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Depression and auto - immune. Need advice.

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Hey guys,

Now whith  the corona virus being Quarentained huge depression came up.  Not huging my girlfriend who lives further away, not going to the gym, not traveling. 

Now I can see without these I get very depressed. I call daily with the girlfriend but that doesn't feel enough.

Besides that I struggle with my health. It feels like my muscle are always in tension, I feel cold and I don't have any appetite. This all started a few years ago after taking roaccutane and worsened after getting Epstein Barr Virus.   At the moment I'm in my first 2day fast and I feel the physical pain going away! But I just want to feel healthy and tried so many things. Like eating very healthy. Only fasting has results.



I feel kinda stuck since I meditate for over 2 years 40min a day. And I felt like I was growing a few months ago. And now I'm here very depressed.  


Any tips? Any guidance? Any experience would be handy.

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37 minutes ago, bewustgeluk said:

Any tips? Any guidance? Any experience would be handy.

This is likely going to initially sound nuts, but I experienced depression and was diagnosed manic depressive, around twenty five years ago. What I found...there’s no such thing as depression. It’s a ‘write offs, a cover up. It is simply not in love’s nature. It is the experience of denying self-love, and believing in thought, via beliefs, and identity. That is precisely the reason it does not feel good - because the thoughts & identity are not true. Society is just so out of whack currently, and though doctors & psychologists are doing their best with what self-understanding they have to work with, if you will...the root core of the situation, is in naming / labelling feeling in error, in misunderstanding reality & self, the infinite love that you are; “depression”, “anxiety”, etc. It’s basically a bypass, and a jump to pills and or conversational mental masturbation further perpetuating  identities which are false, unbeknownst to the participants...which skips right over & negates understanding the relationship between thought & the sensational guidance of...sensation - which could not be more “hardwired” into you - is you. 

Making a dreamboard sounds simple, and it is simple, but profundity is simplicity. The seemingly simple act of writing everything that comes to mind that you could ever want in this life on that board changes the entirety of the experience we call life. As it is realized more and more readily that you are creating, the delicate inner game of giving attention to resistant thoughts, or aligned thoughts, really shines through. The wanting changes as the intrinsic desire of the universe is recognized as your very own, creation, creating. 

Sit, relax head to toe, breathe from the stomach. Do this for a couple minutes. Then imagine that hug. Imagine it’s another month of quarantine...the anticipation...the excitement. Imagine seeing then seeing her, more beautiful, radiant and loving than ever. Imagine the electricity in the air as you two approach one another. Imagine that first contact of the hug, the natural instinct of fully embracing her, and her you. Imagine that ‘all is right in the universe again’ feeling. The peace of it, the peace of mind of it, the connection, the undeniable visceral righteousness of love of it. Begin to notice this feeling arises within you. Hug all you like - big fan of it here, loving relationships as well. But don’t make a duality of the love. As much as it appears some one, or some thing is needed for that happiness, that feeling, that love - it is but a trick of light, of the mind. It is within you always. It is the inalienable constitution of spirit, if you will, inseparable from whatever it is you call, ‘you’. It is also inseparable from the ‘immune system’, and brother, it will thank you for self-love like a gift that keeps on giving. Dial into this present, the gift is for you. 



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Thanks @Nahm

This reply makes sense as I'm dwelling in the past even though I'm meditating. If I ask myself what the only thing is I need right now, is Love. Especcialy self love. But it's kinda difficult to do that with all the rules I've put up for myself..

Thanks again!

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@bewustgeluk I’d really consider starting a dreamboard. Fall in love with your life, the feeling of creating and pursing your purpose & vision, and receiving it all as it unfolds.  :)




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@bewustgeluk try a new method of meditation.. a good magician has many tricks in his bag right ? 

I would suggest that guided meditation in vedios where you keep pushing out if your skull..

Practice self love and acceptance learn how to hug your self maybe that would be helpful.

Eliminate wheat, soy, corn, sugar, and dairy and see if it helps. Read some books on auto immune diseases.

Use this lockdown as an opportunity to learn new skills or practice hobbies you did as a child.

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@Elton try to go raw vegan after the fast for a while and then only add one of the foods mentioned above always only one at a time and observe your body reaction. if the pain returns already eating raw vegan it might be fruitsugar. going raw vegan you will already have to think a lot about what you actually then can eat, you will start finding out where to get proteins from and what kind of fats are healthy - for me an almost vegan diet works best, i figured out its animal proteins, i still can eat butter and do regularly and eggs but only do that occasionally. i can almost guarantee, you will have some kind of betterment, if you start out with raw vegan and test slowly on everything which is not raw and has to be processed. i can also recommend you trying an ointment for your muscles called rhumalaya - it helps me against joint pain but can also maybe help you with the muscle pain. i can give you some tips that helped me with rheumathoid arthritis - because it’s both autoimmune and because its always also connected to digestion there might be similarities but of course not everything that works for me might work for you.

also try doing wim hof breathing plus cold showering against the cold - carefully could worsen the symptoms. never do cold showers when your body is already cold. if it worsens you might need apply therapies which work with warmth, like warm oil massage etc.

Edited by remember

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