
What Is Awareness ?

41 posts in this topic

On 6/28/2016 at 10:11 PM, Bruno said:

What exactly is Awareness ? I wanna attempt to define awareness as clear as possible.

How does it feel ? How raised awareness feels different from low awareness ? Awareness is more like a laser that is pointed to a specific thing or more like a fire that can be raised to lighten the whole place ? What exactly are the most important things that need to be seen through the light of awareness ? In which specific ways can I raise my awareness, along with meditation ?

PS : Awareness, Consciousness, Observation.. All the same.

all three are not the same thing.  consciousness is aware only to the degree that itself has evolved over time, consciousness observes, consciousness evolves by observing and experiencing what it observes or doesnt observe,  they are three separate things, being and performing three separate actions all happening within consciousness itself and it is important to understand that,

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On 29 June 2016 at 8:20 PM, Mal said:


Hi Teags,

You came here looking for answers, like all of us.  Because there may be some dissatisfaction in us and deep down we know that something isn't right and that materialism doesn't seem to really improve our situation. So, yes this is good, but that's where it ends.  As far as awareness is concerendd of course, try to understand it. That's all we can do is try. But it's ultimately a path that leads to nowhere, because the person can never understand awareness. Awareness is an energetic shift when the person and it's concepts collapse and all there is left is awareness.

There is a cliché: You won't know what a strawberry tastes like until you have tasted a strawberry.  Asking to define awareness is akin to asking somebody what a stawberry tastes like, pointless. But that's the life of the human being, to strive for things that it will never get.

Neurosis does not go away while the identity is present.  The identity IS neurosis, a contraction against reality, a delusion of a subject and object dichotomy.

So, is it not better to just eat the stawberry instead of think about the stawberry?


@Mal ah yes I see what your saying. I do like the strawberry analogy and can totally relate. In my opinion there are things you can do to become "aware" though ^_^

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3 hours ago, Teags said:

@Mal ah yes I see what your saying. I do like the strawberry analogy and can totally relate. In my opinion there are things you can do to become "aware" though ^_^

there are things you can do to become more aware, once the awakening has begun. many are called, few are chosen, the few are those who heard the calling through their own consciousness and responded by contemplating those things that are presented through consciousness, which creates a change in awareness,  the few are the chosen,

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Few are chosen? No one chose me, I worked my ass off, because I care and I refused to accept a lesser life. It's about the standards we set and abide by, not self-aggrandizement or divine mandate.

You can believe in some divine thing choosing you and making you special if you want. But, please watch creating artificial barriers for people, that marginalizes their potential for change. We need to be grounded here and realistic.

Are certain levels of progress a rare thing? Yes, but let's be humble about it and realize that it's because humans as a whole, still have a shit load more evolving and developing to go through.

No one is yet an EXPERT at life, yet we all jump to conclusions and cling to beliefs and promises of glory, like we have the expert view already in hand.

That's why it's so important to be humble, embrace the spaces of limitation we currently have, and protect our potential, from the comfort of blind certainty and the fear of what is still unknown.

It takes character, but it's worth it.

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2 hours ago, Salaam said:


Few are chosen? No one chose me, I worked my ass off, because I care and I refused to accept a lesser life. It's about the standards we set and abide by, not self-aggrandizement or divine mandate.

You can believe in some divine thing choosing you and making you special if you want. But, please watch creating artificial barriers for people, that marginalizes their potential for change. We need to be grounded here and realistic.

Are certain levels of progress a rare thing? Yes, but let's be humble about it and realize that it's because humans as a whole, still have a shit load more evolving and developing to go through.

No one is yet an EXPERT at life, yet we all jump to conclusions and cling to beliefs and promises of glory, like we have the expert view already in hand.

That's why it's so important to be humble, embrace the spaces of limitation we currently have, and protect our potential, from the comfort of blind certainty and the fear of what is still unknown.

