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Corona Intelligence

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Death is natures way of renewal, this is the way. I don't want to appear insensitive to those who have lost loved ones,but  it seems humanity has been knocked down a few pegs, and as a result the earth has taken it's deepest breath in 200 years(since the industrial revolution). The skies have cleared even in  places like Mumbai and Beijing, not to mention the US. Last night we had a wind and rain storm and the early spring morning was as fragrant as it was clean and clear, and what about all those stars and vivid moon.  The thought occurred that this virus may be  nature's remedy for the planet. I don't know if global warming can spawn these viruses, but if so it's one way of striking a balance.    CONSCIOUS INTTELLIGENCE!?!



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It may seem as if nature's played a hand here to balance the karma but it may just be that it is caused by man's abuse of nature, his disrespect for animals, and by the choices he makes. Nature was not a conscious entity here exacting revenge. 

What we have is a train wreck not a carefully and judiciously planned retraction of industrial and economic activity, hence the fall-out will be enormous - the UN warns that this will lead to hunger on a scale of biblical proportions. It is not just the deaths that we need to mourn.



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Yeah Monarch coronation. Since I create my own Reality. 

Time to admit this stuff and stop playing all games. 

Efin Actual Goddins McThunderwood. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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