Brian KWJ

Am I too young for stage turquoise? (Spiral Dynamics)

5 posts in this topic

Hey Guys,

I am a 20 year old male living in the bible belt. I moved around a lot as a kid, so I had the opportunity of being exposed to all types of people and experiences. I was raised in the church, and even attended private christian schools. I never bought into any of the indoctrination however. When I was about 12 I started moving into stage orange of the spiral dynamics. I would research all day and isolate myself from everyone. I even learned on my own how to make money online. I read lots of science books and this phase lasted until my first year of university. At this point of my life I identified myself as a skeptic and an agnostic . At one point even an atheist. Though, I still had a foot within truth. I knew that there was more.

I initially started university as an astronomy and astrophysics major, on the prowl for actual truth. Eventually I realized that Neil degrassi Tyson and the academic world was not interested in truth, but models and concepts. I saw my colleagues getting lost into the orange world, slowly becoming more inhuman. Thankfully, I had many life experiences that taught me the value of being well rounded and open minded. This propelled me into stage green around age 18. I found Leo’s “What is spirituality” episode and ever since, I have expanded my perception vastly. What Leo said felt like what I had known in the back of my head the whole time. 

Since then, I have been fortunate enough to start customizing my spiritual path and even have a few non dual experiences. I have been doing self inquiry, meditation, psychedelics (whenever I can find a plug), reading books, watching videos, going to temples, and my favorite of all: smoking some marry jane and meditation. All these activities has shattered my previous paradigms. I can easily see through illusion (ofcourse not all). This also has isolated me further from everyone else; as I have a very low tolerance for bullshit.


This distancing from others put me back on the track of trying to become a spiral wizard. When I first got into all of this, I was very dogmatic. But as I learned to open my heart and to truly understand, I became more neutral and eventually grounded.

So to an extent, I feel like I have transended some versions of naive green thinking. Reality has made sure of that. I also can very clearly see the limitations of being in stage yellow. I have experienced existential love, and I have even learned to embrace and embody it in some ways! Dont get me wrong though, I still value having the mind of yellow!

My question is, am I to young to be contemplating moving into turquoise? I genuinely feel like an old soul sometimes, so its very hard to honestly say that I align with the values of any of the other stages. However, I know it is very easy to mistake yourself with this model! I have bits and pieces from each stage. I expect more life experiences to help me understand and embody the nuances of the lessons that each stage teaches. 

I have self educated myself my entire life, so this has given me a much broader perspective than most people (atleast within the bible belt). I have even learned how to transcend language and go beyond concept! I dont know everything obviously and I expect life to kinker the dents within my essence. 

I ask this question because I feel especially ready to commit to the highest purpose, but with the gentleness of green and turquoise. 

Any advice would be much appreciated !



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Be careful as this thing is just a model, so just because you have knowledge of higher stage doesnt mean youre actually at that stage. Just go with how you feel and continue trying to grow and progress dont get too caught up in the stages, dont see it as something to achieve, theres nothing wrong with being at orange or green or whatever, you should to fully embrace wherever you are and stay present. By thinking of where you want to be or what you need to do to get higher you counter intuitively take yourself out of the moment and miss out on moving through the stages

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@Brian KWJ Follow your heart. It will lead you to God/Love. Human minutia like age or geography are irrelevant.

Turquoise is not a premeditated choice. It's what you must become if you are conscious enough. Think of it as your destiny. There is no choice about being God and Love. That's what you are.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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  On 4/14/2020 at 11:50 PM, Leo Gura said:

Follow your heart. 

More like your heart drags you. I'm half unconscious before I decide to act on my heart.  

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@Artaemis Devils need to be dragged kicking and screaming towards the light ;)

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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