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The observer

this human needs to be loved

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i dont understand whats going on with leo he sounds vulnerable and seems strong at the same time but he sees big deals which i dont i do believe the rabbit hole goes on forever so its delusional to chase deeper and deeper god is its own point b cuz its every thing ur only job is to be it and u may get rewarded if u accept it and may get punished if u resist it leo thought many times in the past that he had died and become infinite and yet here he is today saying that he never ever truly died he really seems tricked by a dark entity i feel sorry for him he used to say that suicide will not get u out of here but rather u will reincarnate again so its delusional to commit suicide however now he thinks that conscious physical death is the answer and that it is different from suicide but what is the difference? in suicide ur running away from reality while in mahasamadhi ur moving eternally into pure formlessness but whos this u thats running away or moving into? its just ego but he cant realize the trick yet i assume b cuz of the afterglow 

Edited by The observer

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Reading patterns is no ordinary thing. Some people are simply gifted. That's what differentiates between explicit-oriented and implicit-oriented minds. If you are able to read between the lines, man, you are gifted with quite a power! Most people get lost in the appearances and overlook the essence, which certainly has incredible power too. Being immersed in the content makes you forget (unaware of) the context. Your survival (pragmatism) hinges upon being immersed in the content. Then again, the quality of your life (well-being/inner peace) is determined by the degree of your awareness, i.e. of the context. So, apparently, both work hand in hand to create the best life. Although, ultimately the truth is that neither of them really has an effect on anything since causality is an illusion. But, hey, enjoy the illusion while you can.

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In the Abrahamic religions, there is one supreme being which is the ultimate God. Figures like the old man in the sky are metaphors for this. He is necessarily one and only one. He is necessarily omnipotent and omniscient. He is necessarily loving and merciful. He is necessarily infinitely wise. And he is tough on the sinners as well.

I think Leo is somehow getting convinced of that idea. Nothing wrong with that per se. But I would say that there might be a problem of unawareness. He seems to take his understanding for Absolute Truth when it is, in fact, a mere understanding i.e. concepts.

To contrast that, Leo used to believe that God is one with all beings and that every single point of view is infinite God. Again, nothing wrong with that. But he also seemed to have taken this understanding for Absolute Truth. He always does that as he's an INFP/INTP (not sure which one, but probably the latter).

So, basically, he is not bringing anything new to the table. These ideas have been discussed and debated upon for thousands of years. It's just a matter of perspective. You can think of God as one infinite being, which then you must end up worshipping, chasing, seeking, etc... basically like most religions do. And you can collapse that dualistic thought and end your seeking once and for all like the Advaitas do. There are no rights or wrongs here. And no one has a choice, really, for that matter.

This is just a possible meta view of what's going on within the minds of human beings and how they lose their truths as part of their communication. Every individual human being has their own truths. When they mistake them for universal truths, they start telling others that they are doing things wrong and that they should change and correct their erring ways. And so the clash between certainty and uncertainty begins. Certain people, like Leo, Jesus, Mohammad, etc... start preaching their own truths. People reject them at first, but then they insist. This insistence creates fear and uncertainty in the receiving side, and adds power to the preaching side. Nothing wrong with that. Just trying to give an oversimplified reading/overview of how I perceive things to work. So then gradually the receivers become blind followers, and then the leaders die and the followers preserve their positions. They refuse to evolve, because they're not seeking change. And so, they become out of touch with reality. This separation creates suffering in the world. And that suffering, somehow, creates another leader that gets to the roots of being and then tries to shape the world in a new better order. This cycle will keep going on forever without meta views, which I'm providing here. Not that my meta view is the only correct one, but that going meta creates awareness of the dynamics at work. God is everything, including meta views, so there's no way for expecting what's next. We're all really just affecting reality in our own unique ways. We're simply altering/veering reality in the ways It allows us to do.

Edited by The observer

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Yesterday, I've finally watched Leo's after-retreat video. I never realised that I had my life purpose always under my nose. I was always thinking and searching for it where I never desired anything else but it. My life purpose is to be unconditionally loving! Conditions limit me in every aspect. Conditional love is not enough. And from experience, it always ends up hurting me. I will love everyone and everything without expectations. I want to live an adventurous life where I, unlike most people, don't wait for others to give me anything. The most suffering I've ever experienced was due to having expectations, and more accurately, wrong expectations. Now I want to become a warm environment for growing and nurturing people who are in need until they're ready to fly on their own, one at a time. I have infinite love inside of me. It would be a shame to me to ignore it anymore.

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This journal has achieved its purpose, and has shown me my purpose. I guess it's time to start a new one.

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