
Why am I so obsessed and fascinated with Psychedelics?

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My mom and I had a convo and she’s concerned I’m too obsessed with psychedelics. 

I disagree. 

the passion that comes on any time I think of past experiences, the potential for enlightenment, healing, personal relationships, adhd, addiction healing, etc. it just gets me SOOO excited. 

it’s really man’s greatest invention EVER!!!! 

I love the direction Leo is going and is so cool “if you ain’t using psyches, you’re wasting decades of your life”


it seems like tripping twice a month or less seem SOO awesome to me and inspiring to kick my other addictions and depression. 

My mom thinks it’s OCD and too much of a dependence or drug gateway/chasing. 

Anywho, who can relate?

Love Is The Answer: LSD Awakening


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39 minutes ago, EntheogenTruthSeeker said:

Anywho, who can relate?


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Spirituality's equivalence effect-wise to that of Facebook/Instagram likes - a form of instant gratification? We tend to want to take the quick route and cut corners whenever we can so that we get what we want "now" and in the process the long route starts looking less and less attractive.

I'm not labeling those choices in any way, just looking at it from a phenomena perspective it could and probably explains at least a part of that obsession linking in to the production of dopamine and serotonin production from whatever positive effects you get from that usage, and the craving to have more, fast.

Even if it would be argued that you don't get addicted to psychedelics there's a second order effect on e.g. self-esteem that is highly addictive. E.g. you "become someone important/of interest" in conversations like these and so on, ego related/oriented effects that are easily overlooked.

Want to connect? Just do it, I assure you I'm just a human being just like you, drop me a PM today. 

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You see the potential in psychedelics.

Just make sure you are doing other self actualisation work, not just psychs, and realise that you are always tripping, regardless of any substances you have taken.



Might also be the OCD... I call it EOCD. ( Enlightenment OCD ) 

“The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.”

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8 hours ago, EntheogenTruthSeeker said:

My mom and I had a convo and she’s concerned I’m too obsessed with psychedelics. 

I agree with her.

one day this will all be memories

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Inspect everything you’d take psychedelics for. Nothing you can think can be of your identity, as you’re aware of the thought. Everything that follows “I have” or “I am” can be inspected, understood, and let go of. 



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Using psycs as a replacement for other unhealthy addictions...I don't see why not. I see that as using your minds traits against it lol. 

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