It takes character, but it's worth it.

any awakened being understood the message perfectly,

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On ‎6‎/‎29‎/‎2016 at 9:20 PM, Bruno said:

willing to see new ways and perspectives, 

This may be a new perspective: listen carefully to what leo is talking about in the video @12:20-13:15. It's a total 180 deg. shift in perspective ( beyond that even).  It is something that must be experienced directly or you would never believe it no matter who told you. A level of awareness that does not exist when the self is the first observer. It's that freaking radical. When no-self or transcendence of self is in full realization, you than see for the first time that everything you previously related to as being "you" and "your awareness"  was no more than a waken dream state. It's a level of awareness that happens only when you awaken from the illusion of self. It is awareness within total emptiness.

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31 minutes ago, charlie2dogs said:

any awakened being understood the message perfectly,

lol, of course that's how you answer.

No standard of accountability. Just the same shit, over and over again like a broken record.

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1 minute ago, Salaam said:

lol, of course that's how you answer.

No standard of accountability. Just the same shit, over and over again like a broken record.

i would not expect it to be anything else to you

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1 minute ago, charlie2dogs said:

i would not expect it to be anything else to you

Yea we've been over this. You have yet to show any depth of understanding to match your level of self-aggrandizement. Last time we talked, you were still working on "combating" your thoughts.

Unlike anyone else here, my thoughts are completely my own. I'm choosing and mixing multiple potential realities on the fly, while people are still stuck on nothingness, and other beginner shit.

Also, don't think I haven't noticed you've recently started talking about your "core". I wonder where you got that from?

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8 minutes ago, Salaam said:

Yea we've been over this. You have yet to show any depth of understanding to match your level of self-aggrandizement. Last time we talked, you were still working on "combating" your thoughts.

Unlike anyone else here, my thoughts are completely my own. I'm choosing and mixing multiple potential realities on the fly, while people are still stuck on nothingness, and other beginner shit.

Also, don't think I haven't noticed you've recently started talking about your "core". I wonder where you got that from?

you are ignorant about the things you are talking about, you have a nasty attitude,  and from what i have read in your last two or three messages you are being nothing more than an unconscious shit stirrer,  i dont have time for your kind of nonsense in a forum where some are tying to grow and learn,  you are only making yourself look like a fool among some pretty intelligent people.

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lol, come on man. You can be aggressive with me if you want, I don't mind, but give me detail, examples. 

Lets be realistic. Let's have standards of accountability and coherency. Everything I write about here has some objective mirror or connection to reality. Does yours? 



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1 minute ago, Salaam said:


lol, come on man. You can be aggressive with me if you want, I don't mind, but give me detail, examples. 

Lets be realistic. Let's have standards of accountability and coherency. Everything I write about here has some objective mirror or connection to reality. Does yours? 



no need for me to be aggressive with you , i stated what you are,  you are only fooling yourself.

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? see that's the good thing about having standards rooted in reality. You set them in place so you're not fooling yourself. 

What kinds of standards do you have set for yourself?

Do you take the time to balance certainty and ignorance? Pride and humility? Do understand the process of internalization and how to manage validation in context specific ways? Do you understand how creativity and limitation inter-relate? 

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2 hours ago, Salaam said:


? see that's the good thing about having standards rooted in reality. You set them in place so you're not fooling yourself. 

What kinds of standards do you have set for yourself?

Do you take the time to balance certainty and ignorance? Pride and humility? Do understand the process of internalization and how to manage validation in context specific ways? Do you understand how creativity and limitation inter-relate? 

after the way you have talked about me today, i hope you dont expect me to communicate anything of value to you, you are not real bright are you? you have wasted too much of my time, you are finished.

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I'm finished? What is this mortal kombat? Are you going to delete my account or something? How am I finished in this imaginary little scenario of yours?

And the way I've talked to you? I've questioned you on content, accountability, and depth of detail. If you can't handle that, you're not going to go very far in the real world. 

For all your talk of being awakened and all that, you seem to lack emotional resiliency in the face of stress. 

And no my expectations of value from you, have been low for quite some time. 

