Eren Eeager

Can we summerize ego defense mechanisms in this thread.

19 posts in this topic

This will help us contemplating each of those mechanisms and noticing them in our lives.

I am interested in those tricky mechanisms that prevent us from totally accepting nonduality, at least theorically. 






I am now more interested than ever contemplating these because I realized how much power and trickiness these mechanisms have.

Please help me, much love for all of you ♥️♥️♥️

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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Your life is a defense mechanism. Your entire life is it. Your life should be thrown into the garbage. And make space for a new way of being. You should empty your cup first. Whatever you do notice it is ephemeral and finite and doesn't give you meaning. Survival doesn't give your meaning. The defense mechanisms, regardless how well put into order for your survival here on the planet, it doesn't give you the ultimate wisdom and freedom. "Defense mechanism", defending what more exactly? --> Your current perception which is full of layers upon layers of illusion, aka your history of life. Renounce that and you won't have defense mechanisms. You won't fall anymore into auto-pilot, defending that which is at the core of all your behaviours, thinking pattern etc. There should be nothing at the core. The premise should be the void, or God, absolute, nothing, or however you name it.

Get rid of that which starts all those ugly habits. Put more attention to that not the habits themselves.

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@student I meant something short , like one statment each, ok?

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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Edited by Osaid

Describe a thought.

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Should fear of eternity be considered as one of the ego defense mechanism? There is little emotional fear being experienced, just the harsh consequence of our restricted human logic applied to spiritual understandings. It's not a fear as a consequence of a dual state, but fear of the existence itself? Am I delusional? What do you think?

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Negatively labeling...

Shooting the messenger...

Tossing the baby out with the bathwater...


Edited by VeganAwake

“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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Arrogance, stubbornness, pride

Edited by traveler

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@Natasha @student@VeganAwake

Thank you guys for your contribution, but I was thinking of a more direct, and short statments like examples I mentioned.

You can expalin what you mean then, but first summarize it in a short statment

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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27 minutes ago, Eren Eeager said:

@Natasha @student@VeganAwake

Thank you guys for your contribution, but I was thinking of a more direct, and short statments like examples I mentioned.

You can expalin what you mean then, but first summarize it in a short statment

Ego is afraid to be a nobody. It reinforces that false sense of self by continuously seeking validation, attention (both positive and negative), influence, sympathy, admiration, etc. 

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20 hours ago, Eren Eeager said:

Self-righteousness - Trying to make sense of other selves by asserting my own. 

Projection - Denial I am the source of perception. Upholding the belief in assertion.  

Ridiculing - Self righteousness in action. 

Distraction - Lack of expression, rejection of desire, upholding the belief in assertion via body mind identification aka “blame, shame & guilt” which do not exist in any ‘outer’ or ‘exterior’ world. 

Great thread. There’s meta-sneakery, if you will, too. 

“This or that” is also a profound sneakiness. Using the very duality one is creating of oneself, to thwart one’s self & experience of life.  Such as one discovering a new desire within for a change in life accordingly, but fooling one’s self into believing there is an ‘either or’ situation, rather then acknowledging the obvious answer is both. Recognizing the perfection in the blend of contrast & apparent opposition, calling upon one’s very source of unconditional. Realizing there is no better experience to be had than that of burning the midnight oil in thriving, in passion, even occasionally passing out, in the unabashed alignment of one’s desire, one’s own calling. Meta instinct literally comes to life. 

Also, meta-manipulation. Maintaining a facade of unconditionality to serve the conditions one is still believing one is holding. Possibly the nastiest karma there is to be experienced, synonymous with the manifestation of ‘smell’ in it’s absolute directness in suffering. You might say when it walks into a room, even then ‘unconscious asleep’ know there is a smell of significant discord, wether understood or not. Such might even be why prayer was invented, and how “exorcism” was coined and believed to this day.

Then there’s sneakery of one using one’s idea of the collective conscious. 

Then there’s infinite sneakery. 



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Thanks Nahm, but honestly I don't get much of what you say, Your style is a bit complicated for me, I always wanted to say that to you. 

Please, don't get mad at me ??. Just joking I know you won't ?, you are a good heart Nahm.

 But I loved your commentery on the Examples I mentioned 

Gotta contemplate hard, the ego is master in trickery.

I am the only thing stopping myself from receiving infinite Love form Myself. I am Infinite Love for god sake.

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9 hours ago, Nahm said:

@Eren Eeager ?

Infinite being is the sneaky one.

Yes I am. Very sneaky when it comes to dreamin'. 

Maybe I am genial. ?❤️?

Let me Love/beTaylor Swift for once without forgetting and enjoy hell out if it. 



Edited by zeroISinfinity

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Don’t you realize that all of you together are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God lives in you?
1 Corinthians 3:16

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If you haven't heard about Dr. K or "HealthyGamerGG" He's a Harvard Educated Psychiatrist with a background in Eastern meditation and yoga.

In this video he touches on Ego Defense Mechanisms and simplifies it so well that if you're interested in this topic then it's a must-see. :) 

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