.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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