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A Bias Toward the Outrageous

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Lately, I have noticed some differences I have after consuming more media than usual in the past week.  I tend to focus on the most outrageous forms corruption to the point that it makes our current system in the United States seem broken.  Although I may have many ideas about what could be done about these things and why it is the way it is, I realize I have almost no control over what happens.  The most I can do is donate a few dollars to causes I like, but on its own there is little impact.  This makes me feel cynical like other Americans who feel that the system to hopelessly broken to the point that they don't bother participating. 

However, I am a little bit different from this.  First I made myself feel bad from focusing on things like Trump blowing a trillion dollars on wall street brokers resulting in a slow reaction to COVID-19, corrupt police officers planting drugs on innocent people in traffic stops, the strong corporate grip over American politics, and many other systemic problems.  After this I started consuming less media in favor of reading more books which offer much greater value than the daily news of outrageous things I have no control over, whereas many people may continue watching out of habit.  Why is it that we focus on outrageous things?  This can include focusing on your child's F instead of the A.  When this approach is taken in politics, it can make us feel hopeless and powerless.  What is the maximum control an ordinary citizen could realistically have?  Are we better off ignoring the media and just reading books on emotions, spirituality, success, ect.?  How does politics make you feel?

When I forget about politics, I live in a pretty peaceful neighborhood with a relatively low amount of COVID-19 cases.  There are some people who bum money off of me from time to time trying to get alchol, food, or a ride on the bus, but overall I can be very happy and peaceful when I focus on my immediate reality rather than the outrageous.

Thank you for your consideration

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