
Link between 5G and Corona?

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@Loving Radiance @LfcCharlie4 Here's an interesting one on HIV and AIDS 

December 7th 1994 Hollywood Roosevelt Hotel, Greensboro, N.C., Dr Willner (a medical doctor of 40 years experience) an outspoken whistleblower of the AIDS hoax. infront of a gathering of about 30 alternative-medicine practitioners and several journalists, Willner stuck a needle in the finger of Andres, 27, a Fort Lauderdale student who says he has tested positive for HIV. Then, wincing, the 65-year-old doctor stuck himself. In 1993, Dr. Willner stunned Spain by inoculating himself with the blood of Pedro Tocino, an HIV positive hemophiliac. This demonstration of devotion to the truth and the Hippocratic Oath he took, nearly 40 years before, was reported on the front page of every major newspaper in Spain. His appearance on Spain's most popular television show envoked a 4 to 1 response by the viewing audience in favor of his position against the "AIDS hypothesis." When asked why he would put his life on the line to make a point, Dr. Willner replied: "I do this to put a stop to the greatest murderous fraud in medical history. By injecting myself with HIV positive blood, I am proving the point as Dr. Walter Reed did to prove the truth about yellow fever. In this way it is my hope to expose the truth about HIV in the interest of all mankind." He tested negative multiple times. He died of a Heart attack 4 months later 15th April 1995

Edited by DrewNows

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@outlandish @fridjonk Yes, that's exactly why I'm very glad I read EMF'd by Mercola so when I buy my first house I will be able to EMF proof it as much as possible. 

But there's also simple things you can do to reduce your exposure- 

Turn your WiFi off at night/ when not in use

Always have your phone in Aeroplane mode unless you're using it, especially when carrying it when out 

Use a wired connection where possible and ideally eventually eliminate all WiFi 

Take all plugs out of their sockets when not in use with switches turned off of course

Actually, this article explains most of what you can do- https://bengreenfieldfitness.com/article/lifestyle-articles/emf/

If you have the money you'd ideally hire an expert who would help you EMF proof all areas of your house and minimize your exposure. But, that, of course, is expensive. 

Disagree. 5G is one of the biggest Human health experiments in history. 

@outlandish I'm about 95% confident if you do experiments on those who take care of their health with the above mentioned, and those who don't give a shit, those who care would recover much quicker, with fewer complications and with far fewer deaths. What you are talking about is prevention through not interacting with others, which of course is true, but it's like saying eating a healthy diet won't prevent you from getting sick. 

If the whole population was actually healthy and followed a whole foods diet, fasted, protected from EMFs, cold therapy etc and had healthy immune systems, this virus would be 30% of the problem it is, if that, because people would be able to fight it off easier. 

I'm not sure why it's so hard to understand that a Virus that affects the weak and elderly wouldn't be as much of a problem if there was less people in poor health. 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

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@DrewNows  It is right that he criticises the pharmaceutical companies and the researchers that gain money out of drugs and that amateurish mistakes have been done in the studies (haven't looked them up). He is also right that people were conveniently stigmatized.

Still, even before I watched the video I assumed that he stuck a needle and transfered less than a milliliter of blood from the one with HIV. You need more blood for that to happen. You need more exposure to get it. Now, in the video he says right before sticking the needle in that a doctor said it needs a larger amount to get it. That is right. Putting once a penis of a positive tested man in the vagina of a negative tested woman has the chance to transmit the virus, and there occasions where it isn't transmitted. The chance is increased the more you are exposed.

Do I get a flue when I am unprotected in an environment with sick people for one occasion? Probably, maybe not. The chance to get the flue increases the more I am in (close) contact with people who have the flue.

Do you have a newer source for me to inspect? I would love to see how people disagree with that on a scientific basis.


On 7.4.2020 at 10:19 AM, Loving Radiance said:

If someone has unprotected sex with another person who is HIV-positive, he or she can "catch" HIV. Perfectly healthy people with a healthy lifestyle can catch HIV.

There is a chance involved to get it.

Edit 2: I watched it again. 0,22% (66/30000) of the at first positive tested 30k had actually HIV. That is right. You need at first a fast & simple test that has a high false positivity rate to be sure that none of the ones with HIV go undetected. Then the 2nd test which is much more accurate and slower can be made to confirm and exclude false positive ones. This is done for efficiency.

Edited by Loving Radiance

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@LfcCharlie4 I think all this stressing over this might lead to equally as many years being cut from your life as the technology. :D

The only way you'll escape this is to go live in the woods, or on a farm. The biggest difference I notice living on a farm is the clean air. Nothing like it.

