
This girl seems to be trapped in a hellish state, what would help her?

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I've experienced hell a couple of times, but never have my consciousness been trapped there. I've had the same kind of awakenings before, where the plane of "others and me" have been seen clearly to be a trap and a hellish loop. I haven't had reactions like hers to it though.
Thought it would be interesting if we came up with some recommendation for her and people who are in the same state/space.
I would say she needs to slow down, her mind has obviously trapped itself in a higher/lower state. Almost like a continous bad-trip. Her insights seem to have been corrupted or misinterpreted as evil. I don't have a lot of recommendations, just slow down, breath and seek out help.

Also it seems like she has a big story about what awakening and enlightenment is. She thought there was a divine purpose for her and so on, then she awakened and found out her whole story was a dream/illusion.


Edited by traveler

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43 minutes ago, Keyhole said:

There are dark entities and dark energies, and if you do come from a low vibration home they will target you.  She has been targeted by demons genuinely, I can tell by the way she is talking.  I am crawling out of the same hell.  The cure is to fight through it by acting in your own best interests, self interested action daily.  To call upon a protector deity, like Kali Ma, who devours demons.  Calling on Kali requires coming to her as a small and frightened child.  There are others, like Jesus, Archangel Michael.
She needs to build her faith in light and love.
I'm not a healer, so I can't really give her the steps on how to do this, but I suggest that she go to this page:

There is a woman who was trained by Mary and who is taking on clients.  She needs to see someone experienced who understands how these energies work that can help remove them.  NO ONE HERE IS QUALIFIED TO OFFER THIS WOMAN ADVICE SHE NEEDS AN EXPERIENCED SPIRITUAL PRACTITIONER.

This is the energy she is speaking of - I encapsulated the alchemy of Nigredo in this playlist.

Everything that she talks about you can reference back to this.  She is talking about a real phenomenon.

thanks. It's not the original video, so i don't know how she's doing and how to contact her. Hopefully she has got some relief of some kind. That is some caotic energy that song. How is it going for you?

edit: also the energy from that song captures what my hell experiences has felt like on the nail. Pure chaos, infinite hopelessness, meaninglessness and loneliness

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Good to hear.

If you want to, maybe watch this video by Matt Kahn, I always feel love when watching him.


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My sentiment would be to drop the entire outward subject-object story, and focus on the actual story that is her living & life. To accept where she’s at, in the literal sense - the room, seeing, hearing, feeling, breathing. And to accept you can choose, going forward. 

She does not “come from darkness”. There is one source and it is unconditional love. She seems to be consumed with fear, which is to say, deeply believing many thought which are not true about her or reality. Darkness is a duality, and duality is only in thought. What’s she’s in dire need of, is love. In believing those thoughts, this story of hell, darkness, entity’s, etc, she’s perpetuating the discord she is feeling. She needs insight as to how she’s creating it. The reason it feels so terrible, is the love that she is, is not resonating with any of the thoughts - because they are not true, about the love that she is.

There is nothing ‘out of the picture’ with respect to now. Everything ‘needed’ is direct experience now, is itself the examination of what is, in direct experience, now. One might insist the past or future is present, and that one, that person if you will, stands to feel tremendous relief in realizing the untruth of this. It can be understood that one “feels” they are avoiding “facing” events in their past, but has recontectualized this and projected it onto an entirely different situation (the terrible story). 

Likely severe trauma in her past, and many ideas of who she really is created to ‘make sense’ of it. Profound coping, and an almost total lack of inspection of the thoughts and feeling experienced. I feel for her, and if you know her, send her a link to my website. I’d be happy to talk with her. 



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mhh yeah i guess there are creepy people out there and there is a lot of horrific stuff out there - how good that actualized .org always seemed to me like the other way round - a lot of creepy people who turned out to be quite nice – well some... O.o

don‘t actually take that personal except if you know you are creepy maybe then its time for a change. there are def a lot of psychos around - beyond help... but how good that we all try to find help or try to help ourselves around here! and also help each other - well some... O.o

again don‘t feel personally triggered if you don’t - i didn’t mean its creepy to not do that. some people like horror and there are people around with such devilish intention to guide you astray. 

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What would Happen if this girl takes 5 meo dmt. From such a dark place she only can get better

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13 minutes ago, Nahm said:


My sentiment would be to drop the entire outward subject-object story, and focus on the actual story that is her living & life. To accept where she’s at, in the literal sense - the room, seeing, hearing, feeling, breathing. And to accept you can choose, going forward. 

She does not “come from darkness”. There is one source and it is unconditional love. She seems to be consumed with fear, which is to say, deeply believing many thought which are not true about her or reality. Darkness is a duality, and duality is only in thought. What’s she’s in dire need of, is love. In believing those thoughts, this story of hell, darkness, entity’s, etc, she’s perpetuating the discord she is feeling. She needs insight as to how she’s creating it. The reason it feels so terrible, is the love that she is, is not resonating with any of the thoughts - because they are not true, about the love that she is.

