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Developing Concentration For Meditation And Everyday Life

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Hello everyone this is my first post on this magnificent forum. I have been meditating on and off since I was 18 (now 27). Only in recent years have I fully grasp the purpose of meditation and taken my practice more seriously.

It has always been difficult for me to maintain concentration throughout meditation and in some aspects of my everyday life. Lately I have been incorporating a form of meditation called Trakata ( I didn't even realize it was a form of meditation until I Googled it) . This technique involves gazing at a lit candle in a perfectly dark room. I usually do this technique before bed and gaze at the candle until it completely burns itself out. Along with gazing at the candle I try to focus intently on each and every aspect of the breath. Even though I have gotten positive results from this technique, I am curious to know if there are other techniques that can enhance my concentration. I have been experiencing headaches the last few days which I am pretty certain can be attributed to the technique that I am practicing. It is very difficult on the eyes. Has anyone tried this technique or something similar ? Any suggestions on a alternative?

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The traditional form and concept of Tratak is indeed that of concentration. And through concentration, energy is generated and siddhis – psychic powers -- are developed; but that ultimate relaxation we are seeking, the meeting with God, does not happen. Concentration is a part and extension of the ego itself; through it you are not dissolved but strengthened. You are not melted but solidified like ice. Your powers increase, but not your bliss.

The ability to concentrate is not something to feel blessed about. It is a frozen state of mind, a very narrow state of mind. Useful, of course, useful — for others. Useful in scientific inquiry, useful in business, useful in the market, useful in politics — but absolutely useless for yourself. If you become too attuned with concentration you will become very, very tense. Concentration is a tense state of mind; you will never be relaxed. Concentration is like a torch, focused, and consciousness is like a lamp, unfocused.

If you meditate. first concentration will disappear and you will be feeling a little at a loss. But if you go on, by and by you will attain to an unfocused state of light — that’s what meditation is. Once meditation is attained. concentration is child’s play — whenever you need to, you can concentrate. There will be no problem about it and it will be easy and without any tension.

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