Acceptance of being born in a tech age would likely be wise too, instead of fighting the direction the whole world is taking. 


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@fridjonk I’m not stressing about it at all, simply educating myself on it and how to protect myself from it that’s all :) 

Ive completely accepted the Tech age, and aware of the many benefits it brings , however, it’s also good to be aware of the drawbacks of certain things, and I think this will All be exposed in the mainstream over the next decade or so.

Yep, I defo want to get away from the cities, I work from home so have no need to be near one, and living near nature sounds amazing, you’re lucky to live in a farm! 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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If there is a healthy diet and lifestyle there is no need for vaccines.

We don't need 5G either, imo it's just a justification to sell AGAIN billions of smartphones and might be something else behind as well.

The Virus it's just a prove of how sick and dysfunctional this system is.

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7 hours ago, Loving Radiance said:

Do I get a flue when I am unprotected in an environment with sick people for one occasion? Probably, maybe not. The chance to get the flue increases the more I am in (close) contact with people who have the flue.

Do you have a newer source for me to inspect? I would love to see how people disagree with that on a scientific basis

I have to agree most with the terrain theory. “Virus” getting triggered within us, rather than being like a bacteria. Explains how the virus has been seen to shapeshift or transform. If we could simply change our thinking about sickness and realize it’s natural for our bodies to expel waste when waste is consumed, mainly eating to live could become the norm 

Detoxification of the body can be triggered simply from being around people who are detoxing (flu like symptoms) as you said, not that the mind doesn’t play a part as it’s connected to our body; there are many who claim they will never catch a cold or flu (having gone 20+ years sickness free) consuming a primarily alkaline diet (raw) as there’s no build up of acid in the lymphatic system. I’ve taken this dive in the past year exploring my own body and have found that I was able to bring in more energy/vitality on less food, consuming mainly fresh fruit and juices, with some other raw foods. I have actually been around a lot of sick people/family members the fast few months and never did i experience any sort of symptoms of sickness nor was i worried about "catching" anything, although any sort of short detox release is appreciated especially after the occasional cooked food. (Want to learn more about this natural cleansing it’s Dr. Robert Morse book, YT videos) This right here is a great health search engine: http://www.rawfigs.com/ 

Here’s a link to a video where at 19:22 explains how the mind (mental/social health) plays a role in the body response to being diagnosed with AIDS. 


another video on biology of belief with bruce Lipton lecture 

and this one on “virus spreading” 



Shared some interesting files/downloads from FB group for those interested





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19 hours ago, TrynaBeTurquoise said:

There are so many other factors to improve health and resiliency to viruses. 

Yes, agreed that there are numerous factors that can improve health, and can give you a slight edge in defending against viruses. But focusing on the minute edge you could hypothetically gain from some health tweaks is missing the big picture of the problem.

I've brought up this analogy already, but let's just pretend you had a friend or family member who was living a hard life on the street as an intravenous drug user, in the midst of an HIV outbreak. They couldn't seem to get their life in order and get out of the rut. What would you emphasize if you were able to give them some health advice - ask them to stick to clean needles, or would you tell them to avoid 5G? Which piece of advice would give them the best shot at surviving?

Obviously, clean needles will be at least many orders of magnitude more effective than avoiding 5G. In fact it will completely prevent infection.

COVID-19 is very similar - we know exactly how to prevent infection and the spread of this disease - hand hygiene, avoiding physical contact, wearing masks. 5G is completely irrelevant in this picture.


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@Vipassana Amazing interview, but I’m sure we will get told otherwise soon enough ?

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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6 hours ago, outlandish said:

Yes, agreed that there are numerous factors that can improve health, and can give you a slight edge in defending against viruses. But focusing on the minute edge you could hypothetically gain from some health tweaks is missing the big picture of the problem.

I've brought up this analogy already, but let's just pretend you had a friend or family member who was living a hard life on the street as an intravenous drug user, in the midst of an HIV outbreak. They couldn't seem to get their life in order and get out of the rut. What would you emphasize if you were able to give them some health advice - ask them to stick to clean needles, or would you tell them to avoid 5G? Which piece of advice would give them the best shot at surviving?

Obviously, clean needles will be at least many orders of magnitude more effective than avoiding 5G. In fact it will completely prevent infection.

COVID-19 is very similar - we know exactly how to prevent infection and the spread of this disease - hand hygiene, avoiding physical contact, wearing masks. 5G is completely irrelevant in this picture.


