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Tim Gardner

Self Inquiry Frustration

7 posts in this topic

Hey all,


I'm feeling puzzled in my self-enquiry. How can I focus on awareness if it's intangible?

I know that I'm not meant to be focusing on any particular thought, sight, sound or other

sensation. It seems I'm the one aware of my thoughts but how do I focus on that thing that

is aware?


Thank you :)

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13 hours ago, Tim Gardner said:

Hey all,


I'm feeling puzzled in my self-enquiry. How can I focus on awareness if it's intangible?

I know that I'm not meant to be focusing on any particular thought, sight, sound or other

sensation. It seems I'm the one aware of my thoughts but how do I focus on that thing that

is aware?


Thank you :)

Awareness is not an object that can be focused on. "You", are the awareness, that is aware.But you are taking yourself to be someone/some-thing that is separate from it and can objectively focus on it as a "thing" (subject-object dualism).

Notice:  'I am aware of my thoughts"
Then notice: "I am aware"
Then notice: "I am"
Then notice: "I"
Then: drop the "I"

Edited by Guru Fat Bastard

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14 hours ago, Tim Gardner said:

I'm feeling puzzled in my self-enquiry. How can I focus on awareness if it's intangible?

Awareness is aware of that thought. Rather than ‘answer it’, notice it is not a legitimate question. You’ve never experienced being two, always one. Why would you believe there is a you and also the awareness you’re thinking about? Let the thought go. When self inquiring, let every thought go. 


I know that I'm not meant to be focusing on any particular thought, sight, sound or other


Feel. Expect an answer in feeling. Have conviction in the expectation. It is your right to know who you really are. 


It seems I'm the one aware of my thoughts but how do I focus on that thing that is aware?

The logic behind letting every thought go, is in part, to break the habit of reactionary & self referential thinking, of expecting answers in thinking...and just feeling. The mind will only continue deceiving you, doing things like changing the word awareness to focus. 



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my intuitive voice gave me some really helpful tips lately regarding this. so, in a way you kind of have to disregard what absolutely everyone else says (when it comes to the moment of actually practising). You should start with reality and work back. dont endlessly bring up ideas about images of yourself or body parts etc. start with your *actual* presence and stay with reality. (remembering that reality is what exists when you forget everything everyone has told you). your intuition must come into play, this must be the guidance by which you learn how to practise self enquiry. Theres also a difference between mentally saying the words "what/who/where am i" and *actually* looking and seeing what you are.

for me the phrase "is this what i *actually* am?" really works wonders. for example, you maybe think "im my heart" you could ask the emptiness "is that what i *actually* am? a heart? thats what i literally am?" and do this with everything. the primary goal is absolutely silencing your mind so keep that as an overarching background during this. allow yourself to fade into the darkness. ask the emptiness questions and notice the silent intuitive sense of what you truly are. allow the mind to still. these are the golden tips

Edited by Aaron p

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A good practice that works for my ego is...when a thought arises..become aware of the nature of that thought and then the nature of the thought about thought and then the nature of the thought about the nature of thought about the initial thought  and notice that you could go forever this way..that s the moment when you become aware of it and find no reason to continue thinking forward, you ll notice that there s no reason to think in the first place and when this is truly understood by your ego it ll be a kids play to stop your thoughts on command and become calm.

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