Eren Eeager

What is hate?

6 posts in this topic

Especially towards other people.

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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hitler actually loved other people. only problem he loved his people a little bit more.

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Hate of others = Self-hatred (with a capital S).

It's hating a part of existence/being (which is a part of you). 

Self-Hatred is one of the last egoic obstacles one needs to transcend and integrate. Non-duality and personal development are also camouflages for the parts of us that hate others/ourselves/existence.

Especially at the deepest level you realize that hating others is equal to hating yourself.

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Lack of self-love.

Due to lack of consciousness that all is Self and all is Love.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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Some people's are who introvert Type. They are Not Comfartable with us. So we are labeling like they are Hate Us! 

There's no Judgements but lack of acceptance.

There's no evil, but lack of goodness❤️


All of your life you have been told that God created you. God come now to tell you this:  You are creating God❤️

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hate is absence of light/love

hate is like darkness when no light is there


and hate is like fear when false evidence appears real...

as leo says, once one is aware that all is self... there is naturally only love... just like you love your entire body and will protect it from harm... because it is all you... that "all you" is expanded out to infinity, eradicating all hate along the way

Love Is The Answer

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