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Derek White

Leo, Why don't you share more about your personal life?

4 posts in this topic

If Leo shared more personal information it would help build trust and it shouldn't be too difficult since Leo has already shared so many deep things with his audience. I would love a video on his daily routine, his house, his history, etc. We don't know much about the man.

It also seems that as Leo becomes more and more obsessed with becoming more and more "enlightened" he seems to care less about the mundane, ordinary "normal" life. He seems to look down upon enjoying the average mundane experience and it seems he cares more about chasing states of awareness. I resonate a lot with seeing God, oneness, and love in every situation, not just on psychedelics, since this work is about self-actualizing our entire lives and not about merely becoming enlightened while wearing a diaper. What happened to "before enlightenment, chop wood, carry water. After enlightenment, chop wood, carry water?"

“Many talk like philosophers yet live like fools.” — Proverb

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Be patient.

Remember: is his life purpose.

He will expand and adapt as he delves deeper into awareness, and so will Actualized.

He does have blog posts, and there is a thread called "Personal questions for Leo" ( or something along those lines ). 

Also, there is more than enough content here to self actualize and create your own fulfilling life, it is not as if you need Leo presently here to do this. The information and teachings he has shared are deep and numerous.

You don't need to trust him on a personal level, just look at all the people who have improved their lives exponentially due to his work, and commit to the work yourself. There you will develop trust.

Edited by SamueLSD

“The psychotic drowns in the same waters in which the mystic swims with delight.”

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@SamueLSD You are right in a way but I was not looking at it that way. Maybe I should have been more clear. Of course we don't need to trust him, we can experiment to find out ourselves if he's right.

I want him to talk more about his personal experience because the channel seems to be going in a more personal direction for quite some time now. Like the awakening videos, updates, and even some of the higher consciousness videos like what is Love, Purpose of Life, etc. I know he would say that the latter is absolute truth but because most of his audience (most of us) have not realized it ourselves, it feels like he is talking about his own personal awakenings even in those videos. The fact is that his channel feels like it's more about his personal journey to awaken: a vlog. It's about explaining his awakenings.

Another important fact is that we have hit a limit on how much can be conveyed through videos. No matter how hard you try, you're not going to realize reality is imaginary by watching an hour long video. His recent videos, although great, had insights he has already covered in the past. If you watched his old videos and did the 'work', you already knew them. For example, insights in the "Implicit vs. Explicit" video were discussed previously when he talked about intuition, debunked logic, infinity, etc. For people who were following along and studying other resources, it was not that new. You could intuit the insights of "How Society Evolves". "Content vs Structure" was like 'Sameness vs Differences" and "Systems Thinking". I could go on but the point is that the videos are getting repetitive because words don't do justice to his awakenings. I think we have hit a limit on how much he can convey through them.

Lastly, it appears, from his recent forum posts, that he doesn't wish to pursue awakening further. He wrote that he feels if he pursued it further he would die, which he doesn't want. So if he's not pursuing awakening, unless he decides to delve into minor details of a topic which is not his style, maybe he should talk about how he is applying his awakening to his everyday, mundane life. Because his "higher consciousness" videos already feel like his personal opinion (ik it's not) and he has talked about them ad nauseam. Plus it would be cool to know more about him since we only know a few snippets of his life story. (Draw my life maybe...) 

I love Leo, but I can't watch him talking about the hundredth time that everything is God, everything is Love, everything is Imagination, etc. I know it's suppose to be deeper every time but I don't think the depth can be conveyed through videos now. I go back to his old videos sometimes but If this keeps going I would have to stop watching his videos in the future.   

P.S: Maybe it's just me and I'm being ridiculous. But Yesterday I had this very strong feeling that I had gotten what I needed from and it's time to let go, sort of like when you suddenly stop an addiction one fine day for no reason without any effort. Or when suddenly one day between teenage and childhood you stop playing with toys and watching cartoons. It's sort of not my choice, it happened to me. Leo has given me all the techniques, explanations, his opinions, practical advice, a book list, a course, and more. But this post seems like my lower self still trying to cling on, hoping that Leo would release something in the future that would maybe resonate with me more. Everything was resonating... until I woke up yesterday and it wasn't; it felt like a chore. I have had my fair share of realizations but maybe I'm entering a new phase where I want to focus on the mundane and the ordinary as oppose to what Leo talks about; God and enlightenment. 

Edited by Derek White

“Many talk like philosophers yet live like fools.” — Proverb

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In his last video he gives away a lot about his personal life. At least what is going to do for the coming months.

Edited by StarStruck

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