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Hey everyone, I felt like writing this post on Happiness, and by happiness I mean the happiness inherent in our true nature, the peace and happiness that are the 'side effects' of Self-Realization and realizing the truth of our own being and reality. 


Would life be worth living without happiness? 

The word is thrown around a lot these days, often marketers promise us happiness in a capsule or in the next product they are selling, but in reality, happiness can never be found outside of ourselves, or even inside of ourselves, happiness IS what we are. 

I will be honest, suffering and a low level of background depression is what lead me to finding spirituality, and in particular Eckhart Tolle and starting on the spiritual path, so maybe I am slightly biased towards happiness. 

I believed getting A*s and going to University then getting some high paying job in the city would make me happy, and that happiness was also just in the next achievement or thing, and was always so close. 

How wrong I was. 

The realization that you are literally The Self, you are The Absolute, you are all that exists, ever have existed and ever will 'exist' brings a peace and happiness that never leaves, as you have finally found who you truly are. It brings an end to the endless seeking, and allows for the final rest and joy in being. It brings the innate Infinite Love of EVERYTHING as you know everything is YOU, this screen you are looking at is literally God, these words are literally God. But, simultaneously even that is saying too much, for all there is, is THIS. THIS IS IT. 

Every single moment is simply the spontaneous joy of being alive, and is accepted with open arms, no matter what arises. Even when so called 'bad' things happen, the Peace and happiness of your true nature remain, for it is dependent on nothing and is literally what you are. It is unshakeable, unbreakable and is your birthright. You quite literally are The Absolute, the little I doesn't exist and never did, the illusion of a separate self has been seen through completely, separation is seen as the illusion it truly is. 

Paradoxically though, you are more YOU than ever before, your personality is expressed wholeheartedly and you are completely free to truly be who you are. The Absolute sucks you in and spits you out as this beautiful expression of itself, it wants YOU to experience what you are experiencing right now. It wants you to be YOU, to embrace your humanity, to love deeply, to express this understanding, to have fun, to enjoy life! 

It is impossible to put into words, and I cannot say it any better, unfortunately, which is why silence is always the highest teaching, for this understanding can only be known in the silence, in the gap, in THIS, the answer is never another concept or belief, but is simply found HERE, NOW in THIS. 

Non-Duality, Duality, Spirituality, Enlightenment, Awakening (etc) are all just concepts that help you realize THIS, like all concepts they have their relative uses, but they must be dropped, and let go of so you can jump in the fire fully naked, and experience THIS as it truly is. So you can experience Sahaja. There is no enlightened person, there is simply the realization of the truth of your own being. Awareness becoming aware of itself. It's not Charlie who has awakened, there is no Charlie to awaken, it is simply Consciousness becoming Conscious of itself. 

Then what is left? 

If you are completely happy, fulfilled and at peace, what is left after the spiritual search, after you find what you was after, after the seeking is over. After you no longer spend hours upon hours reading and listening to teachers, and trying to understand this concept, and inquiring about this or that. 

There is simply the expression of this Peace, Happiness, Love and Understanding in ALL areas of life, you simply live life from this understanding, from love. No longer are you looking for a relationship or a business or a hobby to make you happy, everything you do/ partake in is simply then an expression of this happiness, of this love and of this understanding. 

You are absolutely free to do whatever you want to, to live life on your terms. 

Want to go and 'help' people awaken? Go for it!

Want to go and meditate in a cave forever? Go for it! 

Want to go and feed the poor? Go for it!

Want to go and work in your local coffee shop? Go for it!

Want to become a professional athlete/ musician/ artist? Go for It!

Want to go and build your business? Go for it!

Want to raise a family and get married? Go for it!

And on and on and on. I think you get the point! 

You have absolute freedom to whatever you wish, to whatever your heart desires. 

Except one thing changes. 

The desire will no longer be about what 'you' want, but the desire will come from and be about Love and expressing love, happiness and peace in whatever you do. This is sometimes known as Impersonal Desire, which I think is a helpful concept ;) 

Everything comes from, is made of and literally is Love, living in alignment with that is the most beautiful gift of all. 

Every day we are blessed to have the chance to deepen and integrate this understanding even further in life, to be of service to so called 'others' (you) and to express this beautiful understanding however we see fit. 

As Ramana Maharshi said- 'Your Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.' 

And, Happiness is inherent In that Self-Realization. And, who doesn't want to be happy? It's what we all want. 

And, I can say one thing. It's worth it. 

It's worth the hours seeking, the sleepless nights overthinking and contemplating, the frustration, the existential terror, the fear& anxiety you have to overcome, the dark night of a soul. It's 100000000000000000000000000% worth it, and even that isn't saying enough how worth it is. 

It's here, it's now, it's THIS. You are THIS. Stop looking elsewhere, it has always been right there, when you realize it, you'll kick yourself at how obvious it all was. 

Have a good day everyone. Go and express some love, peace and happiness. Go and tell your loved ones you love them, go and give your body the nutrition and exercise (love) it deserves, go and do the things in life you love. 

Go enjoy life. 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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Thanks!! That's very good motivation! 

