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Radical self acceptance

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How does one practice radical self acceptance? 



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By accepting everything :D

Or you could just notice that Reality itself is already accepting everything as it is, because it is what it is already. And you are that. So, whether or not there are thoughts appearing that seem to be resisting what's happening, radical acceptance is already the case, always.

Alternative Rock Music and Spirituality on YouTube: The Buddha Visions

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By accepting yourself even if you don't have much evidence to back it up.

Accepting to yourself that you are a Leader because life's short and you will do great things no matter what.

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by an outpouring overflowing self-love! 

"If you kick me when I'm down, you better pray I don't get up"

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First express everything you want to do, be, have, experience, etc. Deeply honest expression of all your unique desires, preferences & dreams for your life will bring to the surface any limiting beliefs, and you will be more conscious of any resistant thoughts as they occur. Then when you feel the resistant thoughts take the time to inspect them for their validity, by writing down the opposite thought, and pondering / contemplating and discovering the truth in it. This will counterbalance, or undue the beliefs and resistant thoughts, and expand your mind. Understanding will arise regarding how, why & when you created any limiting beliefs. This will also expand your understanding & your passion, which will inherently expand your patience, understanding, and compassion with regards to others, bringing depth & richness to your relationships.  You can also practice self acceptance in the more direct manor of self love by taking great care of yourself, being mindful of your words and actions, and utilizing things like positive affirmations etc. Simple things like mailing a thank card to someone each day, as it is an expression of the love you are, can be highly effective. 



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Self-acceptance is a trick beast because ego is so deceptive. I must do ABC or I will never amount to anything. I must do XYZ or no-one will ever love me. There are two things that I found helpful and I'm not sure I would arrived at the place I am today without them. First, get therapy. Find a good therapist that will help you develop your self-esteem. Tell that that you struggle with self-acceptance. Why? Because self-acceptance is so counter intuitive. It's a mind fuck. Second, stage green friends who accept you for who you are. It helps a lot to get positive feedback from others. Hope that helps.

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@Joshi3 The term self-acceptance is a bit misleading. A lack of self-acceptance really just amounts to a series of beliefs. Also, be careful with this "everything is non-dual" stuff. You'll just confuse yourself. Self-acceptance is not the same thing as non-acceptance.

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Get in touch with the heart. Your "inner" self. As long as you are in the mind, there´s nothing worthwile to do there. Once you go to the heart, everything will be accepted. Even your mind.

Fear is just a thought

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Persistence, mindfulness noting, and map building. Energetic integration.

 "Unburdened and Becoming" - Bon Iver



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I think we are saying the same thing. I’m suggesting a means, you’re saying just transcend duality. Maybe one leans to self realization, and the other no self realization. 



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