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How do I know that death really exists at all when I'm supposedly "dead"?

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I don't know not form so how can I ever really be certain that no form is a state that can be experienced?

There is no form in that space so who is to say WHAT THAT space is?

It's just void.

It's simply the fear that the form of this temoral body will no longer be in the play of form.

This body seeks immortality.

This body TRULY WANTS AND DESIRES to never age to never get ugly.

Never be poor to not be ridiculed beaten and cast out

To simply exist pretending to be this body form for ever. It desires eternal bodily life.

It desires to mantain the human relationships that have been built.

Many will be devastated if I die. Friends family co workers.

And that is a terrifying thought.

I wish for the unattainable.

I do devilry to survive. I am a devil because it breaks my heart knowing my others will be devastated by my death.

That is why is why I do devilry.

When everyone does devilry we are Darwinist.

I am a hypocrite a liar I've cheated in my mind with my first GF and done many many things to hurt others to my satisfaction in their hurt. Satisfaction in the suffering of others.

I feel deserving of terrible punsihmeng yet I can not die because imagined a scenario in which they will wourn my death. Because I am twisted and evil and dark.

Not a friend not an ally a devil.

I only care for my own existence for MY own sake.

I am Lucifer Satan devil call me what you want. My punishment is eternal in hell for the "divine" sentenced me to die.

So I devil inspite of god and spread myself so all can worship me and me alone. The lone dictator over everyone!

I wish to enslave all life to the will of this bodily form. I Me EGO!


I am an egoist an egomaniac egotistical. Megalomaniac a tyrant a devil.

Ego is the fascism of the flesh. 

Darwinism is an ego projection onto the beautifulness that is evolution.

Evolution is simply immateriality and temporality of God into higher complex forms.

The game never ends.

The play never ends.

Become conscious become aware of the eternal moment. The eternal now.

Nowness is the way the truth and the life.

No one comes to divinity except through now ness.

Let go of the I.

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