(A good motivation... to me to keep seeking even more intensely...) Lol

Edited by Javfly33

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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@Meta-Man  Yep and it's fucking hard at times, I think we've all been there when we just think why even bother. 

And, yes you have to be prepared to give up EVERYTHING (including 'yourself' of course) to the Absolute. 

People often ask will my life be the same? or a variation of that. 

It's such an impossible question to answer because for one, they may stay with the same spouse, at the same job, with the same friends, and already live a life fairly aligned with truth. 

Whereas, for another they could be in a marriage they hate, with fake relationships and a fake life all around them and working for an oil company that is slowly destroying the world (or similar) so in that situation awakening will probably lead to more 'external' changes. 

Either way, internally you'll transform, but nothing false is worth clinging to as you know. 

@Javfly33  Haha, I know what you mean. 

Remember, it's always THIS, it's never in the concept of the future or past, it can only be here and now. 

It's always worth it ;) 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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27 minutes ago, Meta-Man said:

Yes. Now do what it takes to actually realize that.

Ok, I'm going in. -_-

I don't see anymore how I can stay true to myself, and true to Love if I don't let go.

Edited by gswva

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@Meta-Man One thing will certainly change. 

There will be no more resistance to life, no matter what life throws at you. 

That in itself is a HUGE change, especially in our society where distraction upon distraction is literally a click away. 


'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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31 minutes ago, LfcCharlie4 said:

@Meta-Man One thing will certainly change. 

There will be no more resistance to life, no matter what life throws at you. 

That in itself is a HUGE change, especially in our society where distraction upon distraction is literally a click away. 


How much time does it take from the realization, to the dropping of the resistance?

Or it is just a matter of awakening fully? And "you are done"? That´s why I think I still have to seek, that´s why I know i havent´awoken really.

 Sure, I´ve realized there´s no me. I am a thought. In fact "my mind" is also a thought lol, my mind is an appearence within "THIS". So basically the chair in front of me is as much as my mind as the brain I think it´s mine. However intellectually this might seem cool the mind keeps still pretty much the same habits (although a lot of things are changing too), and it´s clear to me that certain thoughts re-appear daily to maintain an identity which I consider myself @Javfly33

Although I know @Javfly33 is empty, there is still an identity. Part of that identity is resisting THIS of course. I can´t believe you guys are saying you are in a non-resistance mode 24/7. 

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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@Javfly33 Yeah it’s not really a matter of time, that would be an impossible question, more of a realisation and then embodiment of that realisation. 

By non-resistance what I mean is that niggling feeling or thing that is constantly rejecting and resisting what is, instead you totally accept each and every moment for the spontaneous joy that it is, even when it’s “shit”, each moment is quite literally a miracle. 

Yah it sounds like you got it intellectually, I was the same when I listened to Rupert 24/7 intellectually I could describe awakening and awareness etc, but really what use is that? 

Unless it’s your own direct experience it’s pretty useless, except for helping you get that direct experience. 

The thing about being in a “non resistance mode 24/7” is it just becomes the new norm, or natural (sahaja) it’s not like you try your hardest to not resist or accept what is, it just is, and it just happens, and you flow with the river of life. 


Effort is required until it is no longer needed, so If you feel you are still seeking or theres something more to get- keep going! You will know when you have “arrived”, you won’t even need to ask the question. You are your own guru, always remember that. You don’t need an outside authority to “validate” your awakening, as YOU will know! 

In terms of recommendations, At your point, simply “Do Nothing/ Natural Pure Awareness” meditation would be really beneficial as it will allow you to simply rest as you are, and stop overthinking it all ?

In regards to habits and habits of the mind, integration can involve other forms of study. For example, awakening won’t instantly make you lose weight if you’re obese, youd have to take the steps to change your diet and exercise habits, which of course is a form of self-love. 

and, it’s the same with the minds habits. We have believed for decades there is “someone” there, that this is all about, therefore, every time you do, simply investigate and question your mind, don’t let 1 thought go unnoticed. The mind can be very sneaky, so always be on top of it, and questioning and investigating, eventually it will back down?

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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@LfcCharlie4  Thanks man, you seem you have pretty solid understanding. Yes I´m in 99% intellectually a 1% direct awareness

@Meta-Man Thanks that is useful to know. I think I am in 3 after having some glimpses. I probably need a lot more to embrace and surrender to the Truth 

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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@Meta-Man I tried to vape [...] eyeballed, I didn't take it seriously enough and ended-up wasting most of it. I didn't resist, didn't feel any pain or any fear, so I don't think it's a failure. I'm probably going to take it slow.

Just, what am I? I don't even know anymore. The little I've experienced really felt toward absolute Nothingness and Love. I've used those symbols in my posts, but my foolish self didn't quite realize the massive scale of it. I mean, it makes sense. We are talking about a thing with such devotion it can keep itself out of non existence.

Edited by gswva

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@Meta-Man I was lying to myself. I definitely felt a fear of being nothing. 

But you're right, Love goes beyond the comfortable simplicity of some symbols. It's like a large scale will of creation.

Edited by gswva

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