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What you're looking for is this, why cant you find it? Because it is this.

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What you're looking for is literally this, it is so obvious that the seeker cant see it. It is too simple, there is no games to be played, no story in the message. People are looking for the experience of non duality, but are totally missing that non duality is the default "state." It is so much this(lol), that you realize that you can never realize that this is this. It is this before any knowing that this is this. The seeker wants to know that this is this, so it fills up with non dual concepts trying to figure out what this is. LOL. You will never figure out what this is, the need to know what this is can fall away, and guess what will be left, THIS, with no one left to make it into something in particular.

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"This doesn't need anything else, this is already all there is. Whatever is happening—whatever feelings, thoughts, experiences are happening—that is the wholeness that is looked for. It's not the wholeness the individual's looking for. It's not the wholeness that the "I am" is looking for. It will always be dissatisfied with this. It's a wholeness that's beyond the personal seeking, beyond the personal need for something more or something else"-- Jim

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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