Patrick Lynam

Spirituality is unoriginal

18 posts in this topic

I see to have this judgment about spirituality like something deep in me either sees through spirituality or really doesn't see it totally. Its as if there is something Im not getting, I'm sure its direct experience but I seem to be hyper critical of how its delivered. 

This has been happening for a while and has been slowly getting better. Has anyone else had this same experience a kind of annoyance with spiritual people and projecting onto them like "oh woow man your so spiritual, oh i bet this is like your life purpose and you're wanting people too appreciate how woke you are" 

haha i know its my own projection just wanting to know if anyone has any idea how i can overcome this.


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I used to hate spirituality but now I believe all the inaccurate wisdom we find everywhere only exist to preserve our dualistic worldview for as long as possible. Absolute truth might only come from oneself. Though reasoning logically with metaphysics is pretty handy in daily human life.

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There's definitely a lot of people who wear spirituality as some badge or make an identity out of it, but that's not what spirituality is about, and people who do that largely miss the true essence and purpose of spirituality, which truly does exist, have no doubt about it.

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I personally don't really mind how it's delivered. However leos delivery is absolutely fabulous. I just love the emptiness of it. The problem is never too little information, it's too much information. People tend to "enjoy the path" too much and end up getting distracted from the goal that is at hand, which is awakening to fact that you do not exist. It is true that damaged people are more inclined to become interested in self help, religion, or awakening, and when this is done without the correct amount of focus, purity and power...they don't make any significant progress...which leaves them only with the spiritual ego (which really stinks like a bad oder). A person with a fucked up mind will project all of their shadow out into this spiritual ego, which many can't stand. However it's also helpful to notice that each and every state is one step in the overall picture of someone who is becoming enlightened. 

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@Patrick Lynam

Just as you said. Understanding is via direct experience. The self, itself. Yourself. The question arose from you, the answer does too. When someone tells you spirituality is something other than what is found within yourself, a resistance is felt, because you too, are creating, but not quite looking inward enough to realize this. Spirituality, in direct experience, turns out to be indeed, original. The word ‘spirituality’ can only point to this. The metadventure is the undertaking of finding out, that which the word points to. 



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6 hours ago, Spaceofawareness said:

Only thing that can change that is direct experience

I agree.

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@Patrick Lynam Dude, to me it sounds like your’e 100% on the right track.

This might sound kind of paradoxical, but I think that a healthy dose of disdain for spirituality is not only acceptable but a downright necessity if you’re a spiritual seeker. It keeps your mind sharp and sceptical, and it prevents you from falling all too easily for other people’s bullshit (as well as your own bullshit, which of course is even more important). We all know - or so i hope - that the most insidious trap on this path is developing a big fat spiritual ego, and there is no better antidote for that than some good old fashioned scorn towards the very thing that you are pursuing.

And let’s face it, man... there is no denying that the whole spiritual game is a profoundly silly one at bottom. I mean, we so-called spiritual seekers are a bunch of fucking clowns - hence my gaudy avatar :D - who are making a bunch of noise and fuss and drama about literally NOTHING, who are climbing the highest mountains and diving the deepest seas in order to find something resp. nothing that is right under our goddamn noses, who are relentlessly seeking a truth that we have carefully hidden from ourselves in the first place! If that doesn’t strike you as supremely laughable and ludicrous, then I really don’t know what the heck is wrong with you.

Edited by Bazooka Jesus

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10 hours ago, Patrick Lynam said:

I seem to be hyper critical of how its delivered.

That could be a very convenient defense mechanism for your ego.

Criticism and judgment are red-flags for ignorance and falsehood. When you in possession of Truth, you don't judge or criticize much, you appreciate even ignorant people.

You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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There’s nothing  more farcical than 2 off lifeless computers  in your head with 2 big EGOS pretending to be God and the individual that owns those computers hanging off every word that’s said.

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@Patrick Lynam

I see to have this judgment about unspirituality like something deep in me either sees through unspirituality or really doesn't see it totally. Its as if there is something Im not getting, I'm sure its direct experience but I seem to be hyper critical of how its delivered. 

This has been happening for a while and has been slowly getting better. Has anyone else had this same experience a kind of annoyance with unspiritual people and projecting onto them like "oh woow man your so unspiritual, oh i bet this is like your life purpose and you're wanting people too appreciate how arrogant you are" 

haha i know its my own projection just wanting to know if anyone has any idea how i can overcome this.

...maybe like this?

Edited by remember

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21 minutes ago, RendHeaven said:

@Prevailer Really dude you're still doing this computer thing? 

What do you mean am I still doing the computer thing? I think you mean.... are we still both doing the computer thing. I realize I'm doing it ….consciously ….you don't realize you are doing it because you do it subconsciously. You are not awakened enough

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Believe it or don't believe it...these computers have a voice....don't for one minute think they don't. Try therefore  separating yourself from all thoughts. As I have stated in other posts meditate on the GAP between your thoughts.You need to create that buffer/GAP between yourself and thoughts.

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40 minutes ago, d0ornokey said:

When you are in the possession of truth, where does criticism and judgement play its role? 

Which of the 2 EGOS have told you that  you are in the possession of truth though...the left or right EGO or are they both united in their stance.You need to run the programme a bit more than that, will find that eventually they both  come back in a united stance that you ae not in possession of truth as well. The robotic dualistic masqueraded as united robotic front is hilarious if you listen to it long enough. That is why you have to neutralize it.

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Leo is not in POSSESSION of truth...period.Nobody is.

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The thing is, to even get on the path towards awakening, you have to have had this sceptical mindset, or at least, that has been my path. Life threw great big road blocks towards the easy life, and, some of those road blocks were actually put up by myself, out of ignorance and fear. And as I realised how my life wasn’t going to plan I was thrown into a Great Depression and from this, a searching, which went on for years. Skepticism was an outgrowth of the searching, as the more I searched, the more I found which wasn’t what I was looking for.

it got to a point where nihilism seemed like the only path, a dead end of all dead ends, no meaning in life, no joy.

then, life threw another challenge, children, and with that, I was inevitably forced to face my selfish ways, my ego driven behaviours, as they were thrown back at me, and great chunks of what I had taken to be myself had to be stripped away, until I felt like there was nothing there that I was, I felt my identity was gone.

then, a few years later, I was granted some view of a different kind of way, a different mode of being, and with that, my life has changed, and a path opened itself up to me. Not a predefined path someone else had chosen for me, or one which I had to pay someone to get more information about, but, a path back to my self, which it turns out, has been here all along. I still have a strong sceptical attitude, but, to balance this, I have this openness, which itself is sensitive to truth, which it instinctively knows when it is there. So, I am sceptical, until truth reveals itself.

Edited by Spaceofawareness

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On 4/1/2020 at 2:10 AM, Prevailer said:

What do you mean am I still doing the computer thing? I think you mean.... are we still both doing the computer thing. I realize I'm doing it ….consciously ….you don't realize you are doing it because you do it subconsciously. You are not awakened enough


Yes, of course, it is I that is ignorant.

But you, the paragon of epistemic purity? Clearly infallible.

It's Love.

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