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A Course in Miracles?

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I had heard things about this book, about how good it is. I started reading it and idk, I was having doubts. I'm trying to be open minded. I will say it's hard for me partly because parts of it go directly against the bible and I grew up reading the bible. 

Anyway the thing that really made me start questioning it is in the beginning there is a part that states that we are not God. So yea idk about that as its pretty clear to me I am God. 

Also not to mention it is very confusingly written and I'm trying to move away from spiritual mumbo jumbo if I can.

Have you read the book? Considering pushing through because I'm curious but also dont want to waste my time. 

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Disclaimer: any advice I give is based off my personal spiritual explorations. I am by no means an expert in the realms of the unseen or otherwise and anything I say should simply be taken as one friend helping another <3


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I would recommend checking out "A Course in Miracles Made Easy by Alan Cohen" it's honestly an incredible book and at the end he goes through a list of questions and answers about the overall course.... here is the book's description:

A Course in Miracles (ACIM)—the self-study spiritual-thought system that teaches the way to love and forgiveness—has captured the minds and hearts of millions of people, and delivered inner peace where fear and pain once prevailed. Its universal message is unsurpassed in its power to heal. Yet many students report that they have difficulty grasping the principles, or encounter resistance to the lessons. So, even while they yearn for the spiritual freedom the Course offers, they put the book aside, hoping one day to get to it. Alan Cohen, ACIM student and teacher for over 30 years, takes the Big Picture ideas of the Course and brings them down to earth in practical, easy-to-understand lessons with plenty of real-life examples and applications. A Course in Miracles Made Easy is the Rosetta stone that will render the Course understandable and relatable; and, most importantly, generate practical, healing results in the lives of students. This unique reader-friendly guide will serve longtime students of the Course, as well as those seeking to acquaint themselves with the program.

Edited by VeganAwake

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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16 hours ago, Flowerfaeiry said:

Also not to mention it is very confusingly written and I'm trying to move away from spiritual mumbo jumbo if I can.

There are better books out there. I wouldn't waste my time on something that wasn't clear.

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I was gifted this book last Christmas. I read the beginning and realized that this book has a lot of truth in it, however it's very difficult to read because of the vocabulary. This book is using it's own dictionary and meanings, to read this, you basically must forget the old meanings and create new associations of meaning just to grasp it.

When I realized I cannot read the main Text, I looked into Lessons (also available online). These are very practical exercises which you don't need to understand the new vocabulary and is very available. It basically teaches you to see the reality as it is, like you would do following any true mindfulness practices.

There is this one guy on youtube talking about ACIM in a more modern way, very usefully pointing out the differences of different meaning in the book and in the general public nowadays: Aaron Abke - A course in Miracles (Youtube playlist)


Edited by MarcusAurelius
added link to workbook

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