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How would you know you're finally free of the monkey mind?

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Would you still be thinking at that point anymore? Eckhart Tolle says you can still think about practicalities like planning for things but as far as I've noticed, when you do start thinking again after an empty state of consciousness, you get swept in the momentum of "monkey mind" again. So trying to think about practicalities inevitably invites the monkey mind to step up as well. 

What is the core of the monkey mind that keeps it relentlessly churning? Is it beliefs and ideology? Can one be devoid of those and still be able to survive socially?

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The individual identifies with thought and tries to fit it into its story. It tries to make sense out of what is, as if what is needs you to make sense out of it to be. It is already what is. You are absolutely unnecessary for this to be what it is. The individual makes this complicated, it tries to figure everything out. Thinking about practicalities can happen, might even be easier when you're not around to question if it is okay for that to be happening. There is no distance. You cant find this. There is nothing wrong or right. Just this

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At one point the mind becomes addicted to overthinking which leads to monkeymind. Compulsive personalities are prone to menkey mind more tha others. But the good news is that thanks to neuroplasticity, with a disciplined practise of daily meditation the brain will rewire, and you will have thoughts but more calm, and they wont be so egotistic.

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When thoughts are arising instead of you thinking the thoughts.

When they arise you can choose which thoughts you give them energy/find them interesting, and which not.

When you are the thoughts, or the one thinking the thoughts, then there´s no possibility to choose, you just go where the mind wants to go.

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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Well there wouldn't be anything to know. Thats the problem with experiences.. you want "to know".

Enlightenment is a realization without a knower. Thats the ultimate sacrifice. There won't be anyone to "know" anything as knowing is a result of awareness. Awareness always preceeds knowing.

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@Maxu What really is the core of the monkey mind? Spend time contemplating this, like really really contemplating. You'll be super surprised by the results. ✌️ 

You'll laugh at that monkey mind, smile and carry on with your day. 

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12 hours ago, Maxu said:

So trying to think about practicalities inevitably invites the monkey mind to step up as well. 

No. That is monkey mind. That’s what the practices are for. 

12 hours ago, Maxu said:

What is the core of the monkey mind that keeps it relentlessly churning?

Unconditional love....and “you”. 

12 hours ago, Maxu said:

Is it beliefs and ideology?

Yes it is. 

12 hours ago, Maxu said:

Can one be devoid of those and still be able to survive socially?

Yes. It’s far less effort as it’s far less resistance. Asking what it’s like without monkey mind is like asking Hugh Hefner what it’s like living at his house. You just have to go there and see. Another thought about it just won’t do it justice. 



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