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The Power of Clairvoyance

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An excerpt from Zhuan Falun on  which expounds on the supernatural abilitiy of Clairvoyance in great detail:

"One extrasensory power that’s directly connected with the inner eye is clairvoyance. There is a person who has claimed that while seated in one location he could perceive things in Beijing, the United States, or on the other side of the world. It’s hard for people to know what to make of such claims, since there’s no science to support it. So they are left to wonder if it’s possible. There is no shortage of theories for it, but none are that convincing. Part of the problem is that they’ve been working under the assumption that it’s a superpower, which is not the case.

People who are in the stage of spiritual practice where they are still subject to the laws of the human realm don’t have truly superhuman powers. What they see through clairvoyance or other powers occurs only within a certain dimension. The furthest reach of their abilities doesn’t exceed this physical dimension where we exist, and usually they don’t go beyond the dimensions associated with their own bodies.

One’s body has a field in a designated dimension. This field is not the same as that of virtue. They don’t occupy the same dimension, though their reach is the same. This field corresponds to the universe, so a mirror image of anything that exists in the universe could appear in it. But these are merely reflections of the real thing. For example, on this earth there is an America and a Washington, D.C., and so a mirror image of either could appear in your field, but they wouldn’t be the real thing. Still, though, these mirror images do physically exist.

What appears in your field will change in keeping with what happens in the universe, since the two correspond. So what people call clairvoyance is a matter of viewing things that are present in the dimensions associated with one’s own body. But you won’t see in this manner once you have reached a stage in your practice that is beyond the human realm. You will perceive things directly then, and that is in fact a divine ability that is incomparably powerful.

Let’s take a look at how clairvoyance works during the stage of practice within the human realm. In the dimension where your field exists, there is a mirror at the position of the forehead. It is face-down for those who don’t practice, and turned over for those who do. When a person is about to gain clairvoyance the mirror starts to spin. As you may know, motion picture film looks fluid when viewed at a rate of twenty-four frames per second, while anything less than that gives a choppy feel.

The mirror spins at a speed faster than twenty-four frames per second, capturing on its surface the images of whatever is in its trajectory, and turning over to let you see them. As it turns over again, any images that it had captured are erased. It does it again and again, non-stop—capturing images, turning, and erasing. And this is why what you see appears to be in motion. It allows you to see the things that it picks up from the dimensions associated with your body, and the images will be counterparts to actual things in the larger universe outside.

You might be wondering whether such a small mirror could manage to capture everything around one’s body. As we’ve established, when a person’s inner eye is open at a level beyond celestial vision and is about to attain wisdom vision, it is going to surpass this dimension. Right when the full breakthrough is imminent, a change will occur with the inner eye: it will no longer see the physical things of this dimension, be they objects, people, or even walls; they will all be gone.

What happens, more specifically, is that when you probe more deeply with your vision in that other, designated dimension, your body will no longer be visible there. Only a mirror will be there, positioned in the space associated with your dimension. And this mirror, while in that space, will fill completely the space associated with your dimension. And that is why there is nothing that it can’t capture as it turns there. As long as what is in the space associated with your dimension corresponds to the universe, the mirror can capture it and reveal it fully to you. This is our take on clairvoyance.

Scientists who research extrasensory powers have a hard time verifying this ability. Here’s why. Suppose they want a clairvoyant to try to tell them what a certain person’s relative is doing while at home in Beijing. They provide the clairvoyant with the relative’s name and some general facts, and soon he begins to have a vision. He provides a description of the building, the path leading to the door, and how the room inside is furnished. And all of it is accurate. Then the researchers ask what the relative is doing, and the clairvoyant responds that the person is currently writing. To verify it, they pick up the phone and call the relative to find out.

But he informs them that he had just been eating, which contradicts what the clairvoyant saw. Scenarios like this one have led people to dismiss the ability. But what’s confusing is that the clairvoyant’s account of the physical setting was flawless. All of this can be explained by the fact that there is a discrepancy in time between this dimension, or “space-time,” and the one where this power is. Time as we know it is different in the two places. In the scenario I described, as it turns out, the person’s relative was writing earlier, but was eating at the time of the call. So there was a time lag. If psi researchers keep basing their ideas and research on conventional theories, or current science, they aren’t going to get very far anytime soon. These phenomena reach beyond this world, and so there needs to be a change in thinking in order to understand them. People shouldn’t keep interpreting them as they have."


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