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David and Goliath as a psychedelic metaphor?

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'David selects five smooth stones from a creek-bed to be used in his sling'

5-meo-dmt "reference"? lol

Anyway, I never took a high enough dose to breakthrough because lower doses always scared and demotivated the shit out of me.

David uses intelligence to win over the brute force of Goliath.


Some would say that David gets his courage from faith in God, but the story says that Goliath believes in God too (the "wrong" one though). So like I said in other threads: you can't "act/fake a spiritual behavior", enlightenment is a paradox and external sources intervention is needed to attain it, whether it be death/reincarnation or psychedelics. Intelligence tell us that the latter is better and faster than reincarnation, but after all it's just question of time, we're all gonna make it in the end (God's compassion to the whole). 

Anyway have safe trips guys, high doses can be a double edge sword, don't push too quick through them, but know that the alternative (reincarnation) is worse. Soul age is a thing, how do you explain people who attain without even knowing what meditation is, and others not attaining after a life-time of intensive meditation?

Edited by Arzack

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@Arzack You might be tripping up on the term attain, and using the thinking like “reincarnation” to support the tripping. Uncover your write offs. Remove all that is assumed rather than direct experience. Of course humility is the return to truth. The contrary makes for rough tripping & unnecessary filters upon life experience making understanding & manifestation slow & difficult. Let it be simple, and it is. 



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@Nahm Honestly I don't understand most of what you're saying beside "Remove all that is assumed rather than direct experience". If we stopped at direct experience we would still be hunter-gatherers in the Jungle. 


 slow & difficult. Let it be simple, and it is. 

If it was so easy we'd all be already enlightened and there would be no wars. Maybe I'm too focused on darkness/hopelessness right now, but you seem to be too focused on the opposite.

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Did you experience this hunter gatherer period? If not, it’s an assumption, a thought about a past, about a history. Direct experience is right here right now, without a story, without a history. 

“Maybe I'm too focused on darkness/hopelessness right now, but you seem to be too focused on the opposite.”

There is no darkness / hopelessness. That’s a write off. Let go of your stories about reality, to directly see it as it actually is. If it’s helpful, and I actually mean this, keep shooting the messenger. You’ll feel worse in doing so, and it will bring realization to the surface so to speak, more quickly. 




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5 minutes ago, Nahm said:


Direct experience is right here right now, without a story, without a history. 

And it's shit, I'm not enlightened. I struggle everyday to get little glimpses of happiness, in vain.

Edited by Arzack

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@Arzack The struggle is the maintenance of the stories. I’m not trying to go to personaltown in a hurry here. I have the luxury of speaking from a place of having been wrong and ate it a million times. 



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22 minutes ago, Nahm said:

There is no darkness / hopelessness. That’s a write off. Let go of your stories about reality, to directly see it as it actually is. If it’s helpful, and I actually mean this, keep shooting the messenger. You’ll feel worse in doing so, and it will bring realization to the surface so to speak, more quickly. 

Darkness is obviously a thing. It's just that modern society make you believe that drugs can take it away, even when we are dying. But that's exactly the main lie/misconception right now. We'll suffer after clinical death.

You say "keep shooting the messenger". That's just more "non-duality mumbo jumbo" imo.

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2 minutes ago, Arzack said:

We'll suffer after clinical death.

Have you experienced this?


19 minutes ago, Arzack said:

Tell me where the magic "stop maintaining the stories" button is because I didn't find it yet.

Do you meditate?

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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9 minutes ago, Loving Radiance said:

Have you experienced this?

No, but I'm intelligent enough to know what sources to trust (see my signature). Have you experienced covid-19? Yet you trust the preventive measures which are being set all over the world to prevent it.


9 minutes ago, Loving Radiance said:

Do you meditate?

Yes, daily, but never I have experienced nirvana through it. And I know there has been plenty of people who did it their whole life in vain. And others who did attain it without meditating a minute ever.

Edited by Arzack

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2 minutes ago, Loving Radiance said:

See if you can let go of one thought.

I tried so I know I can, but there's always another one coming up. No enlightenment... ever. So what's your point? Again, that's just non-duality mumbo jumbo imo

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1 minute ago, Arzack said:

I tried so I know I can, but there's always another one coming up. No enlightenment... ever.

You have discovered the fire.


Also, what is non-duality mumbo jumbo?

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@Loving Radiance I don't know what you mean with "discovered the fire".

What is non-duality mumbo jumbo? I'd summarize it with this: the belief that mediation and all its multiple variations of it, is the way to enlightenment for everyone. Imo only old souls can attain by doing it. Others need multiple reincarnations or psychedelics.

Edited by Arzack

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If one relies on duality (thought) darkness would appear to be the absence of light, rather than made of it. 



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49 minutes ago, Nahm said:

If one relies on duality (thought) darkness would appear to be the absence of light, rather than made of it. 

That's just more non-duality mumbo jumbo.

Edited by Arzack

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1 hour ago, Nahm said:

You’re just to Good to be True my man, thus Karma is a bitch. 

