Austin Actualizing

Undiscovered illness for 2 years, unable to work or do much of anything

17 posts in this topic

Any idea of what could be wrong with me? I'm not depressed, I eat very healthy, take supplements, have seen multiple endocrinologists, a naturopath for 2 years and I'm currently seeing a D.O.


  • Fatigue so bad I'm unable to work or do much of anything
  • Having to eat every 15 minutes or so and if I don't I get symptoms similar to low blood sugar even though I have had my blood sugar tested multiple times and it has come out normal
  • Dry Skin
  • Brain Fog, Poor Concentration and Memory
  • Irritability
  • Insomnia
  • Constant anxiety


I've been seeing a D.O. and the only things that have come up are high reverse T3 and low testosterone for my age (22)

Things I've had tested: DHEA, Testosterone Total and Free, Estradiol, Free T3, TSH, Reverse T3, Vitamin D, CBC,  Thyroid Peroxidase AB, Prolactin, Heavy Metals, Anti Thyroglobulin AB, Saliva Cortisol

What I'm currently taking

Clomiphene for (low testosterone), Liothyronine (for high reverse T3)

Supplements: Vitamin C, Vitamin D3, Omega 3, OPCs, Iodine, DHEA

Edited by Austin Actualizing

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What’s your diet like? Have you tried doing a juice fast? 

I’d recommend checking out Dr. Robert Morse videos, working with a specialist and start detoxing your body because it seems like you may not be allowing the body to guide you, cleaning the bowels and improving gut bacteria is what a juice fast is designed for imo

there’s an excellent book I recommend getting to help with the journey, The Detox Miracle Sourcebook: Raw Foods and Herbs for Complete Cellular Regeneration

Also there are several fb groups like “sharing the detox diet by dr Robert Morse “ where there many are overcoming all sorts of disease/illnesses, working with specialists, sharing experiences and asking questions etc 

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7 minutes ago, Austin Actualizing said:

@DrewNows Diet is not the issue. I've done enough detoxing. 

What kind of detoxing are you talking about? Would you mind sharing what you’ve done? 

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Sounds like a hormone problem to me. How long ago did you have the blood tests? Hormone supplements take a while to kick in and reverse symptoms.

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@Cepzeu Yes I think it could be a hormone problem. I'm guessing something relating to thyroid or pituitary gland. Very recently 


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1 hour ago, Da77en said:

You could have chronic Lyme disease,

I'll look into it, thanks. 

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@Austin Actualizing I've had all your symptoms except insomia. But combined with severe digestive and gut issues for over 10 years.  I am 22 so I had them since I was a kid.

After spending over $30k I finally found I have a deficiency of vitamin b1 thiamine that messes up my nervous system and, as a consequence, the entire body. It also compromised the production of energy and body's ability to carry oxygen so I had extreme fatigue, blood sugar drops and dizziness.

I recommend trying the lipid soluble version of thiamine called benfothiamine combined with a b complex (all the other b vitamins). The small dosage is useless, you can safely try the 250-300mg without any problem.   No side effects or risk, you should notice improvement very quickly if that's the issue. If not, just send it back to amazon.

The blood test for b1 is not accurate, you would've to find a lab that tests for the enzyme transketolase erythrocyte. it's hard to find and too expensive at least here in europe, much better to just try

The deficiency is very common if one has consumed lots of carbohydrates or refined sugars in the past or has some other absorbtion issues.

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Have you ever considered going to a psychiatrist?

one day this will all be memories

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19 hours ago, Austin Actualizing said:

I've been seeing a D.O. and the only things that have come up are high reverse T3 and low testosterone for my age (22)

Things I've had tested: DHEA, Testosterone Total and Free, Estradiol, Free T3, TSH, Reverse T3, Vitamin D, CBC,  Thyroid Peroxidase AB, Prolactin, Heavy Metals, Anti Thyroglobulin AB, Saliva Cortisol

Was your TSH above 2.0? A lot of people walk around with subclinical hypothyroidism never put on levothyroxine because they don't make it into the textbook values. 

Do you recall your T3 value? DId they find any thyroid antibodies? 

19 hours ago, Austin Actualizing said:

Clomiphene for (high reverse T3), Liothyronine (for low testosterone)

This is a REALLY interesting combination. As far as I know clomiphene is given to women with PCOS, with amenorrhea or with anovulation. I've never heard about it being prescribed to a male. How is it combating reversed T3? Clomiphene regulates LH and FSH which regulate Oestrogen. Are you sure this wasn't given for something else? DOes your doctor think you are producing too much oestrogen? That would make sense. You could be aromatising all your testosterone into oestrogen, Lot of men have this issue. 

Reverse T3 you'll see raised in periods of prolonged starvation and stress. Have you done any excessive fasting or gone through a rough period recently like bereavement, accident or so? 

Liothyronine is basically a synthetic T3.  It's interesting, in UK you would only get T4 at best. Was your T3 low? 


Regarding supplements: were you prescribed DHEA? What is OPC? 


Edited by Michael569

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16 minutes ago, Michael569 said:

Was your TSH above 2.0? A lot of people walk around with subclinical hypothyroidism never put on levothyroxine because they don't make it into the textbook values. 

Do you recall your T3 value? DId they find any thyroid antibodies? 

TSH: 0.858, Range 0.350-4.940 uIU/mL

T3 Free: 3.55, Range 2.10-4.10 pg/mL

THYROID PEROXIDASE AB: 12.5 IU/mL    Range: <=35.0 IU/mL

Clomiphene is meant to be used to block estrogen to increase my levels of testosterone. I have not done any excessive fasting or any rough times. I am currently seeing an upper cervical chiropractor to fix subluxation. It's possible that could be causing high reverse T3. Liothyronine is being used to bring down my levels of high reverse T3. DHEA levels were low, OPC is Oligomeric Proanthocyanidins, not sure what that is. 

Edited by Austin Actualizing

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@Tobia I'll have to look into that or try it. Did you have to eat very frequently and if you didn't eat did you have blood sugar drops? Did you ever test your blood sugar to see if it was low or did it just feel like it was low? I've tested my blood sugar multiple times and it comes out normal even though it feels like I get low blood sugar all the time. 

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@kag101 Seems pretty clear to me that it's a health issue. Although, seeing a psychiatrist may be an option down the road. 

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@Austin Actualizing You need to wake up the body! Awakening of the body! Kundalini, chi kung, breath this kind of stuff... but really the awakening is vital. I think I even read in one of Leo's list books that 'you will never, never be healthy without awakening the kundaini'. That is what I mean. If your body is still blocked at the bottom most level, no way you can be healthy.

+ ... maybe the more you advance spiritualy and don't embody the energy, the worse it gets.

Use the Prayer Swat Team!

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  • Constant anxiety

I don't know about the rest but as for this one, at least for me, it is mostly if not entirely psychological phenomena. Usually, anxiety is a mild degree of fear in other words resistance, you gotta take a closer look at what is you're resisting and figure out a way to overcome that. Nahm, mentions the use of a dream board, where when you resist a certain reality, "I don't want this to happen" is usually the feeling, you write down what you DO want to happen. This is great stuff.

Try to take 2 cold showers a day, alternating between hot and cold, Hot for 20 seconds, then Cold for 2 minutes, repeat this 3 times every shower, and try to control your breathing while you do it (slower and deeper breaths with the occasional exhalation and then not breathing for 40-60 seconds). This works wonders for allowing you to process through and realize your anxiety. 

Look inside your soul, maybe you'll find gold there and get rich.

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