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What is Truth? A Play of self-inquiry for your personal enjoyment.

1 post in this topic

1 What is enlightenment?

2 Awakening to the truth?

1 What is truth in one word?

2 Non-dual.

1 Is non-dual one word or two?

2 They are a two words that form one word.


2 No.

1 Why not?

2 That's a sentence.

1 Why?

2 Because it has more than one word that conveys a message.

1 What is the truth in only one word?

2 Consciousness.

1 What is consciousness?

2 Nothing.

1 What is nothing?

2 Lack.

1 No.

2 Emptiness?

1 No.

2 Nothingness.

1 That's a redundancy.

2 Me. The answer is me.

1 Who are you?

2 What do you mean?

1 Answer the question.

2 I'm just myself.

1 What's that?

2 Whats what?

1 You. That which you are.

2 I'm still figuring myself out.

1 How?

2 I experiment try to see what feels right.

1 Examples?

2 My whole life I've been trying to find life conditions that feel right.

1 Based on what?

2 Survival.

1 Who's survival?

2 You're waiting for me to say "me"

1 Who am I?

2 Why are you asking me that?

1 Who am I?

2 Actually who are you?

1 Why are you actually?

2 What game is this?

1 Who said we are playing a game?

2 Pfft... Whatever. 

1 You're losing focus. Who are you what am I and what is truth?

2 I don't know to be honest, I just create ways to try to gain an understanding of it. Science, material analasys. So forth

1 Do you conduct existence science?

2 What that?

1 When you try to create ways to grasp the truth.

2 Yeah..That's called spirituality, when you try to get enlightened.

1 What is enlightenment?

2 Only Enlightened people know.

1 Who is a people?

2 Us.

1 Who's us?

2 You and me?

1 Is US a sentence or just a word? 

2 It's a word.

1 Us references a you and a me united as an us.

2 Lol that last part of what you texted me sounds like anus.

1 Pfft! 

2 Hahahahaa

1 Lol. What did you first say truth was?

2 Non-dual.

1 No.

2 Why?

1 Because it's not me thats playing the game you're playing yourself!

2 Ummm. So are you like an atheist?

1 No, I believe there is just the infinate play of form we are all unique and we are all part of the non-dual nature of reality. It's like a movie but we are in the movie. An IRL movie that never ends.

God goddesses any ways to describe nothingness. Doesn't do nothingness justice.

 I'd like to say nothing is everything and everything is nothing. It's the same.

 Consciousnesses is the universe, the universe itself is the play of form. Always changing.

 So consciousness is like the synthesis.

 Form the thesis and void the antithesis.

 If I we're to describe it in the Hegelian dialectic.

 I think therefore I exist is a reflection of the I- the created and personality void plays as a role as each of us in our own bodies. Is created by the thought.


 The mind is like the Internet bringing form out of void. An early stage, the seed or mental image. Everybody has a web domain and an IP address. Everyone has a corner of the internet to personalize. 

As Jesus said, what you reap, you sow. So reap good stuff to see good stuff happen.

The mental content you create you add to a larger structure that is a mental prison that causes suffering in it's need to cling to it out of fear. Fear comes from lack of understanding.

I do believe radical and mystical feelings of being one with everything as a whole is possible. Through mental expansion of understanding.

Do your science. Life is the science of life.

You are YOUR world. The flower.  The mental is the seed.

What is truth?

2 Us.

1 Are we non dual?

2 Yes.

1 Yes!❤


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