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A Blind Man Pursuing Spirituality

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So I am not blind (at least I don't think I am :D ), but I have been thinking about this issue in pursuing Consciousness.  If one has lost their sight, hearing, feeling, or all sensations, how does one pursue Consciousness?  

I guess that no matter what sensations you lose in life, you will still have consciousness, awareness, and thoughts.  

So what I am trying to figure out is if I am blind, it is as if the Visual World ceases to exist.  Do the loss of sensations prevent or inhibit one from becoming enlightened?  How do psychedelic trips affect blind and deaf people?  Are there any limits to Consciousness if one loses their sensations?  What does it even mean to say that you are Consciousness when you are not and cannot be aware of any sensations or anything in the world?

I understand from distinguishing Actuality from Concept that if I am blind then my Visual World (with colors, shape, objects) ceases to exist for me.  But if the Visual World ceases to exist when you are blind, then why is it that you can still be harmed in it? 

Think of the 3rd movie of The Matrix: The Matrix Revolutions when Neo become "blind."  Let's assume that he was actually blind.  If there is no external world, how can Agent Smith have a chance of killing him?  I am still trying to wrap my mind around this.  

Here is me trying to understand.  Please point out my flaws in trying to distinguish actuality from concept:

I realize that this experience of typing on a computer is ACTUAL and the External World that I believe is outside my room and house is IMAGINARY.  What is IMAGINARY can affect what is ACTUAL (such as a nuclear bomb hitting my house, which is also IMAGINARY).  Since Consciousness divides itself, Neo is blind (a part of consciousness) and Agent Smith can see (also a part of consciousness).  All that is going on with Agent Smith harming Neo when Neo is blind is Consciousness interacting with Consciousness.  But from Neo's perspective, Agent Smith is a figment of his imagination, yet this imagination of Smith is a reality that Neo has to deal with.  Neo is imagining the visual image of Smith, but when Smith talks, Neo hears the ACTUALITY of his voice.  Sound arises out of Nothingness and passes away in Nothingness in the same way that Neo's sight and existence came from Nothingness and in the end when he died, Consciousness merged back into Nothingness.  Since Consciousness is infinite, it can infinitely divide itself giving it the appearance of an external world.  But I notice that there really is no Neo and is no Agent Smith.  These are just fictional characters and identities appearing in Consciousness.  I am IMAGINING IT! In the same way that Consciousness imagines that it is a human being, it imagines that it is blind and that it is fighting Agent Smith.  It is almost seems like the Life is one gigantic Dream or Video Game in which Consciousness (the content and structure of the dream) is imagining and interacting with other consciousnesses that are just divisions of itself interacting with itself?

LMAO!! I feel like I am crazy and I may be crazy.  But keep in mind though that Delusion and Crazy may be the default levels of everybody.  It is unraveling this delusion and fantasy that leads one to Truth.  But if our society is built on bullshit, lies, and delusion, then what is the Truth will be seen as delusion, bullshit, and lies from a delusional point of view? :D 


Edited by r0ckyreed

“Our most valuable resource is not time, but rather it is consciousness itself. Consciousness is the basis for everything, and without it, there could be no time and no resource possible. It is only through consciousness and its cultivation that one’s passions, one’s focus, one’s curiosity, one’s time, and one’s capacity to love can be actualized and lived to the fullest.” - r0ckyreed

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