
Nihilism - The Denial of Meaning Becomes the Operative Meaning

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It’s become more and more apparent to me a deep hypocrisy that lies within nihilism and to that, any devout endeavour of skepticism.

Before I continue, it’s important to disclaimer, I am neither for or against such notions, I see them both useful in part. I have just come to notice underlying issues in them that seem to be often overlooked.

Subtle Hypocrisy

Nihilism, the urge to disbelieve in any one thing or ascribe it a specific meaning is to do the very thing that was first aimed at being avoided.

See, nihilism maintains there is no meaning, however, it is equally assigning a meaning of meaninglessness as it proceeds. Which in doing so, characterises existence and all its parts a purposeless function. In other words, nihilism is the claim that things function and there is no explanation behind this from which to understand. That itself, appears to be the prime hypocrisy. To claim no purpose or meaning is to assign things “purposelesses” - in turn this a description.

It’s very subtle but when exploring the terrain of nihilism at its core, it becomes no less delusion than a fundamentalist cult.

The problem is not what is being argued in nihilism, but where it is arguing from.

Now this by no means, is my railing against nihilism. Just simply putting forth a very undermined factor of skeptical thinking.

When one takes skepticism to its epitome they become the very thing they were first being skeptical about. At least, these are my stark observations.

What I’ve learnt from this is, no idea belief, notion, ideology, theory or perspective escapes critique. Because concept and language are limited in nature which renders any claim upheld by it essentially redundant.

This also includes what I am writing here. What I write can never encapsulate the whole since I write in parts fragmented from a larger system. Thus, any branch of existence is itself limited in explaining it.

I can empathise why mystics and sages speak in such confusing sentences and say how existence cannot be described, as any description denies reality of what else it is that is not accounted for in the limits of a description.

And I guess this why Being is so fundamental because nothing can describe it.

Anywho, these are some of my thoughts of recent. Feel free to critique what I have written as it will inevitably fall under the same trap I have spoken about haha ?

Edited by Jacobsrw

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Existence appears to be a never-ending cycle of swallowing itself and defecating itself back out...

A never ending energy spiral sort of speak...

It's mind-blowing wild crazy incredible...

What's even more startling is the individual that assigns meaning to this crazy fiasco appears to be an illusion.

What an Excellent Adventure ? 


“Everything is honoured, but nothing matters.” — Eckhart Tolle.

"I have lived on the lip of insanity, wanting to know reasons, knocking on a door. It opens. I've been knocking from the inside." -- Rumi

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@VeganAwake haha I like the way you put that!

Indeed so. We are chasing the very thing that’s right in front of us and we, have created the obstruction that blinds us from seeing it.

life is truly magnificent and probably much simpler than we assume it to be.

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