
McKenna Academy of Psychedelics: first stage Turquoise university?

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This is something new.
I didn't see anyone discussing it on this forum so I made this post to know what you guys think.

So basically, Terence McKenna's brother has started this project of creating a University centered around Psychedelics and for "[exploring] modern and traditional practices, ideas and technologies that foster the understanding of nature, consciousness, the cosmos and their interweavings with humanity."

It will have courses and degrees, but it will also incorporate ayahuasca retreats and therapy, all together in one place.


Here are some links:


Also, Dennis has put some emphasis on the fact that even if his university doesn't work, what matters to him is that now people have a great vision and model to replicate.

I see it as an opportunity to catalyze the transformation of science, society, and education, and this seems to be a great time for cultural change.

But maybe I'm wrong. Perhaps the world isn't ready yet.
What do you think?

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We are ready, the corona will pave the road for New World ^^

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A small world minority of old souls is ready. Others will either not care or run away after the first bad trip. 

Anyway I went to an 'innermastery' (probably the biggest legal international psychedelic "school" at the moment) retreat and they gave me an ayahuasca dose so small that it did hardly anything. Nothing wrong with being careful in delivering high doses to the masses, but this practice can be detrimental if done in the pursuit of monetary gain (the retreat was way too expensive in fact).

Edited by Arzack

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Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww, that is my kind of university! :D

Just imagine the curriculum... "1pm - Hyperspace 101: The fundamentals of tripping balls. 2pm - Toad licking through the Ages. 3pm - A critical analysis of Machine Elves. 4pm - Discursive astral projection"

Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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3 hours ago, Bazooka Jesus said:

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaawwwwwwwwwwww, that is my kind of university! :D

Just imagine the curriculum... "1pm - Hyperspace 101: The fundamentals of tripping balls. 2pm - Toad licking through the Ages. 3pm - A critical analysis of Machine Elves. 4pm - Discursive astral projection"

Hahahaha this is so good... yet could legitimately be a curriculum

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Universities have to go beyond just the type of content they teach to truly support turquoise type students.

They also need to personalise the curriculum for each individual as each person learn very differently and has a different ego to the rest.

They also need to invent a new way of testing. Standardised tests are great for seeing how well you have learnt stage blue stuff... sort of just makes the finish line for the physical sciences... forget it for stage green stuff like liberal arts and even orange stuff like business. Something more along the lines of apprentiships might be better. A way of measuring how well a student helps and resonates with others in the year below them might make sense. 

Standardised tests are too rigid and therefore do not reflect true understanding. They can always be bypassed through logical loopholes, and they barely describe whats actually happening in the students mind and body.

And im not even sure if accreditation makes sense in turquoise or even green. Again accreditation is too rigid. Accreditation is a bunch of logical laws about what the person can do, but that cant really explain how qualified someone is at post rational skills and knowledge. You can easily bypass the laws through logical loopholes, and the laws themselves poorly reflect and point to post rational truths, because the laws themselves are too rigid. 


Lots of stuff has to be modernised to support a post rational university. And its deeply intertwined with how society evolves; as university is a function of society. Its an organ or component of society, its not isolated from it.


At the moment, people like Leo ans Adyshanti and Bashar and Sadhguru are actually our best bet for turquoise universities, because they dont impose standardised tests, or accreditations to use them(apart from Sadhguru). But thats really because its operating outside of the core function of society. Its a free market phenomena. When society starts looking at content like this for universities... things will need to change drastically.

In fact I think university is already hopeless. Its terrible for liberal arts and business and social science. Its only really good for physical sciences like mathematics, statistics, physics, chemistry and biology. Its not even that great for engineering haha. Employers always complain about the lack of skills grads have for engineering jobs.

Edited by electroBeam

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7 hours ago, electroBeam said:
6 hours ago, electroBeam said:

And I'm not even sure if accreditation makes sense in turquoise or even green. Again accreditation is too rigid. Accreditation is a bunch of logical laws about what the person can do, but that can't really explain how qualified someone is at post-rational skills and knowledge. You can easily bypass the laws through logical loopholes, and the laws themselves poorly reflect nd point to post-rational truths, because the laws themselves are too rigid. 


Despite this, they still need to somehow fit in with society. As long as most of society is stuck at tier one, some kind of accreditation will still benefit students when they are done with the formal courses (they can make something interesting where you can keep studying there even when you finally get a degree), even if it's not strictly necessary.

Also, the culture around universities plays a big role, change needs to happen at its own pace. Getting psychedelics to the people you need will make for a great tool for developing key people (entrepreneurs, professors, politicians, celebrities, ...) up the spiral.

Sure, this doesn't sound like your version of a turquoise university, which is pretty much the same as my version of turquoise. But it's a start.

Edited by Virtually

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