
The Great Awakening / New Earth

55 posts in this topic

7 minutes ago, Derek White said:

So would you agree that people like Sadhguru and other gurus, yogis, and teachers have a higher waking state consciousness than you?

You said yourself that you have defilement such as a need for sex, subtle addictions, various fears, etc.

Yes, I don't doubt they do.


And no offence but I don’t agree with you when say you intuitively know Sadhguru is less conscious than you or when you say you’re the most conscious. Idk about the West but in India people have been saying life is dream for a long time. Hindus say Brahma is imagining everything and you can find equivalents in other religions.

I don't say that I'm the most conscious.

All I claim is that I have accessed peak states of consciousness which are super-human and which very few people have ever accessed or could access naturally.

Sadhguru does not understand psychedelics, so his opinions on them are irrelevant to me.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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4 hours ago, Thought Art said:

@StripedGiraffe I like your grounding video! I bought a grounding mat!

I like your content, reminds me of Actualized meets infinite waters!

Thank you, glad you enjoyed! I've been watching and infinite waters for like 6 years now so I'll take it as a compliment lol. And that's sweet, I've never heard of a grounding mat before. How do you like it?

Glory to God. Blessings to All. 

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30 minutes ago, Leo Gura said:

Yes, I don't doubt they do.

I don't say that I'm the most conscious.

All I claim is that I have accessed peak states of consciousness which are super-human and which very few people have ever accessed or could access naturally.

Sadhguru does not understand psychedelics, so his opinions on them are irrelevant to me.

This explains everything that's been seeming off for a few months. This is what I've implied but i see now.

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@Leo Gura Alright. I have two more questions.

1) What do you plan on releasing after your break cause your recent videos were great but kind repetitive, for old followers and folks who do the ‘work’?

2) Are you pursuing enlightenment further? Cause last time you said you would die so your not. What are u working on?

“Many talk like philosophers yet live like fools.” — Proverb

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Mahasamadhi is state beyond a certain intensity, where energies become so intense that body cannot hold it anymore and you leaves the body. Lets say this is the highest state you can go. And milions of enlightened beings have achived mahasamadhi without any help of substance. That would mean that they achived higher peaks of consciousness than you describe in your 5meo trips because you still haven't seen mahasamadhi state.l to report about it. Wouldn't this be a logical way of putting things? 

This is why 99% of people when become enlightened leave their body, sadhguru is one of those 1%.

Wouldn't that make him more enlightened then your peak states of 5meo? I'm just talking sense here. I don't know what you've experienced to make such controvertial statements. But it doesn't add up a little bit.

@Leo Gura

Edited by Salvijus

Imagine for a moment, dear friends, that you are Conciousness, and that you have only this one awareness - that you are at peace, and that you are. 


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On 4/7/2020 at 10:19 PM, StripedGiraffe said:

I've been experiencing a massive shift in consciousness over the last 6 months, and especially the last few days. After the April 4th collective meditation, my third eye was throbbing and I had the deepest awakening of my life yesterday. A few other people I've talked to said they felt a major shift as well. I'm curious if you guys are feeling this as well. I provide more details in the video:


This was incredible. Thanks for sharing

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On 7.04.2020 at 9:19 PM, StripedGiraffe said:

I've been experiencing a massive shift in consciousness over the last 6 months, and especially the last few days. After the April 4th collective meditation, my third eye was throbbing and I had the deepest awakening of my life yesterday. A few other people I've talked to said they felt a major shift as well. I'm curious if you guys are feeling this as well. I provide more details in the video:


One thing comes to mind here.
This century will be full of 'prophets'.            Let it be so.


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On 4/8/2020 at 8:08 PM, Leo Gura said:

All I claim is that I have accessed peak states of consciousness which are super-human and which very few people have ever accessed or could access naturally.

Surprisingly, I don't actually doubt your claims, which most even "spiritual people" would consider outrageous.

The only concern I see is it's very clear to me through some of your behavior, that despite being a very knowledge-oriented and quite cognitively developed human being, you don't have anything close to a conceptual paradigm which is capable of properly integrating these experiences on a conceptual level.

(Let alone fully integrating and embodying them on all levels.)

And that's no surprise, because no such conceptual paradigm is being taught anywhere, it would be too far removed and wouldn't serve any purpose.


On 4/9/2020 at 1:08 AM, Salvijus said:

Mahasamadhi is state beyond a certain intensity, where energies become so intense that body cannot hold it anymore and you leaves the body. Lets say this is the highest state you can go.

Frankly, there isn't much I can say about this, except that this is not my understanding. There's a lot of naive-thinking in spirituality.

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Wait till you take Mahasamadhi before forming an opinion on it. ;)

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Consciousness is much more non-linear than you'd think.

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On 4/7/2020 at 4:58 PM, Leo Gura said:

Other people are an illusion. If you shake that illusion, life becomes very dull. Just you by yourself.

Couldn't disagree more. Hasn't been my awakening process AT ALL, but all paths are unique. 

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