william bond

I'm a newbie.

3 posts in this topic

I've been watching Leo's videos for a year and a half. A year in, I started to notice his collective content is a model;  a pointer to my own systematic approach and due diligence of seeking enlightenment. I've since branched off to other "pointers" while remaining eager to evolve myself in his channel. 

I've attended a few medicine or psychedelic based ceremonies. Also, I microdose on shrooms and use various models for this path ( meditate, self- inquiry, shadow work, etc ).

Here's my perplexing question: I've had some DEEP experiences and insights with psychedelics, not counting the manual labor of practical work.  I'm continually researching a serious psychonaut's application to responsibly explore. I overcame a terrible weed addiction due to this work and my productivity is gradually increasing. My newfound passion is studying the mystery that is ME. Things are looking good on the horizon. I can die now and be somewhat at peace.

Anyways, I live in the inner cities ( and I'm black). Communities like this forum, I think, are way outside the range of my local demographic.  Along with micro-dosing on shrooms, I believe I need at least one big trip per month and even sometimes every two-weeks. I believe as Leo said I need at least 50 trips and then more.  

My problem?   I don't know anybody or resources to build my own medicine/psychedelic catalog. I just recently got scammed online, so now I'm jaded about going that route. I just want to keep exploring and the momentum up, as I just came back from a ceremony a month ago.

I'm calling on all my serious psychonauts to help me. And I hope I didn't break a guideline.


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