What would happen if one drops all thoughts of "should" about reality, and start seeing each moment as an expression of love? Would that be 'dangerous' since I haven't experienced in 'direct conscioussness' what you guys like to call here 'infinite love'? 

This last days, acting like that was true (that my plan is love, and reality couldn't be anything else but just pure GOODNESS), felt like some legit insights got downloaded into my soul.

Insights like, for example, considering that maybe I really don't need to have "conditions" to feel Ok. I don't know how to explain it or why exactly this insight has arised, but it has gone deep. It seems like an effortless realization of someone deeper than my mind. But who knows, I spend a lot of time in the forum lately, maybe reading you guys about infinite love, it's just my subsconcsiouss believing "fairy tales" or my idea of what is this "infinite love".

I am considering this insight has been downloaded from the intuitive knowledge of the source, to give me a "heads up" ?that I should step my game and start moving myself even more towards love, acceptance and trust. 


Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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I'm not sure what she is talking about in the video? She saw number patterns or something and they kept coming up in her life? That supposed to be angles communicating to her but it was demons?

Edited by Roy


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@Nahm yes right on. Thanks. I dont know her, I found the video when looking up third eye on youtube. There is probably some way of tracking her down, dont know if its necessary though as the video was released 2018.

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40 minutes ago, Roy said:

I'm not sure what she is talking about in the video? She saw number patterns or something and they kept coming up in her life? That supposed to be angles communicating to her but it was demons?

Pretty sure it's new age spirituality stuff. I see number synchronisities often but I don't have a story about how that is angels and beings communicating with me. Her experience is real for her, the density might be enhanced by her spiritual conditioning. She seems to want it to stop so bad and know WHY it's happening to HER. It could be seen as a gift to force her into surrender, a fierce grace. I can only imagine the pain and confusion she went through.

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52 minutes ago, Javfly33 said:

What would happen if one drops all thoughts of "should" about reality, and start seeing each moment as an expression of love? Would that be 'dangerous' since I haven't experienced in 'direct conscioussness' what you guys like to call here 'infinite love'? 

This last days, acting like that was true (that my plan is love, and reality couldn't be anything else but just pure GOODNESS), felt like some legit insights got downloaded into my soul.

Insights like, for example, considering that maybe I really don't need to have "conditions" to feel Ok. I don't know how to explain it or why exactly this insight has arised, but it has gone deep. It seems like an effortless realization of someone deeper than my mind. But who knows, I spend a lot of time in the forum lately, maybe reading you guys about infinite love, it's just my subsconcsiouss believing "fairy tales" or my idea of what is this "infinite love".

I am considering this insight has been downloaded from the intuitive knowledge of the source, to give me a "heads up" ?that I should step my game and start moving myself even more towards love, acceptance and trust. 


I’d consider one of the “shoulds” you mention, could be that you “should” have a my mind, and a my subconscious mind. Who says this, but people believing in the same? The veil is paper thin, if at all. 



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4 minutes ago, Nahm said:

I’d consider one of the “shoulds” you mention, could be that you “should” have a my mind, and a my subconscious mind. Who says this, but people believing in the same? The veil is paper thin, if at all. 

Yeah, having a mind or a subconsciouss mind feels like an "imposed thing" onto something that might be bigger and freer than that.

For example, having the limitation of a "mind" and a "subsconscious mind" seems to be a belief that aligns with someone who deeply believes he is conditional and limited. But investigation is showing maybe I am not conditional or limited. So any thought or belief which resembles limitiation, I instantly doubt about it´s veracity  B|

I need to know who I am really omggg!!

Truth is neither a destination nor a conclusion. Truth is a living experience.

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Yes. Very insightful. Stick to direct experience like you are there. Something not present, need not be added to what is. 

Thought. Perception. Feeling.  See these are separate.  Much later, see they are not. 



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@Keyhole Interesting. I guess the lesson here would be don't rely too much on external sources to help you on your path. The motivation and reasons have to come almost solely from within.

It seems from what she described she was depending on something too much and that rug was pulled out from under her feet and the fall was too hard for her and she isn't sure she can get back up again.


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What is the difference between awareness and perception? 

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@Nemo28 If you are in high enough awareness, there won't be anything to perceive because everything is one. ;)

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25 minutes ago, fridjonk said:

@Nemo28 If you are in high enough awareness, there won't be anything to perceive because everything is one. ;)

So the difference is in the lvl of magnification, we start with perception/awareness and end up with pure awareness without percieving anything a.k.a non-dual state, did i understand it correctly ? 

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@Nemo28 From what I've experienced yes, but that's "my" truth, don't go stealing it. ;)

In the non-dual state, you could also say everything perceives itself. 

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@traveler There’s states of consciousness where reality can appear demonic. Hopefully medicine can help her. She may be having some kind of psychosis or schizophrenia.

Edited by Red-White-Light

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11 minutes ago, fridjonk said:

@Nemo28 From what I've experienced yes, but that's "my" truth, don't go stealing it. ;)

In the non-dual state, you could also say everything perceives itself. 

Thanks! I will try not to steal it but i cant promise ^_^

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