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Sarcaste <3 the Sarcasm in Me acknowledges and honors the Sarcasm in You 

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So what is awareness? You have to first ask yourself: Have I ever had a direct experience in which I was not aware? And, can I imagine a situation in which I am not aware? 

Even if you are cheeky and say, well as a kid I had to go under narcosis to get my tonsils surgically removed. So I had an experience of getting my tonsils removed without me being aware of it. But when you think of it, you didn't really have the experience of getting you tonsils removed at all. Before the operation you might have the mental image of what is going to happen while you are under narcosis. And after the operation, you may have the mental image of what happened. But both of these images appear in...awareness.

So how does one raise their awareness? Well, when you are operated on your tonsils you can form a mental image of the experience of you getting your tonsils removed. You can see yourself lying there with doctors around you with all kinds of tools to get the job done, right? You are aware that you have the ability to form such an image of you in any situation. You can call it the "creative mind", or whatever. But what you are probably not aware of, that even in the most mundane, daily, situations you consider as "reality", you are imagining that there is a "you" that is experiencing some kind of situation. But note that this "you" is a creation of the creative mind, just the same as the act of imagining what it's like to be operated on under narcosis.

The funny thing is. When people make up some crazy mental image of them slaying dragons, saving the princess and writing a novel about it. People are just as much creating dragons and princesses in their daily lives. But they think the novel is somehow not true, while they believe their stories about 'reality' to be true. But really, they are both just as true, or untrue. You raise your awareness by figuring out what actually is true, and not true, what appears inside your awareness. When you become more aware of what is not true, you become more aware of what IS true. 

RIP Roe V Wade 1973-2022 :)

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1 hour ago, vizual said:

So what is awareness? You have to first ask yourself: Have I ever had a direct experience in which I was not aware? And, can I imagine a situation in which I am not aware? 

Even if you are cheeky and say, well as a kid I had to go under narcosis to get my tonsils surgically removed. So I had an experience of getting my tonsils removed without me being aware of it. But when you think of it, you didn't really have the experience of getting you tonsils removed at all. Before the operation you might have the mental image of what is going to happen while you are under narcosis. And after the operation, you may have the mental image of what happened. But both of these images appear in...awareness.

So how does one raise their awareness? Well, when you are operated on your tonsils you can form a mental image of the experience of you getting your tonsils removed. You can see yourself lying there with doctors around you with all kinds of tools to get the job done, right? You are aware that you have the ability to form such an image of you in any situation. You can call it the "creative mind", or whatever. But what you are probably not aware of, that even in the most mundane, daily, situations you consider as "reality", you are imagining that there is a "you" that is experiencing some kind of situation. But note that this "you" is a creation of the creative mind, just the same as the act of imagining what it's like to be operated on under narcosis.

The funny thing is. When people make up some crazy mental image of them slaying dragons, saving the princess and writing a novel about it. People are just as much creating dragons and princesses in their daily lives. But they think the novel is somehow not true, while they believe their stories about 'reality' to be true. But really, they are both just as true, or untrue. You raise your awareness by figuring out what actually is true, and not true, what appears inside your awareness. When you become more aware of what is not true, you become more aware of what IS true. 

everything has an awareness, but what kind of awareness is it, where is it rooted , most is rooted in the human idenity, that means that their awareness is governed by programing, false belief, and the warped perception of everything that has been established functioning as the human identity.

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if you wanna know a nice classical pointer is emptiness, as if the world had lost its substance
if you can see this it can point you to awareness

"I gently pushed my hand into my pocket and pulled the last one out, it trembled at first and clung to my hand. "Go on, it will be ok," I whispered. Encouraged, it flexed its wings and I knew the time was right. It flew up towards the blue, blue sky and I looked proudly as it's made its way to freedom. The last of my fucks was finally given."

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Honestly I have no idea what awareness is. It's a great mystery to me. I've been asking that question my whole life, and so far, come across no satisfactory answers. Only more interesting questions.

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