Victor Mgazi

How Do I Become Aware Of Infinity?

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What kind of questions should I be asking? That's if I should be asking questions. Practices? Excercises? 

I'm not trying to grasp it conceptually. I'm trying to realize how this reality is infinite and how everything is infinite the way Leo talks about it. I'm aware that nothing is permanent, everything is always changing and passing. I'm aware that now is an infinite moment.

But I'm not directly aware of infinity, I'm only aware of finite forms. So how can I get to that realisation? 

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Try and see it like this. Reality doesn't have any ground to be at. So everything is just floating in loose air all the time. So all matter is just thought of god which can be zoomed in forever because it doesn't have anywhere to end up where the zoom stops. And it's all one, so it couldn't be anything but infinite. 

You're on the right path of realizing it though, just be patient.

It will dawn on you. 

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1 hour ago, Victor Mgazi said:

But I'm not directly aware of infinity, I'm only aware of finite forms. So how can I get to that realisation? 

Include yourself in that. When ‘you’ are entirely untangled, you are the infinity which appeared to appear to itself, that which tangled. Same for the understanding (untangling) of reality. For the direct experience of infinity, you’d have to be ‘outside of’ (prior to, transcendent of) finite. 



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Okay, I'll try.

12 minutes ago, fridjonk said:

all matter is just thought of god which can be zoomed in forever because it doesn't have anywhere to end up where the zoom stops.

Can you please elaborate on this though. What do you mean zoom in? Like inspection?

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6 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Include yourself in that. When ‘you’ are entirely untangled, you are the infinity which appeared to appear to itself, that which tangled. Same for the understanding (untangling) of reality.

6 minutes ago, Nahm said:


That's why you say illusion is it's not you. 

Ok I guess. I am  infinite Love, pure perfection my man. 

"I become God" how silly I was. 


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7 minutes ago, Nahm said:

Include yourself in that. When ‘you’ are entirely untangled, you are the infinity which appeared to appear to itself, that which tangled. 

I don't think I'm getting this. What do you mean untangled, are you referring to my conditioned mind? Appeared to appear? Is the tangled ego?

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9 minutes ago, fridjonk said:

@Victor Mgazi

I just mean reality zooms into itself forever. In a perfect strange-loop. :D

So you don't mean it in a literally? because I'm part of reality now but I don't get the sense that I'm infinite.

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2 minutes ago, fridjonk said:

@Victor Mgazi Reality is tangled up consciousness, when it gets untangled only then do you become infinite. 

Yes, I've been hearing that a lot but I just don't see how it's "tangled up" as you guys keep mentioning it.

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Your life and Reality is complete misunderstanding of Conciousness.Nailed it with this. 


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@Victor Mgazi It's honestly the best way to put it. It just consciousness upon consciousness, layer upon layer, all tangled up, and it gets so lost in its entanglement that it forgets that it was god all along. 

14 minutes ago, Victor Mgazi said:

So you don't mean it in a literally? because I'm part of reality now but I don't get the sense that I'm infinite.

You are not infinite, you are finite within the infinite because you are "tangled up" in consciousness. 

I love the way Osho puts it.

"When love reaches peak, the lover disappears". He gets untangled. 

Edited by fridjonk

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@zeroISinfinity No, something which is finite can not be infinite. It's a subset of infinity. So within the imagination you are finite, to be here, to exist in the illusion, in relativity, you can not be infinite. But you're still inside of it. So I guess you could say "you are infinite all the time", but its just less technical. ^_^

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55 minutes ago, Victor Mgazi said:

I don't think I'm getting this. What do you mean untangled, are you referring to my conditioned mind? Appeared to appear? Is the tangled ego?

I’m referring to what infinitely is being, if you will (language barrier is strong here). The tangling is every belief such as physicality, identity, reality, etc. In untangling, you could say inspecting & realizing those in the finite sense, you realize entanglement in the quantum sense is a funny thought about yourself. Siddhis, etc, are “here”, in the same sense, “here”, is the space between the thoughts, directly experienced, self-recognition. Questions and answers expand, but can not “do” what direct experience & feeling can - can not ‘go backwards’, ‘toward the source’.  No personal offense please, but talking & thinking about an ego can be discarded, so that a much ‘bigger’ consideration may begin. I say this specifically with respect to this inquiry of infinity, and in the knowing the magnitude must be met in embracing “i fooled myself yet again”  with the entirety of the concept of “ego”. A certain death, a certain depth of purification arises, not to be avoided any more than the pain & contrast of life is anything short of miraculous beauty. It is because there is no body, that the body never lies. Thinking is leading that body, that infinite intelligence. Hilarious, no? Reverse it, and it is known, re-membered - Known - that it was already reversed once in infinity forgetting. 

