
These awakenings keep getting deeper and deeper.

3 posts in this topic

So I already had awakened that I'am everything, but yesterday this insight was so deep that I could actually "see" myself in everything. And that shit shook me so much. But that's Truth. The hardest thing is to accept it, but it's quite difficult since I have been living in this illusion quite a while now. It's hard to go back "home". The biggest thing led to realizing this was imagining some item in just outer space. Then I realized that the object and the place it is in is One. There is no separation. And to awaken to it and see it for the first time with you own eyes. Not just to get the insight of Oneness is absolutely radical. I guess this goes way way deeper.


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Still just scratching the surface, but good! You're on the scent trail now. Keep going.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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@Leo Gura When are you posting a new video of your retreat insights?


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