Fact that people trying to find God, Truth etc=sign, people are not happy with life

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The whole dynamic of people trying to cope (finding God, finding "truth" etc) with reality, is already a sign for a wise person that this reality is was/is not created to be a "wholesome" place, not at all. Things you are given, are taken away. Entropy, cares not about you. 

If this reality was love and wholesomeness in one concealed package, there wouldn't even be a need to do or think a certain way to not feel depressed and sad over the reality of human existence and how dependent and fragile is such existence due to the fragile/weak nature of the human body. 

And all of this because You are not satisfied, you are thus not happy with your existence. If you were truly happy do you think you would be spending your time on trying to find "truth" "god"? Most probably not, because You would be busy enjoying your existence and indulging in happiness. But most people, seem to be not happy, thus they need to cope with reality because reality is inherently harsh and cold/indifferent to beings existing in it. 


Edited by WHO IS

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Yes that's by design. YOURSELF will beat crap out of you do not worry. 

You do not want to be this thing ❤️ well have sad news for you. 

Push and push and push entire lifetime Ofcourse they do they do, forgot what Reality really is. 

Blows my mind how is that possible. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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Just now, zeroISinfinity said:

Yes that's by design. YOURSELF will beat crap out of you do not worry. 

You do not want to be this thing ❤️ well have sad news for you. 

When you say it is by "design", by whos design it is, mine? Why would MYSELF, beat the crap out myself?

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Well MYSELF is real you.Being /Reality itself /this Awareness thingy, False you, you know will die, there is no salvation for it. 

Head will fall eventually. Sooner that thing gets chopped off the better. 

You will dance in your own blood. 

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One thing it looks like people don't want to consider is to what extent the "truths/revelations" one experiences on psychedelics, are distorted, and really are not-true, however, due to the fact that the mind is under the influence of the substance, the mind cannot differentiate that the "truth" that is being shown/experienced is not "true" at all, and thus the mind accepts as truth, because under the influence of the drug it knows no better. 

You can read trip reports where people, say how on LSD, one saw his cat as being God of the universe. The thing is under such substances, the mind is very impressionable and thus one can literally start believing whatever, depending on the individual and the setting of the trip.

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1 minute ago, zeroISinfinity said:

Well MYSELF is real you.Being /Reality itself /this Awareness thingy, False you, you know will die, there is no salvation for it. 

Head will fall eventually. Sooner that thing gets chopped off the better. 

You will dance in your own blood. 

So if the MYSELF is the Real Being. Then why can't it exist for itself. But yet, it attaches itself to false-selves which eventually die? Why does it dress itself with these fake-personas? 

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You know life, experiences, family friends chance to be something other then God, you know. 

That's how you got here by inversion of MIND. 

You are talking with yorself right now but knowing this for sure you couldn't beleive you are living anywhere. 


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Don't be Absolutistic they will cry a lot. ☺️

Well they want SOUL back. 

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I see. It makes sense. However, why would God give himself a life of suffering? Why not give a life of luck/happines? 

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Ask yourself you created it. 

One Being and one Creator. Creator=Being. 

(it's mindrape to wake them up lol, but there is saying overhere if brothers are any good God would have them) 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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Well if as You say, I'm talking with myself and You are talking with yourself,  then I would ask You(Me). :) What do You think, why God created the world with illnesses, aging in it etc? 

Edited by WHO IS

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Your own footsteps to this thing ❤️. 

SELF recognition and SELF becoming. 

Edited by zeroISinfinity

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So God is playing "hide and seek" with himself?

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"God HAS made this world the highest expression of consciousness and love.

But you are not conscious enough to see it. Because you're stuck in the relative survival domain.

The problem is, your idea of "highest expression of love" is incorrect. God's idea of it correct. And it has been made actual.

Love is a very counter-intuitive thing. You think it should be all rainbows and butterflies, but that's wrong! That's not the highest love. The highest love includes viruses and death and suffering. Why? Because the highest Love must even love viruses, death, and suffering! The highest Love must be unconditional.

The problem is you hate viruses, death, and suffering. Because you are selfish. But God does not hate those things. Because God is selfless.

Stop asking God to stoop down to your level. Instead, muster the courage to raise your perspective to God's level. So you can appreciate the Love."  -Leo Gura

God is both suffering and the opposite of suffering. Suffering exists exactly because God must be everything, and it loves all aspects of itself.

Instead of wishing for reality to be some other way, you should learn to appreciate how it already is, because that is exactly how it should and must be for everything to work.


Edited by Osaid

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2 minutes ago, Osaid said:


God HAS made this world the highest expression of consciousness and love.

But you are not conscious enough to see it. Because you're stuck in the relative survival domain.

The problem is, your idea of "highest expression of love" is incorrect. God's idea of it correct. And it has been made actual.

Love is a very counter-intuitive thing. You think it should be all rainbows and butterflies, but that's wrong! That's not the highest love. The highest love includes viruses and death and suffering. Why? Because the highest Love must even love viruses, death, and suffering! The highest Love must be unconditional.

The problem is you hate viruses, death, and suffering. Because you are selfish. But God does not hate those things. Because God is selfless.

Stop asking God to stoop down to your level. Instead, muster the courage to raise your perspective to God's level. So you can appreciate the Love.

God is both suffering and the opposite of suffering. Suffering exists exactly because God must be everything, and it loves all aspects of itself.

Instead of wishing for reality to be some other way, you should learn to appreciate how it already is, because that is exactly how it should and must be for everything to work.


Look it sounds good on the paper. However, we are talking about "Experience". When you are feeling pain 24/7, knowing/realizing that God created the world with the highest expression of consciousness and love, WILL not help at all. However, the pain that I'm feeling/experiencing is/will be very real to me. 

Also, it is easy for God to not hate viruses, death, and suffering, because He is immune to such things, so of course, he would not have anything against such things. So he is in a privileged position, so what he thinks about those things and what I think cannot be compared, because he is already in an unfair advantage, it is not Him suffering, it is not him avoiding death at any corner, it is not him feeling pain from illness.

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@Osaid There is no suffering. Not even as possibility. 

Guess it is hard to let go of ⬜⬛⬜⬛ game. 

Need to ask @Nahm how to create that board. What I have to write and make columns. 

Step into ❤️. 

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@zeroISinfinity Yes, suffering is fundamentally illusory, but still a concept of the ego that needs to be addressed. Good point though.

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@WHO IS You are God. You can be immune to suffering, you are creating the illusion of suffering. You are immortal.

If the concept of suffering did not exist you would not be able to experience this world to its full potential, and God could not be itself.

Suffering is fundamental to reality, you do not realize the radical implications that would be if suffering did not exist. This is why you cannot appreciate it.

Without suffering, we would probably not even know what happiness is, because there would be nothing left to contrast it.

God knows exactly what it is doing.

All of reality is perfection.

Existentially, all of reality is love.


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If I-We are God, we should be able to do anything we like. We wouldn't be trapped and be limited by fixed variables. You know the stories about Jesus walking on water, healing the sick etc, and that He told that those who follow his teachings will be able to do even greater things? Well, if we are God we should be not only able to walk on water and heal the sick, but be able to do anything and be lords of reality and not the opposite. 


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1 hour ago, WHO IS said:

The whole dynamic of people trying to cope (finding God, finding "truth" etc) with reality, is already a sign for a wise person that this reality is was/is not created to be a "wholesome" place, not at all.


I love you.

Wake up son. Wake up. Please wake up so you can know Love.


You are God. You are Truth. You are Love. You are Infinity.

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