Might be helpful to write down your understanding of the power of now, of love, of being, crumble it up, go outside, and burn it. Give it back. 

What to “do”? Begin to leave the ‘understanding’ via thought more, and see the actuality of understanding. It is all-apparent in the living, in your relationships, in your desire, your dream for this life. Not-two, you and this life, not-two. No mistakes, no accidents, no coincidences, you simply can not get it wrong - but this points to a sort of free fall into death. These are just pointing to what can not point to itself. Take it easy on me. Just a hollow messenger. :) 

Flowers, rainbows, unicorns, music, mending, offering, sacrificing, healing, loving & making love. Beautiful useless lists could be the way.

More practically, seek out and incorporate, transcend, all paradox. Seeking, thinking, believing, knowing, being... such experiential distinctions are Everything. Con-mf’n-viction is king, might be a half assed pointer. What distinction separates humor and honesty, perhaps is another. Hoosiers, if you haven’t partaken, a solid, solid pointer. ?

This apparition speaks this truth plainly. 



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3 hours ago, Victor Mgazi said:

What kind of questions should I be asking? That's if I should be asking questions. Practices? Excercises? 

I'm not trying to grasp it conceptually. I'm trying to realize how this reality is infinite and how everything is infinite the way Leo talks about it. I'm aware that nothing is permanent, everything is always changing and passing. I'm aware that now is an infinite moment.

But I'm not directly aware of infinity, I'm only aware of finite forms. So how can I get to that realisation? 

You don't realize it yet, but what your actually asking is, "I want to see something outside of what i call real as I know it now".  You see, its all already infinity/absolute as it is Now. 

So perhaps start asking yourself now, what you consider "real" and "not real", why it is according to you that way and why ....

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2 hours ago, Nahm said:

I say this specifically with respect to this inquiry of infinity, and in the knowing the magnitude must be met in embracing “i fooled myself yet again”  with the entirety of the concept of “ego”.

I've fooled myself? 

2 hours ago, Nahm said:

Thinking is leading that body, that infinite intelligence.

How so?

2 hours ago, Nahm said:

Reverse it, and it is known, re-membered - Known - that it was already reversed once in infinity forgetting. 

Reverse the entire process of learning about myself? Reverse what?

2 hours ago, Nahm said:

Might be helpful to write down your understanding of the power of now, of love, of being, crumble it up, go outside, and burn it. Give it back. 

Define power, and I'll get right to it. When you say "the power of now" nothing comes to mind.

2 hours ago, Nahm said:

What to “do”? Begin to leave the ‘understanding’ via thought more, and see the actuality of understanding.

Well, first of, the actuality of understanding seems to be passive rather than active. Although it appears as though I struggle to understand through thinking, I'm aware that thinking is effortless because it's actually just being. That's what I actually want. I want to know, not to make sense out of something, I want to see the light directly as it is. 

2 hours ago, Nahm said:

What distinction separates humor and honesty, perhaps is another. Hoosiers, if you haven’t partaken, a solid, solid pointer.

How does seeking distinction play a role in all of this?

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56 minutes ago, Victor Mgazi said:

I've fooled myself? 

I mean this is the way that feels great. When ego is recognized and understood, that is thinking and we rolled ourselves yet again. It’s what we do, in a way. When there is nothing, then truly the ego is known, in that there never was one. (Which of course sounds incredibly egoic and I wouldn’t blame you or anyone for volleying this back that I have fooled myself. It’s a great joy in either case)

59 minutes ago, Victor Mgazi said:

How so?

It’s recognized when it’s not the case. The ‘how’s’ of it only feed back into the thinking of it. 

59 minutes ago, Victor Mgazi said:

Reverse the entire process of learning about myself? Reverse what?

The order of thinking & feeling. 

1 hour ago, Victor Mgazi said:

Define power, and I'll get right to it. When you say "the power of now" nothing comes to mind.

Yes, it doesn’t exist outside of human psychology. Sounds like we’re already on the same page here. Yet in the ‘reversal’ power is known. 

1 hour ago, Victor Mgazi said:

I want to see the light directly as it is. 

Perception is your projection. It is the light. 

1 hour ago, Victor Mgazi said:

How does seeking distinction play a role in all of this?

The ‘pointer’ is there is no distinction in that regard. That’s what’s so damn funny. Distinction = creating. 



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