Your body's front-line protection/prevention from viruses/bacteria is your own innate immune system. Hand washing, contact, masks are all secondary measures of protection and are often ineffective if your immune system isn't up to par. 

In that analogy you are absolutely right, the 5g would not be a priority. But this is a long term issue, and often times stressors like 5g push people over the edge immunity wise. In the interview with Dr. Bruce Lipton I posted, he describes some people in close proximity to EMF emitting power lines did suffer health consequences from it but not all of them. The ones suffering the most health effects were already dealing with other health issues/stressors on the body. That would describe the majority of people in a country where the average person is not healthy.

Once you describe someone already with a pathology, there are new priorities. The relevance here is that this is an issue that will effect people for years to come if no one does anything about it. If something is harmful to the body, people should not be subjected to it just because it makes cell phone industries money. 5g is not a small jump from 4g either, its a big jump. While all this Covid-19 hysteria is on the media, and freedom of speech is being banned on the press and on youtube from people speaking on the dangers of 5g, this creates a distraction from people not being able to stand up for this breach on human health. 

People are quick to reject a drug because of its lack of thorough testing on humans, but they are rolling out this 5g like people are mice in a lab experiment despite clear evidence it is a danger (or at the very least you would have to acknowledge it as a :potential danger)! Either way its the same, not suitable to expose the public to at this point. A huge double standard and its awakening so many people with all the hypocrisy and red flags it is raising. 

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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@anonuser131 Another Icke fan on here ;) 

'One is always in the absolute state, knowingly or unknowingly for that is all there is.' Francis Lucille. 

'Peace and Happiness are inherent in Consciousness.' Rupert Spira 

“Your own Self-Realization is the greatest service you can render the world.” Ramana Maharshi

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17 hours ago, TrynaBeTurquoise said:

People are quick to reject a drug because of its lack of thorough testing on humans, but they are rolling out this 5g like people are mice in a lab experiment despite clear evidence it is a danger (or at the very least you would have to acknowledge it as a :potential danger)! Either way its the same, not suitable to expose the public to at this point. A huge double standard and its awakening so many people with all the hypocrisy and red flags it is raising. 

I think we are mostly in agreement. I completely agree that we need to be cautious with unrolling 5G, from what I understand it's running at a much higher power than 4G (note that all cell frequencies are using microwave EMF, the question is how much power at these wavelengths is safe for humans and other creatures). It deserves much more study and tests before we go and make it a permanent part of our human environments. There are also reasonable concerns with the 5G hardware manufacturers all coming from China, which could be mandating surveillance backdoors in this hardware.

My contention is that we should steer clear of associating 5G with COVID-19 because there's really nothing but tinfoil-hat armchair conspiracy theory there. Trying to tie the two together just harms valid COVID-19 health messaging, and it even harms the valid concerns with 5G by making it all look like "that conspiracy nonsense".

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19 minutes ago, outlandish said:

I think we are mostly in agreement. I completely agree that we need to be cautious with unrolling 5G, from what I understand it's running at a much higher power than 4G (note that all cell frequencies are using microwave EMF, the question is how much power at these wavelengths is safe for humans and other creatures). It deserves much more study and tests before we go and make it a permanent part of our human environments. There are also reasonable concerns with the 5G hardware manufacturers all coming from China, which could be mandating surveillance backdoors in this hardware.

My contention is that we should steer clear of associating 5G with COVID-19 because there's really nothing but tinfoil-hat armchair conspiracy theory there. Trying to tie the two together just harms valid COVID-19 health messaging, and it even harms the valid concerns with 5G by making it all look like "that conspiracy nonsense".

During this lockdown 5g towers are going up and the dangers of 5g are all being censored and suppressed because they are all grouped in a conspiracy theory strawman argument.

Do you see how this is problematic? That because they are so connected via the media right now in that narrative, you can't even discuss 5g dangers because of what is happening right now with covid. 

Even if you type 5g or 5g dangers in google you are bombarded with the primary results being "5g conspiracy theories nonsense" "False health concerns over 5g" when you scroll deeper then you start getting into scientific american articles and other such sources of PHds giving 5g warnings, saying this is not safe. 

The average person will now associate all 5g concerns with "crazy conspiracy theory nonsense"

"Started from the bottom and I just realized I'm still there since the money and the fame is an illusion" -Drake doing self-inquiry

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1 hour ago, TrynaBeTurquoise said:

The average person will now associate all 5g concerns with "crazy conspiracy theory nonsense"

Exactly yeah, that impression is fuelled by people actually spouting nonsense like 5G causing coronavirus symptoms. So we need to keep our ducks in a row, and be real about these things if we actually care about them.

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