TRIP REPORT - 2F-Ketamine - Alien Reality

By billiesimon in Spirituality, Consciousness, Awakening, Mysticism, Meditation, God,
Hey! This is my first trip with Ketamine, to be precise the legal version of Ketamine (here in europe): 2FDCK. I have just one experience with dissociatives, precisely DXM, and you can find the report in my profile.   This Keta experience, which is my first ever, was.... literally ALIENATING. But not a bad trip. It was utterly fascinating, DEEPLY MYSTERIOUS and deeply mesmerizing.
It actually left me with MORE QUESTIONS than before.   -- Technical data -- Empty stomach since 5 hours
Night-time trip, around 3:00 AM
2 hours beforehand I assumed 500 ml of grape juice - the fruit's enzymes act as a slow-down for dissociatives, letting you have a longer high state
I meditated 45 minutes before the session
I did 15 mins of self inquiry just after meditation
Dosage: 75 mg of 2FDCK >>> Plugged rectally (following all @Leo Gura 's tips for plugging)   ---- THE EXPERIENCE ----   >> The quick start 5 minutes after the plugging, my body started to feel sleepy very fast, and I sat on the carpet of my bathroom with a nice lamp lighting to keep me calm. The first 2-3 minutes were still very "normal", I was still my old self, with still a very strong feeling of being "in control".   Then.... after just 5 minutes....  IT PUNCHED me so hard!!!! BOOOOM!!! I had switched from a consciousness state of "it's ok, I'm still me, it's still same old reality" to "what?!? where am I? what is this existance? why?? why is this even real? why am I here?!?" It happened without even a transitioning! I literally switched from being "self-conscious" as always, to BEING without a concept of my self or a concept of "my reality". It's so weird, I can't describe it. It's not describable!   >> The mystery movie I remember I was looking at the bathroom tiles and the bathrobe and they felt so ALIEN. These objects are my ordinary life objects, and they are so dumb and unnoticeable in my normal life... yet they were so mesmerizing and MYSTERIOUS! Oh god, the mystery!!! The bathrobe had these spirals (which it has in real life too), but... during the trip these spirals were so MYSTICAL and so UNEXPLAINABLE!!! It was like looking at an alien artifact, or a south american ancient artifact.   By the way... 2F-K has no visuals, no sensory effects... it shows you reality as you perceive it daily, but what changes is the state of consciousness and the levels of ego. My ego was reduced A LOT, to about 30% of it. And my state of consciousness was of TOTAL MYSTERY, THRILLER-FEELING, like in a noir or psychological crime movie. It was deeply fascinating but slightly scary at the same time. My ears had this constant ringing, which was pretty loud, like some kind of static noise in my head. My mood was almost non-existant. I was very neutral, yet at the same time I was really puzzled and dumbstruck by the deep mystery of existing and witnessing reality.   >> The insanity of existing (peak state) Since the assumption of the chemical, I never looked at the time, until the start of the comedown. Time was really slow... slow... slow... For some brief instances it looked like I was stuck in this eternity FOREVER, in that moment forever... and it scared me as hell.  Then the absolute peak happened: I was 90% dissociated from my body and from my thoughts.  My body was working all alone, without Billiesimon participating. My thoughts were passing by like clouds, and I didn't even notice them. For some brief minutes I WAS PURE WATCHING. 
I SEE. I AM THE ONE THAT SEES. I JUST SEE. I HAVE NO MIND. I CAN ONLY WATCH. This body is not even mine. These thougths are just random noise, what the hell?! 
This place... what is this place? What is reality? Why the hell do  I exist? 
I am pure seeing, I am pure watching... why? This place... this house... this situation... this everything... WHY?!? 
NOTHING HAS A MEANING!!!! IT HAS NO MEANING!!! IT'S JUST SOME ALIEN PERCEPTION!! EVERYTHING IS AN ALIEN PERCEPTION WHICH HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH ME!!!! And I don't even know what "me" means.   >> Ego kicked back a little . The need for security At some point I believe my EGO kicked in.... and I felt the need to brace my legs and body, like a child who's scared...
I grabbed my phone, while my hands felt like random meat and bones, and NOT my body. I sent some messages to my friend. He was asleep. I found comfort in sending the messages, it felt a little bit more like reality was still the same old. I could barely talk, my instinct was telling me that talking made no sense, that my state of being should be enough to communicate with others. Why should I use words? Can't I communicate just by being? The use of words feels so alien and so weird....
I managed to send three short audio messages, with very few words like "nothing has meaning" or "reality is so alien to me", in a very calm, sloooooow and very neutral voice, almost like a ghost voice.   >> The Source calls me I reverted back to keep meditating on the present moment, I realized that my ego was in the way of my true objective: finding the ego death. After some contemplation of the bathroom tiles and the flowers depicted... I felt this Void calling me... I understood that if I continued focusing on the present and meditating... I could have reached a state of basic ego death, some kind of void state. I could tell it was the case, because the more I was meditating , the more I felt like I was completely losing EVERYTHING. Time, space, identity, concepts of life, everything was melting away and I WAS BECOMING A CAMERA. 
The more I meditated the more I was becoming a NEUTRAL CAMERA, STARING AT THE WORLD.   The call from the Source became loud (as it happened in my DXM trip) and then the entrance to the Void was offered to me. Even this time I refused... again....  As I approached the Void in my state of presence, an explosion of FEAR AND TERROR rushed into me, and my ego screamed at me to stop immediately. The terror was so strong that I started to mentally say "no no no no!!! not this time! I'm not ready!!! I might die!!" Again... Source closed off the entrance to the Void and I was left alone with my ego, feeling safe, feeling "as my old self", feeling somehow angry for not accepting the call.   But it was so massive... the entrance was so massive... I never entered the void, but... JUST THE ENTRANCE WAS SO MASSIVE..... I couldn't stand it. I WANT to enter it, but I was not ready this time.   I was not ready.   At the end, as my ego regained power, my body had some nausea, some pain in the stomach, and some small bursts of terror, as my reality was coming back to normal. At the end, I regained peace and a very pleasant feeling of sleepiness. I went to bed.   I was not ready. Just the entrance alone was so immense and scary... oh god. But I SWEAR I WILL ENTER!
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