Tancrede Pouyat

Starting My Life Purpose Driven Business

10 posts in this topic

Hi guys,

I understand the importance of feedback when starting your own business, because it allows us to grow it. My only problem is that I don't have anybody to ask feedback to, except for you guys. I incur to be extremely honest, though. I will be able to take it, so don't be afraid. It's my life purpose, remember.

Anyway, here's my channel.

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Yet another aspiring personal development/life coach.
I run no business and am not a life coach and can not give feedback on how to build a business/marketing/finance, etc.

However, I am a follower of PD-material - in particular your target audience, I presume. Would I follow your material? I might check on you in the future, just to see if you make progress xD

During the past two months, you have uploaded 116 videos that have gained a total of 192 views on your YouTube-channel.

In your introductory video, you introduce quite a few concepts: Life purpose, passion, victim mentality/responsibility and awareness, among others. The causality by which you state many profound insights and distinctions seems to assume that the viewer is already an insider, already has experience with PD and the associated terminology.

I suggest that you reconsider the strategy that you deploy to realize your life purpose. Especially consider your ideal quality/quantity ratio. You realize the value of PD and intend to share this wisdom with the world, and you have probably articulated your life purpose impact and decided that video is your medium. But who exactly do you wish to influence or impact in what way?

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@Tancrede Pouyat  Hi Tancrede, thumbs up for following your dream. Your delivery is rather annoying to me, but that is just a personal opinion. I am sure there are people that appreciate your energetic and humorous delivery. But because of that, I haven't seen a lot of your video's. I DO want to say that I get the feeling you try to copy Leo. Maybe I am wrong and just haven't seen enough. But just watch out for that trap. Don't copy, develop your own style.

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I'd also agree there's a very strong similarity between your videos and Leo's - there's nothing wrong with using Actualized.org as a strong inspiration, but maybe try add your own unique ... something. I'm not sure what that would be, that's the hard part. I think it will be very hard to out-Leo Leo

I just skimmed your spirituality video, and I heard you ask something to the likes of "find one aspect of life that spirituality doesn't impact and email me" - maybe you could make a video series giving examples of how spirituality could impact your life view on various topics (eg. how would most people's views change on crime, on parenting, on work, on what a fulfilling life is, why exercise, why donate or not....). Just a random blue-sky-thinking idea, but something like that hasn't already been covered by Leo.

Are you a big fan of Leo? If you are, maybe watch some other speakers as well so that their styles can rub off on yours too - and then you could combine their styles in your own unique way. To get a wide range of speaking mannerism, I'd recommend checking out

My last advice might be, with your accent it sounds like you speak another language too, why not create videos in that language as well/instead of? That could possibly help attract a new fan base, maybe to reach people that haven't been exposed to modern self-help like Leo teaches

Just my 2 cents, good luck with your life purpose! You can only be doing the world good with your current path :D

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Good luck with your channel! Lately I watched a video on advice to content creators and it made me eventually start my blog. Here it is:


The important impact of this video was, I had the guts to tell actual real friends about it and surprisingly they are very supportive. I used to think they were going to say how silly I am, but even my mom said she was proud of me. So my first advice is,  publish it on Facebook! Or tell your friends about it. And connect to other people on youtube, comment on them, subscribe to their channel etc.

My second advice is finding your own voice and be authentic. Do you watch JP Sears' videos? I got the sense that you are trying to mimic his humour. If you don't, you should definitely watch his videos to see how you can blend in humour and PD. But this is not suggesting copying him of course. What I like about him is when he puts on a funny video he has this "ultra spiritual" look and you know what to expect. But even in the very serious topics he can make a comment and you never know if he is being sarcastic or not. The good thing about sarcasm is it is so subtle you don't differentiate sometimes. Try to find that tune. Don't tell your viewers "I am going to be funny now". Make it more sincere, like real life ;)

Also, you can plan your speech ahead and prune while planning. The more concise the better for the first videos. So people can actually watch till the end. Choosing the best daylight and shooting in front of a more basic background may help as well ( because you said you can't afford equipment for now).

 So sorry if it is too much. It's summer holiday, so I miss giving essay advice to my students I suppose. I totally switched to teacher-mode! Hope you will grow as a great youtuber! 

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On June 28, 2016 at 11:36 AM, Tancrede Pouyat said:

Hi guys,

I understand the importance of feedback when starting your own business, because it allows us to grow it. My only problem is that I don't have anybody to ask feedback to, except for you guys. I incur to be extremely honest, though. I will be able to take it, so don't be afraid. It's my life purpose, remember.

Anyway, here's my channel.

Good for you! I subscribed. :) I checked out about half of your introductory video, then my computer started freezing up and not playing the video. So, I'll just give you my critique at a glance.

Pros- Very interesting personality and fun to watch which is great for a Youtube talking head. This is the primary reason why people will want to watch you. Think about it, would you watch Leo's content if someone else who was boring to listen to was talking about it? No. You'd flip over to a different video. So, this is a big plus point that you have on your hands that you can leverage to your advantage. You're a memorable person.

Improvement Points- I can definitely see Leo's influence in how you do your thumbnails, the topics you cover, and some of the words you use. You want to think about your personal style and what will make your channel completely unique from anyone else on Youtube. This will be your main leverage point. So, work on making really unique content with a really unique point of view. Speak from personal experience, use different terminology, and cover somewhat different topics even though you're in the same personal development niche.

Also, name your videos with popular search terms so that they rank higher in search. Leo can afford to name his videos by unique names that are catchy and have cuss words and irrelevant words in it because he has 400,000+ subscribers and Youtube will automatically rank his videos higher and put him in the suggested videos. For us little guys (my channel has about 875 subs) we need to name videos strategically to get seen otherwise we'll get lost in the huge pile of Youtube videos. Experiment around to try to get your videos on the first page ideally, if not 2nd and 3rd page are somewhat acceptable for now.

Also, do consider eventually investing in some better quality equipment. I've spent about $300 (maybe less) on my set and it looks pretty decent, though I do plan to improve upon it still. An umbrella light costs about $25-$40 and a tripod costs less than that. There are also cameras the shoot in high quality HD that are around $100-$150. 

Good luck and give it hell!

Are you struggling with self-sabotage and CONSTANTLY standing in the way of your own success? 

If so, and if you're looking for an experienced coach to help you discover and resolve the root of the issue, you can click this link to schedule a free discovery call with me to see if my program is a good fit for you.


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@Tancrede Pouyat

Congratulations for all you have done already. 

I think it would really help you to do ton of research on how to make it on youtube (SEO, ranking, online marketing etc.) and just marketing in general. youtube channels such as video influencers, or Roberto Blake are good starting points. I'm not an expert but I feel that what you need right now is to improve your focus, strategy, marketing and, let's call it business skills. As @Emerald Wilkins mentioned, you seem very influenced by Leo's channel. It's good but you might want to check out many other channel, and get inspired by them as well so you can create your own style. 

I'm impressed by the fact that you seem not to have hesitated too much in creating your youtube channel - am I right? I'm personally working on starting a youtube channel as well. A big emotional barrier for me was to actually overcome the fear of shooting videos and expressing myself on youtube. I've done a lot of work on planning and strategizing, and less on executing yet. We all have our strengths and weaknesses right? ;) It's all about being conscious of them and working it through!

Keep learning and keep going!

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From what i watched and read, you study and teach psychology, offer coaching and plan to release products (personal development i assume)?

I know i fall out of you´re target group, but may i ask you what is youre target group?


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