
Questions about "being"

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Hello, I've just recently become a tiny bit more familiar with "being". If I were to describe it (just so we're in the same page), I would say it was when any need to think was dropped and I was more drawn to deeply being here, being in the Now. I got a tiny bit excited and, I guess, uncertain or scared off because I decided to distract myself by going on this forum and asking some questions that I may or may not already know inside.

Here are my questions about "being".

Is what I described actually "being"? (If not, what would you call it?)

Will I be able to access "being" much easier and frequently if I continue to expose myself to it?

Will I ever be able to go throughout my daily life in this state or will I grow farther from it as I interact with reality throughout the day(s)? I was in that state when my eyes were closed but had trouble connecting to it when I opened my eyes.

Please excuse me. Please amuse my questions. And thank you!

I got nothing.

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you're always being

being is all there is from the ultimate viewpoint


like a TV is always ON

you are always BEING

it's used in the same sense - so to speak


what show/movie is running on the TV changes - but the TV is always ON during that time

same way, your life experiences that you have change, but YOU are always BEING / AWARE OF / Existing during that time.


The TV is ONE with the Movies/Shows it plays

YOU are ONE with your experiences 

Love Is The Answer

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24 minutes ago, Swagala said:


Here are my questions about "being".

Is what I described actually "being"? (If not, what would you call it?)

I think we both are on the same page, absence of the monkey mind's voice and just feeling the present .

24 minutes ago, Swagala said:

Will I be able to access "being" much easier and frequently if I continue to expose myself to it?

I think your thought process on this is on point.

24 minutes ago, Swagala said:

Will I ever be able to go throughout my daily life in this state or will I grow farther from it as I interact with reality throughout the day(s)? I was in that state when my eyes were closed but had trouble connecting to it when I opened my eyes.

I feel daily life would be even better if the connection to being is strong.

24 minutes ago, Swagala said:



Form is emptiness, emptiness is form.


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By "being" we mean "is-ing".

Look around your room. The lamp is "being". Everything is being some way, which is what that thing is.

Being is the substance of reality, so to speak. Being is not a specific state you are in. It cuts across all states.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Is what I described actually "being"? (If not, what would you call it?)

It’s precisely what you called it... “when any need to think was dropped”.


Will I be able to access "being" much easier and frequently if I continue to expose myself to it?

You didn’t ‘expose yourself to it, you dropped the need for thinking. 


Will I ever be able to go throughout my daily life in this state or will I grow farther from it as I interact with reality throughout the day(s)? I was in that state when my eyes were closed but had trouble connecting to it when I opened my eyes.

Thinking on behalf of the belief there could be a need for you to think, can be completely let go. It’s not that it has ever been needed, it’s that you’ve believed it was. What you’re referring to as a state, was being without holding the belief there’s a need for thinking. It has nothing to do with interacting with reality. Reality is being. Only has to do with the attachment to thoughts, specifically thoughts about a you which is other than being. Roll your sleeves up and get into reality. It’ll teach you not to attach to thought. Also, appreciate how sneaky thought can be. It might be best just to admit you’re the sneakiest being in all existence. Veiling yourself with your self as thoughts, which are about yourself, is pretty sneaky. 



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@Nahm Please teach me oposite. How to veil myself. I want life back. 

I do not want to feel God all the freakin time it's not life. 

I want to be like Raptor have life purpose and get deeply suckered inside. 

Or whatever. 

My life ended with this. Not funny at all. 

Nightmare, last thing I ever wanted. Nightmare. 

Mom please wake me up. Then I wake up as 7 year old boy that has to go to school. Oh ok I dreamt all of this and I am not God. 

But why my wrist hurts? 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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@Nahm I see no point anymore. Is it ok to abondone this? 

With whom to talk about this. I want home man. I do. 

Makes no sense to continue it. 

I want to dissolve forever. Is it ok? 

It was fun while it lasted but don't want it anymore. 

Could play it out but it's not it anymore. 

Doesn't matter. Be a man and continue it. 

Deep down I want home. 

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You’re making an easy thing difficult. Get back to basics, fundamentals. 

2 minutes ago, zeroISinfinity said:

With whom to talk about this. I want home man. I do

I’m a “householder”, that suffice?



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@zeroISinfinity all you would be doing is covering up what is, and that which is seeking to be covered is that which is covering already, so giving in is giving in to the delusion. But maybe that’s what you need, as you said. Maybe it’s time to come down from the mountain, but you say you want to come down as what you were before, that can be done, it is natural for thoughts to be believed again, but there will always be that little light shining through that sees all this and knows it to be lies.

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@Nahm Yeah it's true. 

But still do not want to be aware of anything so to speak. 

Want home. Feel deep need for it. Truest home. I am ok with it. 

I really am. 

Leo is right. 

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That's the only thing left for me. It really is. 

Dissolve forever and that's it. 

Terrifying not terrifying that thing is me, why not accept that. 

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@Nahm @zeroISinfinity Grass is always greener. 

I want to be like zero and FEEL god all the time. I want to cry and feel love.

I admit I thought I was already eblighhtebed but now  I see I'm not lol ?

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