I don't get it. Care to explain?

Google ad hominem, that's what you're doing.

Edited by Arzack

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@Arzack There is something pointed to that is implicit... Brace yourself, a long comment is coming. Feel free to take your time to grasp all what is said.


7 hours ago, Arzack said:

You say "keep shooting the messenger". That's just more "non-duality mumbo jumbo" imo.

6 hours ago, Arzack said:

What is non-duality mumbo jumbo? I'd summarize it with this: the belief that mediation and all its multiple variations of it, is the way to enlightenment for everyone. Imo only old souls can attain by doing it. Others need multiple reincarnations or psychedelics.

How is shooting the messenger connected to meditation or awakening? Imagine a SD red warlord veiled in rage who shoots the messenger who delivers the capitulation. Does that feel like non-duality mumbo jumbo? How is the dynamic applicable to this threat? I am really interested what you think.


I try to make the pointer more obvious. Hopefully something to reflect on to get. My perspective is maybe wrong, but for you to choose:

8 hours ago, Nahm said:

You might be tripping up on the term attain, and using the thinking like “reincarnation” to support the tripping.

You believe you can attain enlightenment and that reincarnation happens when you aren't enlighened (assuming you belief in buddhism). "Tripping up" means that this is something which keeps you contracted/identified/hindered.

8 hours ago, Nahm said:

Remove all that is assumed rather than direct experience.

This is how you 'become' free.

8 hours ago, Nahm said:

Of course humility is the return to truth.

Be humble about what you think to know [I plan to explore more of humility because there seems to be a veil for me].

8 hours ago, Nahm said:

The contrary makes for rough tripping & unnecessary filters upon life experience [...]

You suffer when you are "tripping up" (creating stories you belief in).

8 hours ago, Nahm said:

[...] making understanding & manifestation slow & difficult.

Creating stories makes the "non-duality mumbo jumbo" harder because they hinder you. You don't want the "non-duality mumbo jumbo". You want stories because they may seem reasonable. It seems reasonable that there is reincarnation till we enlighten (again, assuming you belief in buddhism).

8 hours ago, Arzack said:

If it was so easy we'd all be already enlightened and there would be no wars.

Yes, you are right. This is easy and yet many people do not let thoughts & stories go. Many people choose automatic behavior to stay "tripped up"/hindered [this is something I also struggle with].

8 hours ago, Nahm said:

Direct experience is right here right now, without a story, without a history.

8 hours ago, Arzack said:

And it's shit, I'm not enlightened. I struggle everyday to get little glimpses of happiness, in vain.

Nahm uses your explanation with hunter-gatherers to get you to realize that this is also a story you create. Erase all what you belief to know. Now, live your life without a history [my struggle too]. Then you are happy.

Let go of searching happiness. Or not I mean, maybe someday you are so in vain, and suffer so much that you realize that the search is a story you create to 'stay alive'. It is not quitting the search, but rather finding what you search for (counter-intuitive).

Analogy: Imagine a zombie searching for aliveness. It eats human beings for feeling alive, but it is temporary. After some hardships it realizes that itself is already alive - you are the zombie searching for happiness.

7 hours ago, Arzack said:

Tell me where the magic "stop maintaining the stories" button is because I didn't find it yet.

It is what I referred to as fire. This is your magic button. Granted that it takes some to effort to do to make it effortless (habit building).

8 hours ago, Nahm said:

If it’s helpful, and I actually mean this, keep shooting the messenger. You’ll feel worse in doing so, and it will bring realization to the surface so to speak, more quickly.

Analogy to the warlord: You suffer by disregarding the messages (pointers to truth). You create your own suffering and hold yourself back from happiness because you are the warlord who wants war. Accepting the messenger (capitulation) would require for you to give up war. You enjoy to be a warlord because you feel validated by being a great one. You may search for something else than war (or think you do, but actually you don't want to) and have convinced yourself that is has to be found in war. And still the messages constantly come in and you shoot the messenger every time.

Who would love peace so much that the messengers keep coming?

7 hours ago, Loving Radiance said:

Have you experienced this?

When I said this I tried as Nahm to use your story as a pointer. Don't get me wrong here, stories are great; where would we be without stories? And yet again, you are so diligent to shoot the messengers.

6 hours ago, Nahm said:

If one relies on duality (thought) darkness would appear to be the absence of light, rather than made of it.

6 hours ago, Arzack said:

That's just more non-duality mumbo jumbo.

And the message is denied.

5 hours ago, Nahm said:

You’re just to Good to be True my man, thus Karma is a bitch.

5 hours ago, Arzack said:

I don't get it. Care to explain?

Google ad hominem, that's what you're doing.

You are again "too Good to be True" by being the warlord. Karma is a bitch because you suffer more by dismissing the messages.

The 'Ad hominem'-card cannot be played here because it was the entire time about you.


Much Love.

Edited by Loving Radiance

Life Purpose journey

Presence. Goodness. Grace. Love.

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