
Why Am I Like This ?

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Hi I'm Ryan , im 20 years old . I have a problem please help me , hope you understand my english


why sometimes I already know what I want to do but I can't do it because I'm distructed with not that  really important things like (Facebook,playing games,playing basketball), and the important things that i should do becomes just a word. Always ended with nothing and hard to improve my self . how can i prevent this ? please help me , thank you . I appreciate your time and effort. :)

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Your English is annoying, but you seem like a good person.

Edited by Christopher Ferguson

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@yanyan You need make self discipline and taking action as a habit ,write these things on a paper or journal and GO F***ing take ACTION ! JUST Do it,it's not your problem only it's almost all people's problem but we need to work on our selves daily on self discipline and take massive grounded action to achieve the things we want in life. CHEERS

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@Obi berjaoui wow  . ok sir thank you I appreciate your reply. i will work hard on this :) .

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There's something Leo calls for “a monkey mind”. Your thoughts are a bit everywhere and you cannot focus, and you are just doing stimulating things that tickles your mind. Look if there’s a video about addictive behavior. Study the video. I hope it will help you.

And start meditating. Meditation is supposed to be the best habit you can have, someone said. Study videos about meditation; there are many of them. Meditation will help you focus. It will also give your mind the rest you need for your tasks.

You can also ask yourself why these things really are important for you. Go deep with this. Because if you truly find them so important, and you are aware about the importance, then you won’t have any problem getting them done.

Good luck!

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Your problem might be that you really want to spend time on Facebook and playing computer games, but you have a part of you inside where you believe that you should be doing something "more important" like self help.

If you didn't want to improve, but you took it as gospel from Leo or some other self help guru that you MUST change or do something with your life (because you're young, impressionable, and are at the age where you are still idolising heroes like Leo) then you might have created a false self that is nagging at you to do something that you really couldn't care less about. 

If this has happened, then you might want to examine your motives and figure out what YOU want to do with your life.

If you take some time thinking seriously about what you want, then whatever your real passion is will naturally come to the surface and you will just do it. 

No need to push yourself.  Just do what you are doing until you have had enough.

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@yanyan In my opinion, you are almost distracted. You might know your priorities, but somehow it is not clear. If I was in your place, I would have visualised about what is important to me and feel the emotions of achieving my goals. I would sit down and write my goals and visualise and feel the emotions of the whole scenerio. Scenerio of how it would feel of achiveing those goals I have set. Its easier said than done and also you might have difficulties in language, learn the language well in your free time by reading books and other sources. It will help you to understand things better. Set a time for everything. Time for important thing (things that you know you should do) and non-important things(facebook, etc).

Remember, you might get lazy while you're setting time for everything and following it but at that exact moment, think about your goals and feel the emotions as I have said. Thats called getting motivated according to me.

Anyways, Good luck. Everything I said was according to my beliefs and experiences. :)

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@yanyan Its all about having and knowing your priorities and goals. How bad you want something and what you are willing to do to get it. It is easy to just get lost in TV, Facebook, Social media and all that crap but what do you achieve from this? are you learning something, are you growing from it, will it help you in the future to achieve your goals? 

If English is something you want to improve on, then set aside certain amount of time a day to learn English properly, or maybe you want to start a business, work on this business an hour a day and once you have done this then you can reward yourself with social media for a short period of time. You need to put in the hard work to be successful and there is no better time to start forming excellent habits then NOW. 

If you get stuck in this rut which I'm assuming is a habit of yours now, it won't change unless you make the decision to change. You are the only person in control of your life and which direction it goes and what you will achieve while you are here.

I wish I started when I was your age, you don't want to be 30+ and just starting then realising you wish you started earlier and so much time was wasted for nothing.

Hope this helps.

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