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Thought Art

How have you been affected by COVID19?

4 posts in this topic

Not sure what life has in store anymore myself, seems like everything is up in the air. No more hours at work!

Luckily I am home with the rents, and will use the time to do enlightenment and life purpose work.

How has your life changed? Challenges? Serendipity? luck? indifference?

Edited by Thought Art

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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I have had some really big opportunities. Investing is one of the big ones. But really maxing out my reselling business right now as a lot of my products are in higher demand than usual. 

Keep on a look out for how you can expand from your position. Those pursuits you mentioned are great though too. But during this time you might find a whole new bundle of opportunities just waiting for you in your career or business pursuits. This type of time motivates me to make more money and get my businesses performing great. 

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As a student, it has changed a lot for me too. The school are closed and the exams will be held digitally. I've managed to keep my part time job though, which is good because I own an appartment and need a side income in addition to the student loan to manage the dept.  However, I feel extremely uncertain about the future. I'm graduating as an economist in about a year and to be honest, I'm really not sure what is waiting on the other side. It seems like we need the whole economic system to change, and I'm not sure if econometrics are going to solve the problems of the future. However, I read a book about how spiral dynamics can be applied in forming businesses and economic system which really inspired me.

I would like to start my own business and create my own product, but I'm not sure what, and because I'm so invested in the studies it feels like I have to finish that before doing anything else. 


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Not that much change for me. I'm still working and I haven't had a social life or contact with people outside work for a few years now. My traumatic childhood has prepared me for events like this and I thrive in isolation, so its a breeze, really.

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