
If you would be 15, what would you do?

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If u would be 15, what things would u work on firstly? What skill would u master firstly? What would u most concentrate on? If u could tell one quote or one sentence to your 15y old self what would it be? Im confused where should i put my energy? I meditate 40mins every day(do nothing meditation), im journaling every day, im eating healthy, im exercising, studying everyday,  im taking notes on leo's videos, etc. Im planning to quit video games,porn finally, to start actually learning leo videos from my notes and stick it into my head, start building strong morning routine, start contemplating,strategizing, switch to another meditation technique that improves my concentration, start developing my research skills. I have so much time...we wont have school for a long time, and there is the summer break...

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I am very much tempted to write you a whole book of what to do but to keep it simple:

Keep. It. Up. 

Keep it up. There is nothing worse than getting stuck somewhere comfortable where it becomes terrible.

You will find your path within yourself and anything unnecessary will fade out of your life effortlessly. 

But only if you keep it up.

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Sounds like great stuff. Being 15 and doing the work you are doing is bang on. Maybe take the life Purpose Course. 

You have a Bright Future Ahead.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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I spent so much of my teens taking in garbage resources. So I would probably recommend myself reading these 3 books:

"Mind is a myth" by U.G. Krishnamurti
"The Tao of Fully Feeling" by Pete Walker
"Power vs. Force" by David R. Hawkins

These books were not just good, but absolutely life-changing for me in each their own way.

"Mind is a myth" helped me get rid of dogma and get in touch with my inner guru. "The Tao of Fully Feeling" opened me up to unconditional love. "Power vs. Force" helped me see the power of truthful alignment.

I am myself, heaven and hell.

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Started this around 15 now 17, just meditate every day and keep learning about big picture stuff. 

“The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.”

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1 hour ago, StarStruck said:

Stop masturbating. 

Natural urges are not bad. 

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Currently 16 and started this path at the age of 14. Honestly, I really resonated what @Cykaaaasaid.

I would recommed taking time to find yourself. Your passions and all. Honestly, follow and train your intuition too. Each persons path is unique and we each heal and develop at different times. 

Much love, and oh yeah, love! really learn to love your life. Creat a vision, how do you want to be in 5 years or even a year. 

Honestly, I wouldn't really change my 15 year old self. Ngl, he was very developed to begin with, and this moment is perfect so there's that. 

Glad you got on this path so early! Lol, you are doing well, and yeah, cutting porn is a nice step. Good luck and come on my journal on this forum and ask any questions if you want xD

oh man, go on walks! Enjoy nature, you don't understand how much that helps. 

@Shiva thanks for the advice, being young myself I see the importance of independence. 

Edited by SilentTears

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Learn valuable skills, become financially independant from parents as soon as possible and leave this toxic nest as soon as possible

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Leave home asap. Find what habits you think are the most important to your life, slowly and strategically build them up for life. But the most important thing survival-wise is resilience. Life can fuck you up. I would work on my resilience. Taking more responsibilities makes your life way easier later. Do the housework.

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Probably just tell him to invest in bitcoin and to not reject girls that he's attracted to. 

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Absolutely nothing, i would give my younger self a darshan so he could feel it and think about what it was.

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Stop doing:

Drinking coffee;


Start doing:

Working out;


Healthy dieting;

Meditation practice;

Drinking 2L of water daily.

Edited by Espaim

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