Aaron p

Concentration, Visualization, Location - Chakra's

3 posts in this topic

Here we are looking for information regarding visualization, experienced practitioners of yoga and Chakra visualization, your advice is valued! Stick around! 

I'd like to firstly talk about single pointed concentration. We are typically told to "concentrate on the third eye" (or whatever Chakra it is)...however, does this mean one should concentrate on the *mental image* of the third eye chakra, or the *sensation* of the chakra's *location* on the forehead? 

Also, from which angle do you visualize the chakras (during concentration and kriya pranayama)? When you are visualizing, there must be two points, the point where you are looking at, and the point where you are looking *from*. Ive tried moving *into* each chakra and mentally rising with the energy as it is lifted up the shushumna. Do you maintain one mental perspective? Or switch between multiple? Do you imagine the shushumna from the point of view of the middle of the head? Where do you visualize from, and does your perspective move at all? 

Do you see the spine from the side, back or at an angle? And is your perspective raised at all? And what do you actually see when you look at each chakra? Do you see a dot? Do you visualize an amorphic gathering of energy to representitive of each chakra? Are they coloured? Black and White? I've become more conscious that being specific with visualization is key, and I don't see these details being talked about on the forum.

What do you see when you visualize? And from where do you see? Do you see the entire body, or just the chakra's and the shushumna?




Edited by Aaron p

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3 hours ago, Aaron p said:


I'd like to firstly talk about single pointed concentration. We are typically told to "concentrate on the third eye" (or whatever Chakra it is)...however, does this mean one should concentrate on the *mental image* of the third eye chakra, or the *sensation* of the chakra's *location* on the forehead? 



For me, it started with the location of the forehead, just between the eyebrows. If you don't find any sensation there at first, you can just push your eye brows together and you ll feel a sensation. This for me was the easiest to concentrate on my third eye.


3 hours ago, Aaron p said:

Also, from which angle do you visualize the chakras (during concentration and kriya pranayama)? When you are visualizing, there must be two points, the point where you are looking at, and the point where you are looking *from*. Ive tried moving *into* each chakra and mentally rising with the energy as it is lifted up the shushumna.

During concentration it's from the medulla to the Ajna. Took some time for me to get this, but to keep at it is the best way to get there.

For KP, I usually move my awareness to the chakra location, if it's Anahata then the spine location at my back behind the chest and feel the sensation there.

3 hours ago, Aaron p said:

Do you maintain one mental perspective? Or switch between multiple? Do you imagine the shushumna from the point of view of the middle of the head? Where do you visualize from, and does your perspective move at all? 

I personally imagine sushamna along the spine from the base till the top. 

3 hours ago, Aaron p said:

Do you see the spine from the side, back or at an angle? And is your perspective raised at all? And what do you actually see when you look at each chakra?


Better to have a Point of view of the spine which is symmetrical.

I personally look for a sensation at each chakra point or just plain old awareness at the spine location, if the spine location gets difficult to bring into awareness, then I usually focus inside the body at the location.


3 hours ago, Aaron p said:



Do you see a dot? Do you visualize an amorphic gathering of energy to representitive of each chakra? Are they coloured? Black and White? I've become more conscious that being specific with visualization is key, and I don't see these details being talked about on the forum.

I am not sure about this as I haven't tried this. Maybe me, personally, will stay away from this. Rainbow colours, VIBGYOR as present in the picture you have attached would be the right colours for each chakra. Maybe it is for a reason.

3 hours ago, Aaron p said:

What do you see when you visualize? And from where do you see? Do you see the entire body, or just the chakra's and the shushumna?

Better to use Shambavi Mudra when you are doing KP, that would automatically point some energy to the third eye even when you are working on other chakras.

3 hours ago, Aaron p said:





Form is emptiness, emptiness is form.


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